WCF / ASMX :: Server Rejects Large Amounts Of Data?

Jan 16, 2011

I have an asmx web service I am "Upgrading" to WCF. It's function is to pass a DataTable to the Remote Server. It works fine as long as the dataset contains under 20 records(more or less). Anything greater than that returns the error:

The remote server returned an unexpected response: (400) Bad Request

Everything I searched on the web says I need to increase things like maxBufferSize in my Web.Config File, but like so many others, it has produced no results. This seems like it should be a simple fix.

I am using VS 2010 on Windows 7. All Development and debugging is being done on the localhost. What I currently have for my web.Config file is below:


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Storing Large Amounts Of Session Data?

Feb 16, 2010

Im in the process of developing a web application, and I wish to store a reasonable amount of data for each user.

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The only 2 options that I have come up with is:

* Session Data
* Storing the information in a text file with random file names for each person
* Database

The first one I do not really want to use as it would bog down the server - the second one is cumbersome

Is there any other options?

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foreach(string email in emailAddresses)
MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage();
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient();

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WCF / ASMX :: Timeout Error Handling - Data Large To Fetch

Jun 8, 2010

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The message could not be processed. This is most likely because the action [URL] is incorrect or because the message contains an invalid or expired security context token or because there is a mismatch between bindings. The security context token would be invalid if the service aborted the channel due to inactivity. To prevent the service from aborting idle sessions prematurely increase the Receive timeout on the service endpoint's binding. The thing is if I set SendTimeout in test server client config less than 20 seconds then it works fine but we should not be limited upto 20 seconds as it is awfully short.

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Feb 6, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Editing Amounts In Details View?

Jan 18, 2010

I am using access database with asp.net C# page.

I have multiple amounts that I need to display and edit. I am trying to understand the best way to do this..

In MSAccess:

Should I define them as currency or number?


if I use formatting for the field as {0:C}, it works fine in View mode. However, i am unable to update the field in Edit mode for an amount with decimal places. In Edit mode, I can only enter whole numbers(ex: I can enter 123, but not 1.23).

If I set the ApplyFormattingInEditMode=True, I am unable to save data entered in any format($123.23, 123, 123.23, all of them cause the error).

The error I am getting is "Input string is not in a correct format".

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Sep 23, 2010

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Jul 16, 2010

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But the webservice keeps timing out when I'm trying to use larger RSS-feeds.

ie. this feed from Youtube: [URL]

VideoModule = {
LoadVideos: function () {
var ret = RSSService.GetFeed("http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/base/users/TheOnion/uploads?alt=rss&


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WCF / ASMX :: Send Large DataTable From WCF Service?

Jan 10, 2011

I am trying to send System.Data.Datatable from a WCF service, to a C# Windows Forms application. When I execute, I get follwowing message:The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceededThe datatable I am trying to send can get quite large. What would be the best approach to send the DataTable across without hitting message size limit, or in other words, what are ways around this problem?

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Webforms - Login Control Rejects Users Who Exist?

Apr 16, 2010

I'm having some trouble with the ASP.NET 2.0 Login Control.

I've setup a database with the aspI.net regsql tool.I've checked the application name. It is set to "/".

The application can access the SQL Server. In fact, when I go to retrieve the password, it will even send me the password. Despite this, the login control continues to reject logins.

I added this to the web.config:

<membership defaultProvider="AspNetSqlProvider">
<add name="AspNetSqlProvider" connectionStringName="LocalSqlServer" applicationName="/" type="System.Web.Security.SqlMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>

And I added the following to my connection strings:

<remove name="LocalSqlServer" />
<add name="LocalSqlServer" connectionString="Data Source=IDC-4EXCALIBUR;Initial Catalog=allied_nr;Integrated Security=True;Asynchronous Processing=True"/>

(Note the "remove name" is to get rid of the default connection string in the App_Data directory.)

Why won't the login control authenticate users?

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I have seen this issue with importing from Excel with the jet 4.0 engine, however I am importing a text file.

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I mean how to process payments and receive amounts for purchase the store has made.

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SQL Server :: How To Insert A Large Bytes

Jan 3, 2011

In my program, I need update a filed to the database. The field is for a pdf file content. I know, maybe I should save the pdf file to the local file system, and save the file path to the SQL. but, right now, it is the file content saved to the SQL.

from my program, it loads the file which is input by user. I use File.ReadAllBytes. Then, run the stored procedure on the SQL server, and use the bytes[] as parameter, to insert the file to the SQL. it works fine when file size is small. However, as file size becomes larger, say 200MB, sometimes, it pops out of memory exception.

So, I'm thinking, maybe I can load parts of the file, say 1MB a time, then update the database, then loop. so, this way, no matter how large the file is, it should not have any problem.

my question is: is there a standard way to do this? so, I should not save file content to the SQL at all? shoudl save file in file system, save the file path to sql only? or there are other way to deal with this?

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Reindexing A Large SQL Server Database To Lucene?

Feb 24, 2011

We have a web service method which accepts some data and puts it in Lucene index. We use it to index new and updated entries from our asp.net web app.

These entries are stored in a large SQL Server table (20M rows and growing), and I need a way to be able to reindex the whole table in case if current index gets deleted or corrupted. I'm not sure what's the optimal way to retrieve chunks of data from a large table. Currently, we use the fact that the table has PK which is autoincrement, so we get chunks of 1000 rows until it starts to return nothing. Kind of like (in pseudo language):

i = 0
while (true)
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM mytable WHERE pk between i and i + 1000
.... if result is empty 20 times in a row, break ....
.... otherwise send result to web service to reindex ....
i = i + 1000

This way, we don't need to SELECT COUNT(*) which would be a big performance killer, and we just move up the pk values until we stop getting any results. This has it's con: if we have a hole greater than 20,000 values somewhere in the table, it will stop indexing assuming it reached the end, but that's a tradeoff we have to live for now.

way of getting data from a table to index? I would assume we are not the first ones facing this problem - search engines are widely used nowadays :)

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Feb 9, 2010

I have a requirement to upload large files using dotnet using ftp. Any opensource programs available?

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MVC :: Handling Large Number Of Images Downloaded From Server?

Feb 17, 2011

Handling large number of images downloaded from server

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How To Large Product Catalog With Statistics - Alternatives To Sql Server

Apr 20, 2010

I am building UI for a large product catalog (millions of products).

I am using Sql Server, FreeText search and ASP.NET MVC.

Tables are normalized and indexed. Most queries take less then a second to return.

The issue is this. Let's say user does the search by keyword. On search results page I need to display/query for:

Display 20 matching products on first page(paged, sorted)
Total count of matching products for paging
List of stores only of all matching products
List of brands only of all matching products
List of colors only of all matching products

Each query takes about .5 to 1 seconds. Altogether it is like 5 seconds.

I would like to get the whole page to load under 1 second. There are several approaches:

Optimize queries even more. I already spent a lot of time on this one, so not sure it can be pushed further.Load products first, then load the rest of the information using AJAX. More like a workaround. Will need to revise UI.Re-organize data to be more Report friendly. Already aggregated a lot of fields.

I checked out several similar sites. For ex. [URL]. Not only they display the same information as I would like in under 1 second, but they also include statistics (number of results in each category).

The following is the search for keyword "white" [URL] How do sites like zappos, amazon make their results, filters and stats appear almost instantly?

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Architecture :: Serving A Large Amount Of Users On A Web Server?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a project that will be assigned to me soon whereby I need to develop a survey which needs to support 40,000 users approximately. Now we are thinking of doing a staged approach so not all users are on the server at any one point of time. Probably splitting it so we can serve at least a few thousand of users...

I dont have much experience of how I can ensure to serve those levels of users on a server and how to manage this so I am after some advice?

From my understanding I need to do some stress testing on a server and obviously I need some figures i.e. average size of request, average size of response and content of response.

- Do I have to build the database and add records in to see what size is a typical survey row?

- Do I have to build the survey in .NET i.e. by adding controls etc and seeing what size is the page?

- The survey shouldnt be too instensive processing wise, it will be adding information into a backend sql database...

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