Web Forms :: Event For Server Side Control Not Getting Fired?

Feb 12, 2010

I have created some dynamic controls, at the runtime from server-side and I want to write the event-handler for those controls. All I did is :

// Defined the control as


// And I wrote the even handler as :

Private Sub addobjective(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub

My problem is the event-handler function addobjective() is never being called and not getting fired, So the program is not doing what it is supposed to do at the click event of the server side commandbutton add.

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Aug 27, 2010

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How To Textbox Control's Onblur / LostFocus Event Trigger A Server - Side Event

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Web Forms :: How To Fire Server Side Event After Client Side Event Is Triggered

Sep 12, 2012

I have a scenario where i have 4 asp buttons , on click of each button there are 4 labels inside 4 seperate divs where each displays seperate data.

Now if i click second button i need to display second label text inside 2nd div and hide all other divs.How can i achieve this ?

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displayAlternate('second'); return false; --> if i do this server side event is not fired ...

If I return true div second label is not getting displayed..

How can I achieve functionality where all divs expect 2nd is hidden and i get server side event also..

Below is code.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function displayAlternate(id) {

[Code] .....

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A breakpoint is set on FillForm() and this method is called two times but I can't explain myself why this happens. I have client side javascript code, when the form is being send, the onsubmit method is also called twice... Where do I have to search?! Is it a (known) bug? Think I could get it to work with this Thread: [URL] But why is the event fired within the onblur-event when it's fired anyway??

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How To Add On Click Event In Server Side For An Image Control In C#

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find The Row Of A Gridview Which Contains A Control That Fired An Event

Dec 20, 2010

I have a Gridview which contains templated column that has 5 checkboxes in it. When you click on one checkbox, I want to uncheck the other 4.

I am using the Item Template for this. I don't want the user to have to Select a row, before clicking on the checkboxes. Here is my non-working code to uncheck the other checkboxes. I realize it's not "SelectedRow" that I want since there's no selected row, so how do I find the row containing the checkbox that fired off CheckChanged?


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Server Side Function Is Not Fired While Post Back In Jquery Ui?

Mar 23, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Find Control Within Repeater When Selected Index Changed Event Is Fired

Aug 27, 2010

I have a panel which has a repeater within it. Within the repeater I have a few controls. One of those controls is a Drop Down list which has an OnSelectedIndexChanged event. I can get this to fire without issue but I cannot find my DropDownList control within that repeater within the SelectedIndexChanged event . The repeater has an OnItemDataBound event and I can use the RepeaterItemEventArgs to find the control using e.Item.FindControl("ControlName") without issue but when that event occurs is NOT when I need to find the DropDownList.

What I want to do is have another control's Visible property be set to "true" when the value of the DropDownList meets a certain value. As far as I know I can only do this during the SelectedIndexChanged event and I can't change the signature of the event by trying to use RepeaterItemEventArgs.

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Hidden Or Shown AsyncFileUpload Control Doesn't Fire Server-Side UploadedComplete Event

May 26, 2010

I recently came across the AsyncFileUpload control in the latest (3.0.40412) release of the ASP.Net Ajax Control Toolkit. There appears to be an issue when using it in a hidden control that is later revealed, such as a <div> tag with visible=false.

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<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="act" %>
<act:ToolkitScriptManager runat="server" ID="ScriptManager1" />
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="upnlFileUpload">
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="btnShowUpload" Text="Show Upload" />
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Jan 4, 2010

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I taken one Accordian Cotrol.

In side that I have taken Accordion Pen Control.

Inside that I taken a button.

But when I click the buton page is get post back but Button Click event is not getting called.

how should I do so the button click event is get called?

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Custom Server Controls :: Createchildcontrols Is Not Fired On Page Load Event?

Oct 1, 2010

i have develop a custom control as shown below



Now in page load event i am trying to a access textbox (txtData) of my custome control as shown below


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Jan 6, 2010

If I have a standard HTML textbox


but got a readonly error.

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Oct 26, 2010

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Dec 9, 2010

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Feb 25, 2011

Can I modify the properties of a content page control from an event fired from the master page?create a delegate and event on master page wire up the master page in the content page create the event handler (function) on the content page modify for example:

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Web Forms :: Working With Events / When A Button Id Pressed Only 'Click' Event To Be Fired And Not The ComboBox's 'TextChanged' Event?

Jul 13, 2010

I have one Button (Refresh Button), One ComboBox (containing DEV and UAT as its items) and a GridView on my asp page.

I am filling up my Grid with values from database on the ComboBox's 'TextChanged' event and Buttons's 'Click' event.

First time when page is loaded, there is no information in the grid, but when i choose DEV/UAT from the ComboBox 'TextChanged' event is fired, the grid is filled with the relevant data. That is what i want.

When i click the Refresh Button to refresh the data again, first comboBox's 'TextChanged' event and then 'btn_Click' event is fired.

I want then when a button id pressed only 'Click' event to be fired and not the ComboBox's 'TextChanged' event.

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Web Forms :: Server Side Event For Anchor Tag?

Jul 7, 2010

I am working on asp.net 3.5.

Is there any server side event for anchor tag( href tag)?, I tried with onclick event but it's not working(gives me error)

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Web Forms :: Why Does Server Side Hiddenfield Not Fire Oninit Event

Jan 19, 2011

I have a hidden control and i am adding oninit event from code behind on hidden control,but why does server side hiddenfield not fire oninit event?

<input type="hidden" runat="server" id="hidden" name="hiddenColConfigure"/>
Code behind:
hidden.Attributes.Add("oninit", "initHiddenConfigure("this");

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