Web Forms :: Avoid Form Resubmission (resubmit) On Refresh Clicked
Oct 21, 2015
I have a simple sign up form, user fill that form and press submit and then he refresh the page, the form re submit again and data enter in database twice. How to prevent?
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Sep 21, 2010
I'm developing ASP.NET applications and stuck with a "problem" relating to resubmit behaviour. I'm controling the re-submit using a counter in form submit event which disables the submit if it's already been posted. My application is a 3 step workflow and when the 3rd step is shown the transaction was submited from step2 to step 3. What's my problem? Well... i want to avoid the user to resubmit the data by pressing the F5 or all other possibility. I don't want to disable the key because may be workarounds. I'm wondering if i can remove the post data in a HTTP module that runs after the render was completed and right before the response is sent to the user.
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Oct 21, 2010
I have following code which end up with posting error randomly.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
Session("sendmsg") = Server.UrlEncode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString())
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Nov 30, 2010
I have a gridview that pops up when you click a link. It displays 5 columns.. if you click on the "select" link next to the record, i pass that rows values back to my form and submit the form again.. this works fine if i select a record that has all my form field values..
but if i pick a record that has some values that are empty it doesnt work.. after debugging im finding that for the fields that are blank on the screen, this is the value being passed " " which of course is not empty or null.. so my code doesnt know how to handle that.. i even tried to add .Trim() to the end of the gridview value and still getting that space being passed. How can i pass empty string instead of the for fields that dont have anything to pass?
This is my code i have for the SelectedIndexChanging event of the gridview
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Feb 1, 2011
My ViewState implementation causes "Confirm Form Resubmission" dialog to appear each time I press 'back' button, but when I create test site using microsoft's aspx their viewstate isn't causing such problems. What should I know to prevent my browser from showing "Confirm Form Resubmission"? I've found an interesting resource here, the problem described in terms of browser caching, if the page is cached than it won't make a post at all, now it is interesting how to make my page cachable by default.
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Feb 13, 2010
I have a masterpage with a timer that shows server time and refreshes every second, on the content page I have a chat program with ajax, refreshes every to second to get the last messages entered.
I have a Html TextBox and a hidden Submit Button, when user write a text, and hit the enter, I check to see if this is the enter key and then submit the message,it is working perfectly in IE, but in FireFox and Opera it show the same message twice. I think the problem is the Timer, is there any way to avoid the MasterPage timer in this particular content page?
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Feb 16, 2010
I have a receipt page for my clients that will display their info and they will get notify by an email message. Here is the problem: when user hit refresh button from a brownser, it will send duplicate email message to the user.
This is what i have:
void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
{ if(!IsPostBack)
protected void SendEmail()
{ //here is my function for email
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May 7, 2015
i have problem with radiobutton is in autopostback=true.
if i check rb1 page is refresh. after using update panel also i face the same problem in my code autopostback=true is compulsary beacause some controls open depending on this option..
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Nov 17, 2010
On button click i do action A1, like
btnAction1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
//Action 1 code
now ,i'll click this button. If page is refreshed after Action1 is done..request is sent again and same action is repeated.
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Mar 30, 2010
I am learning how to use repeater and datagrid. I've been able to update a datagrid successfully. I have two text box, which take an item description and quantity, save them in a database, and display them back in a datagrid whenever the user access the page again. If the user were to enter a value, let say description ='coffee' and quantity= '15', it would save them in the database properly. However, if the user refreshed the page, a second row with the same value ('coffee', '15') is added to the database again. How can I avoid this from happening?
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Feb 22, 2011
I'm having many child pages under a master page. When ever i click "Enter" button from my keyboard from the child page
1. A postback happens and the page is redirected to some other page
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Jan 30, 2010
I have .aspx page that page inserts the data to the database on a button click. But when i press the button it is going right. i m getting the Successfully message as " successfully inserted data". In this situation if i press "F5" or Refresh the page it is firing the button click event.
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Feb 16, 2011
I have some asp.net pages that read and write cookie values. During the life cycle of a page it may update the cookie value and then need to read it again further in the code. What I've found is that it's not getting the latest value of the cookie until a page refresh. Is there a way around this? Here's the code I'm using to set and get the values.
public static string GetValue(SessionKey sessionKey)
HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookiePrefix];
if (cookie == null)
return string.Empty;
return cookie[sessionKey.SessionKeyName] ?? string.Empty;
public static void SetValue(SessionKey sessionKey, string sessionValue)
HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[cookiePrefix];
if (cookie == null)
cookie = new HttpCookie(cookiePrefix);
cookie.Values[sessionKey.SessionKeyName] = sessionValue;
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1);
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Apr 21, 2010
I have a page that shows statistics for users, this cannot be cached because each user has different statistics and there are many thus the real time query must be made.
What the way to avoid database server overload when user will click F5's to refresh or to ask different queries in short time intervals ?
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Apr 7, 2010
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack) // If page loads for first time
Session["update"] = Server.UrlEncode(System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); // Assign the Session["update"] with unique value
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Aug 3, 2010
can i refresh a page when a button i clicked?
i think it has to do with the postback
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Oct 21, 2010
i need a code to Avoid multiple form submissions in a page..
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Oct 21, 2015
I have gv as follows: Refresh Page when Download Button is clicked in ASP.Net
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May 7, 2015
Here is the sample code am trying.
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="conditional">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" />
[Code] ....
This upload is working. But why the page is getting refreshed? this is not partial post back and instead it 's full post back. i have read the articles for the fileuplaod with issue inside the update panel. is there any way to achieve this asynchronous upload on button click?
I don't want to use the Ajaxtoolkit Asyncupload because that will upload (Ref : [URL] ....] the moment when we seelct the file itself which i don't want to do that. i need to do on the button click event.
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Aug 17, 2010
How do you get dropdown lists to refresh after a submit button has been clicked and the radgrid has been populated? Basically I have built a search tool which allows users to select the items from a dropdown list, click a button their results are displayed in a grid. However, currently it won't allow users to carry out a second search. It it a rebinding issue?
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Mar 30, 2011
I have a button that has click event in my C#. This works great. However afetr pressing F5 to refresh the page I noticed the button event is fired. This occurs every time I click F5. I've added if(page.IsPostBack) and the method still runs.
Is there any way to stop method from firing when the F5 Refresh button is clicked?
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May 1, 2013
i used a linkbutton inside repeater,when it is clicked whole page is refresh .linkbutton name is comment.i want when link button is clicked ,text box (txt comment) should be visible,without refreshing the entire page
<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterNews" runat="server"
onitemcommand="RepeaterNews_ItemCommand" >
<table class="style1" style="border: thin solid #C0C0C0; margin-left: 50px; background-color: #99CCFF;" cellspacing="0">
<td rowspan="2"> <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%#Bind("Photo") %>' Width="80" Height="70" />
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Jan 25, 2010
I have a radio buttonlist in my webpage with 2 list items, when I click the 2nd list item I want to change the visibility of a text box so it wore the code
protected void rbList_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (rbList.SelectedIndex == 0)
txtPresentlyUsing.Visible = false;
if (rbList.SelectedIndex == 1)
txtPresentlyUsing.Visible = true;
and its working fine but the page got refreshed how can I avoid this if I want to use ajax how can I implement it?
View 16 Replies
May 5, 2010
I have an app that uses masterpages. On the masterPages I have a TreeView. I would like to only refresh the ContentPlaceHolder & not the Entire masterPage when a link is clicked on the treeView.
I have placed the contentplaceholder in an Updatepanel. I would like to if possible avoid including the menu in the update panel.
VS2008 C#
AJAX Control toolkit Version 3.0.30512.20315
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Jan 5, 2011
I have a user control and inside that user control I have a image button on whose click I am opening a modalpopup extender(which is another user control) I am populating all the values in drop down list and getting all the information i need on the form. The user and go and save the information required on that web form and clicking on cancel would exit the form which would bring the user back to the main user control.
The problems faced:
1.Problem 1: Not refreshing On clicking on tree view one of the nodes I am calling the reload function of parent user control as well as the user control present as popupextender. This click would refresh and fill in the values from the database for user to view and edit. Now when the user clicks on the image button another user control opens up where he can edit the entire values of the form and move back and forth in the records I have put update panels for every block and for the buttons. He can save the information. But when he exits and form and reopens it after a while the values of the form are retained the values which are not saved to the database but the ones which were selected so it is retaining them and not refreshing. How can I force the refresh everytime the button is clicked for modalpopup extender user control.
2. Problem 2 enable/disable buttons I am not able to enable and disable the buttons inside the extender the buttons are in the update panel as well as for the different sections of the form.
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