Web Forms :: Calling A Method On A Web User Control That Is Added At Runtime

Sep 23, 2010

I have a Web Form that uses Master Pages. I only tell you this part so you understand the layers.

On the page, I have a web user control. I can see public methods on that user control by simply calling userControlName.PublicMethod();

However, there is a button on this page which generates additional content. This content is based on a placeholder control and adding additional web user controls :


Now, on the main form, I want a submit button that will call a public method of each "subForm" that was added at runtime.

I have tried various forms of Control C = This.Page.Master.FindControl("cpBody").Findcontrol("ctl01")... etc, but can never seen to get the right combination.

Below is a listing of the web form


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Web Forms :: Calling Master Page Method From A User Control?

Apr 5, 2010

Does anyone know how I would go about calling a method found in the master page code behind from a user control's code? The user control is on the master page. The method I want to call is public.

I can easily call a method found in the pages code behind using:

Page.GetType().InvokeMember("TheMethodsName", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, this.Page, null);

or I can call a method found on the master page from my aspx page code behind using:


But I am stuck because I can't find the MasterPage in my user control code behind.

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Web Forms :: Calling A Page Method Using InvokeMethod From An User Control?

Jan 18, 2011

I have an aspx page which has an usercontrol say UC1 for selecting query paramters.

UserControl uc1 in turn opens another user control (UC2) as a modal popup.

1. On OK click, I am setting the values of another usercontrol (uc1) from the control uc2 by invoking a page method(doAccept). It appears to call the method and values seems to be set. But the problem the usercontrol/page does not display the new value or in otherwords it is not refreshed.

If the above is not possible is there any other way to refresh the parent page.


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Web Forms :: Loading UserControl At Runtime And Invoke Method Of User Control?

Jun 5, 2010

I have usercontrols which are loading at runtime in my aspx... (This part is working fine).

Now i need to invoke the methods of the user control which has been loaded..

How to invoke those methods??

like if i have 3 methods in usercontrol which is loaded at runtime:


Now how to invoke these methods at runtime?

View 11 Replies

C# - Calling A Method On The Parent Page From A User Control?

May 3, 2010

I am using a user control that I created (just a .cs file not an .ascx file), that does some magic and depending on a value generated by the control, I need it to do something on the parent page that is 'hosting' the control. It needs to call a method under certain circumstances (method is on the parent control).the control is placed on the parent page like so:

<customtag:MyControl ID="something" runat="server" />

I'm dynamically creating buttons etc on the control itself but when a button is clicked, let's say for example that there's a text box on the control and if the value of the textbox is "bob" it needs to call a method on the page that's housing the control...how can I accomplish this?

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AJAX :: Calling Parent Page Method From User Control?

Oct 3, 2010

I looked up the threads about this. But I couldn't do it...

this is my method in aspx.page:

public void MesajlariGetir()
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("msjlarigetir", con);


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Web Forms :: Calling Method From Control Property?

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to call a method from a control's event property.

Ex. <asp:textbox id="textbox1" runat="server" OnLoad="test" />

Code Behind:

public void test(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Web Forms :: Control Is Not Going To Visible After Calling The Method In JQUERY?

Aug 10, 2010

I called the server side Method using AJax and inside Method iam going to Add the Media Player to Place Holder i debug the code every thing is ok but Place Holder is not Displaying any thing.

Here is my code of JQUERY


and Here is my server side Method


and in aspx code i just put the DataList for binding the Thumbnail Images and Place Holder control for displying the Media Player .

But Place holder is not going to visible after the calling sercer side Method to JQUERY. Is there any thing iam doing wrong.

View 5 Replies

Panel.FindControl() Method Isn't Finding A Control That Has Been Added To It

Feb 9, 2011

Consider the following code, adding 2 textboxes with the same ID (oops):

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string TextBoxName = "TextBox1";
Panel p = new Panel();
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.ID = TextBoxName;
if (p.FindControl(TextBoxName) == null) // <-------*******
TextBox t2 = new TextBox();
t2.ID = TextBoxName;

The code is designed to stop adding the same ID twice. However, the Panel.FindControl() method is not finding a control that was added in the previous line of code.

Am I using this in the wrong way?

I mean - sure - I could manually iterate through the controls in the next level, like:

string TextBoxName = "TextBox1";
Panel p = new Panel();
TextBox t = new TextBox();
t.ID = TextBoxName;
TextBox t2 = new TextBox();
t2.ID = TextBoxName;
bool duplicateFound = false;
foreach( Control c in p.Controls )
if(c.ID == TextBoxName)
duplicateFound = true;
if( duplicateFound )
t2.ID = TextBoxName + "__0";

But I don't understand why this isn't working, whereas Placeholder controls and UserControls work fine.

The reason I am using Panels is for CSS styling. body > div > input - but still - it isn't working.

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Web Forms :: Calling User Control From Other User Control?

Jul 4, 2010

i have a web page and inside the page has a placeholder that contains 2 user controls and both visible set to false.

When i click on button1 on the page, it will set the visible of usercontrol1 to true. May i know how do i do it so that when i click on button2 that IS INSIDE usercontrol1, it will hide usercontrol1 from placeholder and set usercontrol2 visible =true?

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Web Forms :: Calling User Control Dynamically?

Sep 1, 2010

I'he created user control. that contains some register form.I want ot call that user control Dynamically when i click the button....is it posible?

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Web Forms :: Interaction With LinkButtons Added At Runtime

Jan 9, 2010

I am working on a web application project in which i add a dynamic number of LinkButtons at runtime according to user selection, each link should redirect the user to a specific web page ,but what actually happened is that the last hyperlink is the only one responded! the following code show the declaration :

''''''''Public WithEvents ItemName As LinkButton
''Public Sub AddLinkButtons
''''''''For i = FirstIndex To StopFlag
''''''''ItemName = New LinkButton
''''''''ItemName.Text = Dt.Rows(i).Item(1)
''End Sub
''''''''Private Sub ItemName_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ItemName.Click
''''''''SelectedItemToFind.ItemFlag = 1
''''''''SelectedItemToFind.SelectedItem = sender.Text
''''''''End Sub

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Security :: What's The Best Method To Control Access To Documents And Jpgs At Runtime

Oct 28, 2010

I want to be able to control access to photos and PDF documents at run time.

I want users to be able to download the photos and documents as soon as they pay for them instead of having to wait for me to email the items to them.

What's the best way to do this? I am using VB.net, SQL Server, and ASP.net.

I am entry level to lower-middle in my programming skills, but can usually follow along.

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Templates To User Control In Runtime

Feb 7, 2011

I need to create custom control. It should be able to use diffrent templates in runtime. I mean that from code behind I need to change template path. How can I do it?

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Web Forms :: Passing Values / Calling Functions To User Control?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a page that contains a few user controls which all use an id in a querystring. I want to change this so that the page can send the id to the user control and can call a function on the user control.

Also is it possible for the user control to get the id from the page or a control on the page as its parent?

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Calling Controls In A Page From A User Control File (.ascx)?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a page called main.apsx and on that page I have a multiview with a couple of view panes. In main.aspx I also have an have a buttons.ascx file with a few link buttons. When these buttons are clicked I want them to show the the selected view panels in multiview in main.aspx.

I cant seem to figure out where to put the action code for the link buttons. Do I put it into my buttons.ascx.cs file or into main.aspx.cs? I presume in buttons.ascx.cs, but if I do that, how will the buttons find the multiview control?

This is the code for on of my buttons in buttons.ascx.cs


When I run it like this is gives an error

The name 'MultiView1' does not exist in the current

The name 'View1' does not exist in the current

View 2 Replies

User Control's Elements Not Getting Initialised When Added Dynamically?

Jun 30, 2010

I've got a custom ASP.Net web user control I've built; done this enough times before but this one is misbehaving and I can't spot why.

Where the calling page includes the user control directly in its markup, all is well and the control behaves as expected.

However if the page adds this particular control dynamically (to a placeholder in the master page, which is what's calling this whole thing) the elements within it stay firmly NULL - nothing from the user control gets written to the client at all, including static content within the user control.

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Event Handling For A Dynamically Added User Control?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a user control say SearchVendor.ascx which contains 4 buttons a gridview and another user control. I need to load the control dynamically actually as a modal pop up

I get this code

var uc = Page.LoadControl("~/blah/VendorProductSearch.ascx") as VPSearch;

it works fine the control gets loaded properly but onclick of any button the second time the control disappears ?

I want the dynamically added control to remain until the user clicks on the cancel button

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C# - How To Execute Javascript In A Dynamically-added User Control

Jan 30, 2010

I have a GridView of thumbnail photos within an UpdatePanel, with clickable icons in each row which each load a User Control containing a small Google Map into the relevant row. The idea is that the user can geotag (by clicking on the map) any photo in the GridView.

In the map User Control, there is some Javascript initialising the map:

function initializeMap() {
if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById('Map'), {size: new
GSize(336, 200)});
// set the map controls, set the centre, etc.

Problem is: I don't know how to call the initializeMap() method. Because it's dynamically added to the page, any attempt to link it to the calling button by "onClientClick=initializeMap()" for example, gives a JS error, saying the method isn't defined.

I've tried

ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "initializeMap", "<script type="text/javascript">alert('Here'); initializeMap();</script>");

but I don't think I'm on the right track with that one either.

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Forms Data Controls :: Calling User Defined Grid Control Two Time's On A Page?

Mar 11, 2011

i created a user control and place a button on it.i drag dropped the user control on a aspx page and wrote the grid load and button clicks in the

user control.now i got a requirement to use the same user control grid and button to again use on the same page.however the data populated will be different and the button click functionality will be different.how can i reload the different data on the second grid as i had already wrote the code in the first one

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AJAX :: Calling Webservices From Javascript: OnError Method, How To Identify The Method

Aug 26, 2010

I have an application that has JS calling ASMX files to do asyncronous requests, using ASP.NET AJAX.

The problem is that I use always the same "onError" function, and now I don't know how to identify the method that rised the error, and it is giving me a lot of problems to debug errors. The parameter "data" of the onError method does not give enough information, for

en System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, Object value)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeInternal(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object& convertedObject)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToTypeMain(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer, Boolean throwOnError, Object& convertedObject)
en System.Web.Script.Serialization.ObjectConverter.ConvertObjectToType(Object o, Type type, JavaScriptSerializer serializer)
en System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.StrongTypeParameters(IDictionary`2 rawParams)
en System.Web.Script.Services.WebServiceMethodData.CallMethodFromRawParams(Object target, IDictionary`2 parameters)
en System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.InvokeMethod(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData, IDictionary`2 rawParams)
en System.Web.Script.Services.RestHandler.ExecuteWebServiceCall(HttpContext context, WebServiceMethodData methodData)

Is there any way to know the webmethod that raised the error?

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Javascript - Get User Control Id Within User Control At Runtime?

Mar 22, 2011

is it possible to get the ID assigned to User Control from the control using javascript or jquery.

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Web Forms :: Passing Values From Parent Page To User Control And Maintaining The Values Added

Mar 18, 2011

I wanted to know if we can pass values from Parent page (in this case from Default.aspx page) to the user control and maintain those values on subsequent "Add/Load" of user control.

So in short, if I click the "Add" button it loads my "webusercontrol" and also I am able to pass my default.aspx dropdownlist value to this dynamically loaded user control and assign it to a "Label or Textbox" which resides in my "webusercontrol", now the problem is that the value doesn't persists! What I meant is , when I click "Add" button again the "webusercontrol" gets loaded again perfectly but now all my "Label's" in webusercontrol has the new selected value from the default.aspx dropdownlist.

So say for instance I have a Dropdownlist in Default.aspx page with Values "Apple, BlackBerry, Nokia" and initial value to be passed is "Apple", I click the "Add" button, now my "Label" inside webusercontrol has the value "Apple", perfect! Next when I click "Add" button again and select a different value to be passed this time say "BlackBerry" now I have 2 webusercontrol loaded on the page, so that means I have 2 "Labels" with different ID's, but now my first Label initially had the value "Apple" because that's what I had passed and now when I passed the value "Blackberry" both the labels of my webusercontrol has the value "BlackBerry" instead of one being "Apple" and another "BlackBerry"

Is there a way to resolve this issue? may be Dictionary List?

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Custom Server Controls :: Composite User Control Cannot Be Added To TableRow Dynamically

Jan 21, 2011

I have a composite user control consisting of three standard table cells (a legend, an image with a tool tip, and a text field control). If I add these to a TableRow in my aspx page it works fine and produces legal HTML in my source. The below works fine ...


However when I try to do the same programmatically (C#) the TableRow won't accept anything in its Controls collection that isn't a TableCell. I could make my control a nested table in its own right but I lose the alignment of my form items on the page with multiple controls, as each table aligns itself according to its contents. Is there anyway I can make the TableRow accept my control as collection of cells or do I need to do some casting or making my user control inherit some kind of TableCell attributes? I can also dynamically add my controls to a TableCell item which actually displays OK in IE but creates illegal HTML (<td><td></td><td> ... </td></td> - I assume this is illegal) in my resulting source. The code below DOES NOT work ...


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AJAX :: Calling Update On Web User Control?

Jan 27, 2010

I've got a DataGrid in an Update Panel, which is in a Web User Control that I've made.

I need to call Update() on the Update Panel from outside the User Control.

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