Web Forms :: Displaying Data Logic When Click On A Main Category

May 24, 2010

I have a sidebar on a page with vertical navigation about products The navigation links are created from an xml sitemap with a repeater control using 2-level nodes with product main categories and subcategories I want to display the data so when i click on a main category the page will reload showing the underlying subcategories names and description in the main section (div) of the page, but also when i click a subcategory's name from the sidebar, i will get its products (names and description from an SqlDataSource) in the main section. (In the main section i'm probably going to use a DataList)

Can i do that ? Display different category level data depending on the link that was clicked or do i need a seperate "maincategories" page. The scenario is similar to the master-pages-and-site-navigation tutorial in the data-access tutorials but that one goes as far as presenting the main categories [URL]

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Logic For Displaying Infinite Category Tree In Nested <ul>s From Self Join Table?

Aug 14, 2010

in my on-line shopping project i created a dynamic Category List (with Infinite Level Depth) Implemented in a Single Table in DB with Self join.the schema is like below:UpdateI want to use a JQuery plugin to make a Multi Level Menu bar. this plugin uses <ul> and <li> elements so I should transform the DB table to <ul> and <li>. the result should like this:

<li>Clothing 1


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Category Name Without Category Id

Mar 30, 2011

I am working in a project that is a musical website. I want to display the web page with all categories I have. In my database , named Category_Master, I have two fields like Category_Id (which is a primary key ) and Category_Name. I have generated category_Id with NEWID() function. The category_Id is not supposed to display on the web page. But, i have to select Category_Name and according to that , I have to get the category_Id. If I am using Static connection with SqlDataSource, i am able to make visible=false property so that the category_id won't be visible. But , at that time, I can't write code to Select the category_id of the selected index.

If i am using disconnected approach, I filled the dataset with the Category_Master, and binded it to GridView. But, at that time, I can't hide the category_id from the user. I want to select category_id by clicking on the category_name with out displaying category_id ..?

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Web Forms :: Go To Main Window After Button Click?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a small web app that connects to a small access db so i am using my own login screen (not a login control) to connect to my database.

All I need to do is after the user clicks my login button it should navigate to the default.aspx page which is the main page of my app.

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Web Forms :: Disable View State / No Business Logic In The Button Click Event?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a textbox control i disabled view state at page and control level.i entered a value in the text box and click a button there is a postback,no business logic in the button click event.The values in the testbox are persisting though i disabled at the control level and page level.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Xml Data In New Window On Click Event In A GridView?

Nov 30, 2010

is there a possibility to do the following:

I have a GridView which has a button in each row. On click event I want to open a new window displaying the xml data of the row.

I tried to this with the following code in the RowCommand - event:

var doc = new XmlDocument();
Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

This always generates a script error:

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Respective Row Data When Click On The Select Button In Gridview

Jun 21, 2010

I have a gridview with 20 records and I have scroll bar to scroll down to view the records.I m displaying respective row data when click on the select button in grid view. The problem is whenever I select the

row, the gridview refreshes and scroll bar is going up. Ofcourse it is displaying correct data. but the gridview refreshes and scroll bar goes up.I want the selected row to be shown when I select that row.

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ADO.NET :: Entity Framework 3.5 / Select Category From Dropdownlist Bind Gridview To All Products Related To This Category?

Nov 5, 2010

i create example using Northwind database so i create a new website and add new ADO.Net Entity Data Model (.edmx) called Northwind.edmx and i add Categories and Products table inside this (.edmx) file

and add new ADO.Net Data Servuce called "ADODataService" and add it as WebReferences called NorthwindService

so i add new web page and drag DropdownList and Gridview as i want to bind Dropdownlist to all categories and when i select category from Dropdownlist bind Gridview to all Products related to this category

so my code


and my code

so when i select category from Dropdownlist nothing happen :(

also you will find commented code in method BindCategory whuch is not work also.

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Get An Error A String (selected Category In The Ddl) Cannot Be Converted To A Category Object?

Feb 7, 2010

I'll try to explain as simple as I can in text what my problem is. I don't see any other way to make my issue clear.

I have a GridView that uses an ObjectDataSource.

The ObjectDataSource has an DataObjectTypeName defined, so I pass/get complete objects or list of objects to/from the data access methods.

The objects I'm working with, let's say we work with Book objects, contain a Title and a Category, BUT the Category is an object itself. When the Select method is called, we get a List of Book objects, which is perfectly displayed, overridden ToString method in the Category objects within the Book objects.

The problem I face is that I can't find a way to update the category in my GridView. What I did already accomplish is:I used a template field in the GridView for the Category so I could use a DropDownList for that field in Edit mode.

I bound the DropDownList to another ObjectDataSource that gives me a list of CategoryObjects.

So when I enter Edit mode... the row shows a nice ddl with the available categories. It even selects the right original category.

So far so good... but when I want to save my new selection, I get an error that a string (the selected category in the ddl) cannot be converted to a Category object (that's what the Book object, that is going to be used for the update, expects).

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Setting A Default Value -- Presentation Logic Or Business Logic?

Jun 18, 2010

I was wondering if setting a default value for a SelectList is considered to be presentation logic or business logic? For example, if a requirement is that an Employee cannot be saved without a Location, but 99% of the time the location that would be selected is a particular item -- say Atlanta. Because of this, the location SelectList should be defaulted to Atlanta when ever a entry screen for a new employee is displayed. Should I be defaulting the location in the model or in the view-model? One thing I realized is that the unit tests become awkward because in both cases, I'd be forced to test against a location that will always be present in production but I cannot create a unit test with my own test dataunless "Atlanta" was in the set of locations being used in the test.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Sub Category To A Gridview?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm working on a dynamic table of contents (toc). The toc is generated from data in a sql database. There are 5 sections in the toc and within each of the five sections, there are a varied number of rows. (Section 1 may have 5 rows, while Section 2 has 12 rows). To help differentiate between the sections, I'd like the ability to add some type of grouping in my gridview. So, it would look like below. Do I just add a different gridview for each section, or is there a way to "categorize" the gridview to break up the data with a Section 1 Category


Section 2 Category

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Data / Display The Sub Models Of Particular Laptop Category?

Oct 5, 2010

I have two tables... Laptop category and Laptop details ... Laptop of each category is displayed using Imagebuttons in my website... eg: Dell.HP,Compaq and each category is associated with unique ID like 1 ,2, 3, etc.

Based on this category ID when i click on particular image button it should redirect to another web page ( I ve specified the page in each ImageButton's PostBackUrl property as LaptopDetails.aspx ? catId=1 ....). And in Details page I would like to display the sub models of particular Laptop Category...

for eg Dell has three sub models INSPIRON 1464, INSPIRON 15 and INSPIRON 15R

sub models has to be displayed with image and all the details from the database...

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding Data (category Titles) In A Datalist

Nov 5, 2010

I have a datalist that retreives category names for a knowledge base system I'm working on. When you click to view all the category titles, I want to hide those category titles that don't have any articles associated with that category. So, for example, you click to see all the category titles, but because there isn't any KB articles for "Mice", the "Mice" category isn't visible.

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Forms Data Controls :: Code Sum Gridview By Category In 2.0?

Aug 26, 2010

Code Sum gridview by category in asp.net 2.0

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Forms Data Controls :: Show The Category Name Alphabetically?

Jan 19, 2010

I am having a problem .I want to display the book category and subcategories which is fetched from database .

I want to show record like

- Advertising
- Artists


How to show record like this and which control I have to use for this.

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Web Forms :: Displaying The Url Path Of A File On Button Click?

Oct 25, 2010

I would like to know is it possible to display the full url of a file path on button click.

E.g. on a button click it shows http://www.website.com/images/someimage.jpg

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Web Forms :: Displaying Loading Progress On Button Click

Dec 24, 2012

tried this link. that was so interesting [URL]I have two question about thatI haven't got any button with id = btnSubmit in my page.1.

how can I show modal box until page loads at the first time. for example when user writes www.abc.com in addressbar and presses Enter key,I want to appear modal box instead of a (blank white page).I mean at the first page loading without pressing any key. 2.

I have required field validators for txt_username and txt_password andwhen without filling them I click btn_login, modal box appear and I think It will be there in unlimited time unless I  return back with back button of browser.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select Statement For Multiple Category

Mar 1, 2011

im creating advance search for my project and end up with the problem of select statement format for 2category.

here is example:

i have advancesearch that has checkbox wherein you can select multiple checkbox. example is selecting category, for example ihave 5 category as shown below.


News Sports Opinion Editorial Literary i did tried someformats for my select statements to make it work for 2 or more category, but i just cant get the right format of the select statement.

example if i select the following.

if selected is category 'Sports'

it wil work with this: " 'Select * MyTable1 where [Category Title]='Sports' "

if selected are category 'Sports' and 'News'. what must be the format for my selectstatement for 2 or more category in the same fieldname? should it work with this?

" 'Select * MyTable1 where [Category Title]='Sports','News'" no, how could i make it work. what must be the right format?

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Gridview To Show Category And Forum?

Aug 30, 2010

there is category and under its there are all forum of this category

to do that , I create 2 tables in DB

cat for category have 2 rows ( id,title) and table forum have 3 rows ( id,title,Cat_ID)

I can do it with Php but in asp.net I can't

I read in some article to create nested gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Certain Input Fields Depending On Category Selected?

Mar 21, 2010

What would be the best way to handle the following scenario? I have an application where depending on what type of proceeding is selected, only certain input fields should be visible.

There are 33 proceeding types and 14 input fields in total

First case, make one big form with all of the fields and have a dropdown with proceeding type which depending on what is selected, makes certain fields visible?

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Forms Data Controls :: Listing / Categories That It Is Added Infinite Category,subcategory?

Sep 2, 2010

i have a problem about listing. i have categories that it is added infinite category,subcategory. Table is like that:


i want listing like this:

For example when i click "Arac", the list will become like following:
Araç (category)
Otomobil (subcategory)
Motorsiklet (subcategory)

Then .when i click "Otomobil"

when i click "Fiat"

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Forms Data Controls :: 2 Buttons On 1 Page - Set Either As Main Button

Aug 23, 2010

I have 2 buttons on a page. 1 does some calculations once data is entered the other, which is at the top clears the page and opens a new one to enter an estimate number and once that is done it opens the calculation page where the 2 buttons are. What is now happening is once the user enters a percent value to do the calculation they just press enter, instead of tab, and it activates the new estimate number button instead of calcualte button. All works in the correct tab order but the default button seems to be the New Estimate button instead of the Calcualte button. any way to change that?

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Forms Data Controls :: ItemDataBound - Modify Logic To Fit Datalist

May 24, 2010

I have a very simple datalist setup to a SQLDatasource. Displaying the data works great. But I want to replace the plain databinder container with a hyperlink instead and have that link setup to point to a detail page with a parameter. Here is my datalist setup:

On another page im using gridviews adn able to do what i need by using the RowDataBound of the gridview like so, how can I accomplish the same thing with a datalist?

I tried using the ItemDataBound and trying to modify the logic above to fit the datalist, but cant figure out how to, so I have it commented out at the moment.

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Forms Data Controls :: Convert Logic Works For Listview?

Apr 14, 2010

I have the below code that works for an asp.net repeater but I need to convert the logic so it works for an asp.net listview control...possible? Unfortunately, the same code throws errors when placed within my listview's itemdatabound event.


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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Repeater: Rewrites Ending Category List To All Categories

Feb 11, 2011

Nested Repeater Issue: Each category list gets populated with the same set of date values rather then being populated with the data associated with that category. Trying to Do: Trying to group FAQ's by category and then list them using the repeaters.

The data is queryed though a business logic layer object that makes a call to the data access layer object. The data access layer object uses linq to sql to return data. There are 3 parameters that are passed into the innerDataSource's ObjectDataSource control to populate the nested repeater control (propID, CatID, isVisible).

With the debugger, the correct data is being returned and written to the nested repeater firing from the nested repeater's ItemDataBound event. Once this event is finished, another event fires and runs the FAQRule object again on the business logic layer which re-populates the nested repeater with the same data for each category. I have 2 repeaters, outerRepater (parent) and innerRepeater(child) with 2 ObjectDataSource controls innerDataSource and outerDataSource. See code below : ASP Page:

<asp:Repeater DataSourceID="outterDataSource" EnableViewState="false" runat="server">
<%# Eval("Description") &#43; " " &#43; this.Property.PropertyName %>
<asp:Repeater EnableViewState="false" runat="server" DataSourceID="innerDataSource">
<ul style="width: 500px">
<div><%# Eval("Question") %></div>
<div><p><%# Eval("Answer") %></p></div>
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="innerDataSource"

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