Web Forms :: Dynamic Url Re-write In 3.5 Web Form?

Feb 16, 2011

i search google for re-write in asp.net 3.5 web form and found many sample. my requirement is bit different. suppose i have textbox and user will write whatever in the textbox then that text will pass to a specific page like www.mysite.com/product.aspx?data=textbox.text but i want to rewite the url like www.mysite.com/product/textboxdata.aspx.suppose user write sony camera in textbox so then my rewite url will be www.mysite.com/product/sony-camera.aspx.so please tell me someone with code snippet how could i re-write url dynamically

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DataSource Controls :: How To Write And Use Dynamic Stored Procedures In C#

May 28, 2010

I want to write dynamic store procedure means 1 select_sp, 1 update_sp, 1 insert_sp, 1_delete_sp for all tables.

How it is used in secured manner.

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MVC :: How To Write Route For Search Form

Dec 13, 2010

I don't know if I'm tired today or what it is but I can't figure how to do this search route for the life of me.

For the moment I'm working on the default MVC 2 project so I made a search form on the index site.


the search actionresult got a httpget attribute attached to it. I tried the route like this.



sorry if I wasn't clear with my question and problem but its the querystring I'm having problems with i get this Home/Search?query=Name+1 but I want it to be Home/Search/Name+1

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Employment History Form Block?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm kinda new to vb.net web forms and I'm trying to figure out the best way to create a dynamic employment history block on a web form. You know, the block where you list who you worked for, salary, dates etc.

On the form now I have three employment history blocks inside a table. If the person filling out the form has more employment history, I'd like to have a "add history" button that when clicked adds another employment block to the table. The user can click it as many times as they want to add more employment history blocks. I'd rather not reinvent the wheel here, so if someone has a sample of this and would be willing to share, or can point me to vb.net sample on the web that does this, I would appreciate it much.

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Web Forms :: Accessing Data In A Dynamic Form Control?

Sep 4, 2010

I have a page that will generate upto 10 copies of some web controlls, depending on how many the user wants, but I am not sure on how to access the data the user enters into it. The code I have is:


As you can see I want to access the vale to add to the list but not sure. I tried tbGameNamei.Vaue but VS has a kanipshat about it.

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Web Forms :: How To Create Dynamic Web Page Similar To Windows Form

Mar 21, 2011

the possible options to get the dynamic web pages. Existing application: We have windows application to desing the "Screen designer templates". The end user uses this application to make his own screen templates, save the information in xml and get the screen in run time. This works fine for windows based application. Current Problem: Its difficult to provide such screen designer application in web. I mean Drag & drop the controls in web page during the run time. So we are planning to use windows application to design the template. And during the run time user should get his own designed template on web page. We are trying to display the similar web form like as windows form with matching controls. let me know what are the options available to solve this problem.

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Web Forms :: Creating Dynamic Form Fields And Getting Back Results?

Mar 11, 2010

I have tried various techniques that some seemed to have outlined and so far none of them have worked. I have a situation where the Page_Load() needs to build a set of <input id=<dynamic name'>> that are build dynamically inside a <ul>. The form gets created fine but when I click the button and look at the results returned to the server I cannot seem to find the input values. Is there a defined way of accomplishing this?

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How To Write Partial Views With Form That Supports Reuse

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SQL Server :: On Submission The Form Doesn't Write To The Database?

Sep 3, 2010

I have my code behind from my webform and it does everything but write to the database. The form comes up I can fill it out then click the button and it takes me to the .aspx page but no entry in the database. I can't find what I am doing wrong.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
namespace orderfinal
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void btnSave_OnClick(object Src, EventArgs E)
if (Page.IsValid)
// Define data objects
SqlCommand comm;
// Open the connection.......

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Create Text Boxes In Form And Retrieve Their Values

Dec 5, 2010

i crate 5 textbox dinamically in the form with this code :


but when i try to find textbox values it dosent work where is my problem?

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Web Forms :: Can't Find Dynamic Button's Postback In Page.request.form

Oct 8, 2010

I know that dynamic buttons and buttons in general don't use a typical postback and they post through the page.request.form. Okay, so in visual studio, I was able to determine that page.Request.form and in the all-keys property, i SEE my button there. It is the last item in all-keys.

When I am clicking this dynamic button which is in an updatepanel, the script below does not detect it as a button, it is still showing it as null:

public static Control GetPostBackControl(Page page)
Control control = null;


but here is the kicker, when I am traversing through the object, I am looking at the object C and the property 'ctl'. The ctl is showing me a value of "ButtonRow_0Col0" and it is of type string. This is good! But , the 'c' control object still says 'null'.

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Architecture :: Take Dynamic Information On Web Form?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm working on building a Web Forms app to process an online application that users enter in. This application takes one set of person info (name, address, etc..) and then can take X number of several other sets of information. I have the database design set up to handle the information (and all the keys/relationships). Where I'm having a problem is deciding the best way to handle taking the information on the web form.

Currently I'm thinking to build each set of information into its own user control and then trying to dynamically add an instance of the user control onto the page as needed to take each set of information. For instance, if one person has 3 personal references, they could have a button to keep adding reference controls until they put in all the information. So you'd start with 0 controls, click add to have 1, click to add a second, etc. I've read a lot of posts about issues regenerating the control, or problems with static variables when multiple people are using the same form and control counts being off. Am I taking the right approach to this project or is there an easier way I'm not aware of?

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Web Forms :: Write In Chunks / Parameters Are Not Supported For The Write Method

Mar 29, 2011

I am reading in a file into a string. Then I am writing this string to a stream. I know this code works fine.

The only problem that I have is with the line that write the data in chunks where the parameters is not supported for the Write method.

The line that has the problem is this line. What do I need to change here?

OutPut.Write(buffer, 0, Math.Min(to_write, WRITE_CHUNK));


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Security :: Cannot Use Form Authentication For Dynamic Data

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use directly form authentication by editing the web.config like this:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Authenticate.aspx" protection="All">
<deny users="*"/>
<allow users="abc"/>

Then I add a Login control in Authenticate.aspx, after click Login button there is an error like this:

An error occurred during the execution of the SQL file 'InstallCommon.sql'. The SQL error number is 1802 and the SqlException message is: CREATE DATABASE failed. Some file names listed could not be created. Check related errors.Is there anyone know what the problem that Form authentication cannot directly apply to Dynamic Data site as usual?

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Validation - MVC 3 Validate Dynamic Form Fields?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm working on a very dynamic site build at the moment. What I'm trying to do is creating something like a survey that can be created dynamically from a control panel. In the control panel you add input fields (these are saved in a database), what the user then see is a form that I generate from the database. So if I add 3 input fields to the database the survey will contain 3 fields. If I add 20 fields the survey will have 20 fields.

Now my problem is that I want to validate these fields, and I would like to be able to hook me in with the standard validation flow. I can't create a Model with validation rules since the number of fields and their names are dynamic the only thing I know is what kind of data that is expected in every field (this rule is found in the database). In an ordinary case I would get the automatic highlighted fields that are not valid and so on thanks to the built in validation flow with ValidationResult and so on.

So the question now is can I somehow simulate parts of the validation and then hook me back in with the validation result, and if not valid, the form prints the error messages and fill the fields with the data that was given?

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Dynamic Form Generation And JQuery Selectors

Jan 5, 2012

I have a form that is dynamically created from a database, that enables or disables appropriate controls in a repeater.

This is all working fine, but it also needs branching. IE selecting a certain value for a certain field may make another field appear on screen.

I am not doing the database for this so im limited with chnages I can make on that side of things.

Basically im passed a table that looks like this: (Ive stripped out the irelevance)



basically I need to find the radiobutton list, check its selected value matches the equals then show the div.

Firstly I cannot get the jQuery right to get the selected value and secondly is this a good way of doing things?

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Robust Server Side Dynamic Form Engine For .NET?

Jun 20, 2010

I've recently implemented a simple dynamic forms engine that uses dynamically loaded ASP.NET controls in concert with an EAV schema to handle the variable nature of the data model. The business was sufficiently satisfied with the end product for a time, but is now clamoring for much more complex dynamic forms:Field visibility is tied to the values of other form fieldsList of drop down possible values tied to the state of other form fields Enforcement of various business rules across the for

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Write An Aspx Page To Capture The Content Of Form From Html Web Page

Nov 24, 2010

I have the web page [URL] written in html. I have also created a form on this web page, but I do not have any idea how to create the aspx page to capture and email to me (via my mailserver), the data the user enters and submits through the form

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How To Format Search String / How To Write A Simple Search Form For Website

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to write a simple search form for our site. Here is my delima... I am trying to figure out that if there is nothing to search for in one textbox then search in the next textbox. The problem is that I dont know how to format my search string: For Example:


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Verbatim - Why Write @ Before Sql Queries - Select Data From Database Then Write Query?

Oct 1, 2010

Suppose we want to select the data from the database then we write the query for that. Example:

SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(Connetion name) string selectPkId = @"SELECT PK_ID FROM TABLE" SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(selectPkId ,con);

So,my question is that why we basically use @ before the sql query.If I don't use @ before that then it again work fine (does not give any error), then what is need of using "@"?

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Load Dynamic List Of Elements AFTER FINISHED Loading Of Several Form Elements?

Mar 1, 2010

I have...a dynamic populated select box several input boxes a submit button form fields are loaded initially using cookies several dynamic populated divs

I want... start loading the content of my DIVs after all FORM elements have been loaded completely (= filled with data, select boxes are populated)

Sample code:


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Write Response.write Within Update Panel?

Oct 6, 2010

i am calling a function which is inside Homescroll.ascx.cs from Homescroll.ascx so i wrote on Homescroll.ascx as <% Response.Write(scroll()); %> but all this is in update panel,and i am getting errors. so is their any other way to call function from homescroll.ascx to homescroll.ascx.cs,instead of response.write();

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Dynamic Button To Dynamic Table

Aug 10, 2010

I have a dynamic Table which contain 8 rows and 8 Colums

Table t = new Table();
TableRow rr = new TableRow();
TableCell cc = new TableCell();
and in the each Cell CC I add a dynamic Button(Or Linkbtn)
LinkButton LB1 = new LinkButton();
LB1.Text = "AM";
LB1.ID ="Link1";
LB1.Click += new EventHandler(LB1_Click);

i have a table with 8 rows , 8 colums and each cell contain a LinkButton (which diffrent in IDs) I want to add Lable in the same cell of this LinkBtn(LB1) which it clicked but I cann't What shoud I write here?

void LB1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// throw new NotImplementedException();

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Versus Building Dynamic Page

Jan 28, 2011

Lets say I have a Web Application with a menu of products. When a user clicks a menu item, then create and display a dynamic set of controls in an Update Panel. I am currently doing this however the PostBack and recreation of controls is tedious and resource intensive.

Not sure about this but is it possible to build a webpage with controls on it, then display it in update panel or IFrame? Then on post back you wouldn't have to recreate everything all over again?

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