Web Forms :: Event Handling In PreRender Vs Page_Load?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a GridView, here I am adding the LinkButtons at runtime to the GridView cells. I am also attacing an click event on these LinkButtons.

The issue is that when I populate the GridView from the Page_load the LinkButton click works, but if I move GridView polulation code in the Page_PreRender event the click event doesn't executes.


private void Page_PreRender(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//does not fires the Click event of dynamically generated LinkButtons
GridView1.DataSource = getDataTable();


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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView - PreRender Event Bug?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a DetailsView on my page, bounded throught ObjectDS (but I think it's not important). Some field is readonly for some users - based on role membership and other paramaters. I've tried to use the PreRender event to manage these field's readonly state. Everything is working - except one template field: when I click first time on Edit button the dropdown list stay readonly independently the role membership. When I click on Cancel than Edit again the control state is good. Code of PreRender event handler:


Environment:Web Developer 2008 Express .NET Fw. 3.5 Windows XP

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Web Forms :: Server Side Code <%= Firing Before PreRender Event?

Jun 7, 2010

I am running some custom code in a user control using the <%=Code%> tag. The problem is that the code seems to run before the PreRender event. Is there any way for met to get this code to run after the PreRender event?

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Web Forms :: Page_Load Event Can Call Two Times?

Jun 19, 2010

I open a pop up window by window.open, then after selecting value from grid link i need to move my parent page as i am doing like

<a href="../../AddressBook/AB_UDCMaster.aspx?mode=Search&ParentCode=<%# Container.DataItem("ParentUDCCode") %>&UDCParentID=<%#Container.DataItem("UDCParentID")%>'"><%#Container.DataItem("ParentUDCCode")%></a>

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Web Forms :: Fire Button Event In Page_Load?

Jan 16, 2010

This should be an easy solution but I get stuck with it and hope I can get some advice/guidance from you:I have a simple aspx page with a Paypal button in it. The code shows in .aspx page:


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Web Forms :: ImageButton Always Calls Page_load Event?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 and C#.I load an SqlDataSource into a DataView on my Page_Load event. My SqlDataSource queries arandom record from the database. On my page I have an ImageButton, which when clicked uses a Response.Redirect("AnotherPage.aspx + "random id from database"). My problem is that when the button is clicked it fires the Page_Load event before the Response.Redirect takes place in the button_click event. This causes the current data(the users "id") that I had pulled from the database to be overwritten with new data(a different "id") from the database. So essentially the the page is redirecting to the 2nd random id that is queried from the db after the button is clicked and Page_Load is fired again, not the original id. Here's my code, hope it makes sense.Here's my Page_Load:


Then my Button_Click Event:

protected void btn1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("~/Profile.aspx?id=" + id1);

Can I put my dataview in another event or method so it's not called when a user clicks an ImageButton. Also I want the DataView to be repopulated on a postback/page refresh, just not on button clicks.

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Web Forms :: Create A Checkboxlist In Page_load Event?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a little question about building controls at runtime.

In my case I would like to create a checkboxlist in my page_load event


This control is a part of a wizard-Control. At the end after clicking the finisch-Button, the selected values have to sent by email to me. My question is, how can I get the ID of the Checkboxlist-Control whitch was build at runtime?I tried following workaround


But I get following error-message:

System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt. Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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Web Forms :: Calling Web Services Asynchronously In Page_Load Event?

May 31, 2010

I'm working on a web application using VB.NET. In page load event am calling a remote web service which take time to bring the data. During this process none of the other contents on page are shown(render).

I want to call this remote web service asynchronously so that other data of page is displayed and web service data will be displayed when its available.

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Web Forms :: Page_load Event Is Not Fired After The Page Loaded Once?

Apr 29, 2010

My aspx page is not showing latest data after reopen the page.. but after save data it shows latest information.

If I close the project and rerun the project then it shows latest data.

Interesting metter is the page_load event is not fired after thie page loaded once.

If I delete temporary internet files from tools-->internet option then the page reloaded.

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Web Forms :: Created A Control Dynamically In Page_load Event?

Jul 12, 2010

created a control dynamicly in page_load event then cant i make that control globaly available in each class?

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Web Forms :: How To Call JScript Function From Page_Load Event

May 24, 2010

I'm using both seprate C# code file and JScript code file

I'm loading the JScript file using ScriptManager inside the 'Form' tag.

How do I call a JScript function from the Page_Load event handler?

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Web Forms :: Page_load Event Fires Two Times In Mozilla?

Oct 19, 2010

Page_load event fires two time in firefox and the same page is working fine in IE. What might be the problem? If it is problem with Autoeventwireup then page_load event must fire two times in IE too. I believe it is not a issue of Autoeventwireup.

how can i find out exactly where the issue is.

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Web Forms :: UserControl Page_load Event Fires Twice Using LoadControl?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a dynamically created user control which is accomplished usingLoadControl().

When I debug, the LoadControl call is called once, however the Page_Load inside the user control is called twice. On each occasion, the postback property is false, so it seems somehow the Page_Load event is called outright 2 times and nothing to do with any postback?

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Web Forms :: TreeView TreeNodePopulate Event Called Before Page_Load?

May 20, 2010

I have a TreeView on a page which I will populate the nodes on demand and a checkbox, and they are in the same updatepanel. I can dynamically add new nodes to this treeview. But when I click the checkbox which will cause a postback, the TreeNodePopulate is called before the Page_load and it will regenerate the nodes that was added before. I was very confused how could this be happened. Is this related with PopulateOnDemand and Expanded priorities?

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Web Forms :: Programmatically Loading UserControls With Page_load Event?

Feb 16, 2010

Programmatically Loading UserControls with Page_load Event?

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Web Forms :: Pro-grammatically Loading UserControls With Page_load Event?

Jan 13, 2010

Pro-grammatically Loading UserControls with Page_load Event?

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Web Forms :: How To Disable Or Skip Page_Load Event When Button Click

Nov 19, 2010

Every time we click on a button. the Page_Load will fire first.

For my case, I have some controls added programmatically to the GridView, when the button click, the Page_Load event fire, my controls just go away.

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Web Forms :: CheckedChanged Event Not Firing When Checked Property Set On Page_Load

Jul 21, 2010

I have a web form with two RadioButtons, both use the same GroupName, both have AutoPostback enabled and both have an event handler for CheckChanged. I use tem to show/hide a Panel further down the form which is contained in an UpdatePanel with Conditional Update set and with both CheckedChanged events in the Triggers collection:


Now, the problem arises when I set the Checked property of either RadioButton in Page_Load, which results in the even not firing for the button which was marked as Checked (the event for the radio button whose property was not assigned does get fired). In fact, upon inspecting the source there was no 'onclick' attribute declared for the input element that was marked as checked in the Page_Load, whereas the other RadioButton did have the 'onclick' attribute properly set.

The layout of the form doesn't allow me to place the radio buttons within the UpdatePanel, so that is out of the question. Is the behavior explained above normal? am I missing anything? Both events fire once the assignment to the Checked property is removed from Page_Load.

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Web Forms :: Postback Event Handling?

Oct 5, 2010

According toMSDN[URL]Postback event handling:If the request is a postback, control event handlers are called. After that, the Validate method of all validator controls is called, which sets the IsValid property of individual validator controls and of the page."It is my understanding that the Validate method of the validtor controls is called after Load but before the control event handlers.The text quoted says its after the control event handlers.

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Web Forms :: Event Handling In Framework?

Mar 8, 2010

As I am new to .NET framework.I have a doubt in Event handling. For example to handle a button click we write a delegate as private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)In this function I can change the sender object value means I can do what ever I want to do with Button object.Why this is implemented in this way in Framework.Is this good to do so.

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Forms Data Controls :: Hide Formview Fields On Page_load Event?

Jan 12, 2010

In my table there is no record then I'm going to hide my formview fields on page_load event,

it gives an error "object reference not set to an instance of an object".

How can I hide fields in formview all mode?

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Web Forms :: Event Handling For The Dynamic Controls?

Feb 5, 2010

In one of my ASP.NET webform application I want create dynamic controls and add Event handlers for those dynamic controls..For example when I click a button I want to display a list box and I want to add
SelectedIndexChanged event for that list box.I have errors in doing this... Here's the code I tried out... I think there are errors due to my lack of knowledge in postback



DLabel is a existing label control...*** When I click the button I get the ListBox... When I select the Item 1 the page reloads and nothing is displayed in the Label.

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Web Forms :: How To Client Side Event Handling

Sep 8, 2010

i should handle a event whn my focus chages from one text box to other....[ i should get an error as you are not entered the data(it should accept only numbers) ]

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Web Forms :: Event Handling For Dynamic Controls

Jan 19, 2011

I have created radiobutton list dynamically in my app'n...can any one tell me how to handle the selectedindexchanged event for the dynamically created radiobuttonlist. I just want to capture the value of radiobuttonlist and store it in the database.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Buttons With Event Handling?

Mar 1, 2010

I am not sure how to do this. I have part of it working and I think I understand why it isn't working, I just not sure what I have to do to fix it... I am dynamically placing some data into an ASP:Table from a DataSet. This is all done from the Page_Loud event. I am looping through the dataset by going through the rows no problem to display the data in cells added by rows to the asp:table.

What I am also doing though is adding a button for each row that is to run an Access insert query that adds a record in a log table.I have used the following code to get this to work which it does, most of this is called through functions in the Page_loud event. this is the gist of it:

this is in a loop of the DataSet
for (int i = 0; i < dsResult.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Text = strDynamicText;
intTID = dsResult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[5].ToString();


Here is the problem I am having. The button does display for each row, and the query does execute and run when I press the button. The values being passed in intTID and intUserGroup (are global), are suppose to be different for each row though, and are to insert a unique table ID, and a different group depending on what is in the dataset. Problem is, it is only assigning the last tableID from the result set into the button and will always pass that same ID no matter what button is pressed. This is the same with the intUserGroup. It needs to dynamically have differnent table IDs passed but that's not happening. What do I have to do differently to make sure that when the button is created dynamically it will pass the unique values for each row?

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