I have three panels.Right,Middle and Left. controls in the panel right and left are dynamically loaded. the middle panel is just a separator ,that contains only text saying "else" which should come exactly in the middle of two panels.
how to set the middle panel ?
since right and left panels are dynamically loaded with controls , it is very difficult to set the text of the middle column.
I am trying to uise the Ajax Toolkit Tab container and Tab Panel controls. I got them working BUT the tabs are on the right side of the web page instead of starting on the left side. I have tried many things to move them to no avail. I am using a master page and a css style file. By clicking around they moved to where they should be but then after viewing web page went back to right (wrong) side.
I have an AJAX Modal Popup panel that contains a RadioButtonList, 2 labels and 2 DropDowns. I want to update the Labels and DropDowns when a radio button is selected. My attempt at this posts back which causes the ajax popup to disappear.
aspx called on image click: <asp:Panel ID="pnlModalContainer" runat="server"> <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblTest" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" OnSelectedIndexChanged="rblTest_SelectedIndexChanged"> [code]...
How to save the drawing (contents) on a panel as an image using C# and asp.net.I found Panel1.DrawToBitmap but its not working in the asp.net ,is there any assembly i am missing or the function is altogether different?
How to save the drawing (contents) on a panel as an image using C# and asp.net.I found Panel1.DrawToBitmap but its not working in the asp.net ,is there any assembly i am missing or the function is all together different ?
int width =Convert.ToInt32(Panel1.Width); int height = Convert.ToInt32(Panel1.Height); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width,height); Panel1.DrawToBitmap//no definition or missing assembly
I am using CollapsiblePanelExtender and there are few controls within the panel which need to be shown on expanding the panel. Controls are in three different div within the panel.
On expanding panel, IE page scroll bar position doesn't go down upto third div and i can see the controls upto second div. I have to scroll down the page to see all the controls.
Is there any way if i can see all the div controls on expanding panel instead of manually scrolling down the page?
i want to get the contents of a textbox and set them to a asp label for output, we can cause a postback to if that makes it easier, so far i did this and it comes up trumps
I have posted below the code to a very simple log-in page, but can't work out why, when viewed in a browser (Chrome, - I haven't tried others), it appears way down the page in the ContentPlaceHolder and not at the top. Also, how would I make such 'functions' as log-in boxes like this one appear centred on the ContentPlaceHolder as opposed to formatted to the left?
If anyone could indicate where in this code it states to align the log-in function box to the left and half way down the page (not align to the MasterPage header
I have a table on top of my gridview. My table contains labels. However, though I would like to align the size aka the length of the table with the length of my gridview so that everything looks decents. How do you go about doing so.
I have a table with 10 columns out of which 8 have a radiobuttonlist, now the two ohter columns that I have, one has text boxes and another one a label.
I want the columns 1 and 2 to align with the rest of the columns. Because its columns 3 - 8 have radiobuttonlist, its considering one Radiobuttonlist in one cell of the table
I am using two Grid Views to display data. One (headersGV) is used to show custom headers which change depending on the device type in the second table (dataGV).
The second displays device data and is bound to db tables. This table has a sort mechanism enabled, the functionality of which is in the header cell of the table, hence the need for the headerGV for column headers.
I need to align these two seperate tables so that the headers align with the data columns in the other table. The dataGV columns dynamically resize depending on the data displayed.
I have tried inline styles, css bound to both tables at different levels of priority, onbind methods, and overriding DataBind() method.
So I am adding StaticTextField controls to a page. This is using ExtJS, but we use VB.NET methods to add ExtJS so we don't actually have to write it.
I tried using
.Style = "text-align:right"
But that isn't working, in fact it isn't doing anything. Here is the whole code of one of the controls:
With .AddColumns(2) With .Item(1) .LabelWidth = 150 With .AddControl(New Forms.Control("LoanProceeds", "../../loanProceeds", "Loan Proceeds", IIf(Model.LoanProceeds <> 0, Model.LoanProceeds, "$0.00"), Forms.Control.ControlType.StaticTextField)) .Validate.AllowNegative = False .Validate.AllowDecimals = True .Style = "text-align:right" .ReadOnly = True End With
All these controls are contained within a column, which is contained within a fieldset, which is contained within a panel.
why these aren't right aligning using CSS? For some reason, if I try to use the same code above (the CSS), to try and right align comboboxes, or number fields, it works, and they are located right underneath these static controls, but it's not working for static controls. They need to be static because we don't want the "box" outline on each of the values, we just want it to be text, nothing else on the screen.
I am having some trouble with designing a masterpage for my site. In IE 8 the left menu pane stretches out every time i add a pic to the top table. When in compatiblity mode this is not a problem
I am trying to set up a web application with a datagrid and a chart on one tabpanel of a tabcontainer. It started of ok but I need to have the chart positioned right next to the datagrid. I read about using css but cannot get it to work. I have added a separate css file
i would like to ask what is the best way to position and align images on an HTML web page.
I will have approximately 10 user-controls that each have a set of images on them laid out in a specific pattern, eg - an arc, a circle, straight line, some other sort of curve.
First off loving the new look, well done to the moderators / owner of the site.
Okay I want to display in a div 16 image controls which are 100 x 100 px in dimension. I need to display four rows of four but I just cannot get them to line up.
The textbox aligns to the right, but the label aligns to the left and on the line above. How can I fix this so that the label is on the left, the textbox on the right, and both on the same line?
On poping up the Dialog Box (consisting of an image) on Page Load ,sometimes it doesnt align to the center of the page. Tried everything (e.g putting correct DOC type, Css etc) but still not happening.Although if you refresh or even resize the window it aligns to the center. Using the latest Ajax Control toolkit ModalPopupextender
I'm using Crystal reports 2011 and visual studio and 2008 and I'm having a problem displaying my report in the Crystal Report viewer. I'm using themes and my data is not aligning like expected. I have a lot of numerical data on the report and I have the numbers right aligned.
I finally figured out that if I don't use themes then the report shows the data as it should - right aligned, but when I apply the theme the data gets left aligned.Am I correct in assuming that if you are using themes then your data won't align correctly with the crystal report viewer? how to get my data aligned correctly when using themes?