Web Forms :: Cannot Fire Grid View RowEditing Event In Page Load

Jan 31, 2010

Can not fire Grid View RowEditing event in page load?

I have a grid view , select the grid line item from popup when click the image button which is located in header template. When click the select button in popup window , fill up the grid row and allow to edit the quantity text box.

In page load
If Page.Request.Params("__EVENTTARGET") = "ctl00_popupField" Then
AddHandler grdDOLineItem.RowEditing, AddressOf grdDOLineItem_RowEditing
End If
Protected Sub grdDOLineItem_RowEditing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewEditEventArgs)
'bind the grid view row
End Sub

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here default selected value is "0" given in source.

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How ever i can access the controls in row updating .But i need it in row editing event.

Here is the code.


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Forms Data Controls :: The Gridview Fired Event RowEditing Which Wasn't Handled

Aug 5, 2010

I've got a gridview that returns student order history which works just fine. It pulls the StudentId from a hidden field on page load. I have a link button that ADDS AN ORDER when clicked. It calls a stored procedure, inserts the record, then rebinds the gridview and displays the new record at the top of the list.

Problem is when I go to EDIT it, i get this error... "The GridView 'GridViewOrderHistory' fired event RowEditing which wasn't handled." But the interesting thing is the error doesn't occur if I close the browser and reload the page and then click on that new record that was created. Obviously I'm missing something in my code when the new order is created. Here are the 2 subs involved in the process.


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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View Row Command Event Lost?

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The grid view row command does not execute on my production environment. This is a intermittant issue. I am not able to reproduct the exact steps but it does occur too often.

I have a load balanced environment with 2 identical servers in the farm. The servers are running on IIS 7.5

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An update: we are overriding the PageStatePersister as:


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Forms Data Controls :: Check Visible True Of Control In Gridview RowEditing Event?

Feb 2, 2010

i am developing an application using ASP.NET with C#.net. in my application i have a gridview contains 3 fields.




these three are template fields and last field i.e Regions is set to visible false.

code is


when the grid is binded,i am not displaying the regions field as that is set to visible false.

when i click the edit button i.e in RowEditing event of grid i have to show the Region field.

for that i had wrriten the code as

gvoptProgramdetails.Columns[2].Visible = true;

when i run the application and when i click a perticular row of edit The region field is set to visible to all rows which are there in gridview.

my requirement is i have to show the region of perticular row in gridview which i have selected.

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have extended a gridview to have all basic common functionalities like export to excel.So an image button will automatically rendered for exporting the gridview. I have added the link button in my extended gridview.when i click the button it gets postback. but the event does not get fired. I created the link button during overrided grid init method.and rendered during overided render method.I got stuck in this for a whole day..

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Record - Gridview Fired Event RowEditing Which Wasn't Handled

Dec 20, 2010

I am populating the gridview on the basis of listbox selection . However, I am setting the datasource in the click event after listbox entry. When i am trying to update any record in the gridview this error gets thrown because the datasourceid from the aspx page has been removed. Code for reference -

protected void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
foreach (object o in ListBox2.Items)
string str2 = null, str, host;
host = Convert.ToString(list[0]);
str2 = " ( SYSTEMNAME like '" + host + "'";
for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
host = Convert.ToString(list[i]);
str2 = str2 + " or SYSTEMNAME LIKE'" + host + "'";
str = str1 + str2 + " )";
string connectstring = "Data Source=SRCPA035\ovops;Initial Catalog=reporter;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Password=ril123";
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectstring);
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand(str, connection);
SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);
if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
GridView1.DataSource = dt;
GridView1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1;
catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex)
string msg = "Fetch Error:";
msg += ex.Message;
throw new Exception(msg);

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VS 2008 Is It Possible To Change The Color Of A Row During The RowEditing Event

Jun 17, 2010

Is it possible to change the color of a row during the RowEditing event? I'd like to have the color change when a user clicks the EDIT link

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Web Forms :: Avoid Button Click Event On Page Load Event?

Dec 28, 2010

i have an form with an button and some input controls. some time due to input problem i may get error after that if i refreshed the page then that time the button click event has fired, how to avoid this kind of bad event fire.

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Web Forms :: How To Call Dropdown SelectedIndexChanged Event In Page Load Event In C#

Oct 15, 2010

in my web form i have a department dropdown box, in its selectedIndexChanged event i have to fill the equipment dropdown box and in equiment dropdown selectedIndexChanged i have to fill out the other textboxs.

the depratment dropdown box get its value from sqldatasource.


what i want is when i run the page, it shows the very first deparment in the list, and according to that it should pop up the values in the other fields, means it should show the values in the equipment dropdownbox and from that one it should pop up the values in the other textbox.

here is my selected indexchanged event for department dropdownbox


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