Web Forms :: Event Handling For Dynamic Controls

Jan 19, 2011

I have created radiobutton list dynamically in my app'n...can any one tell me how to handle the selectedindexchanged event for the dynamically created radiobuttonlist. I just want to capture the value of radiobuttonlist and store it in the database.

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Web Forms :: Event Handling For The Dynamic Controls?

Feb 5, 2010

In one of my ASP.NET webform application I want create dynamic controls and add Event handlers for those dynamic controls..For example when I click a button I want to display a list box and I want to add
SelectedIndexChanged event for that list box.I have errors in doing this... Here's the code I tried out... I think there are errors due to my lack of knowledge in postback



DLabel is a existing label control...*** When I click the button I get the ListBox... When I select the Item 1 the page reloads and nothing is displayed in the Label.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Buttons With Event Handling?

Mar 1, 2010

I am not sure how to do this. I have part of it working and I think I understand why it isn't working, I just not sure what I have to do to fix it... I am dynamically placing some data into an ASP:Table from a DataSet. This is all done from the Page_Loud event. I am looping through the dataset by going through the rows no problem to display the data in cells added by rows to the asp:table.

What I am also doing though is adding a button for each row that is to run an Access insert query that adds a record in a log table.I have used the following code to get this to work which it does, most of this is called through functions in the Page_loud event. this is the gist of it:

this is in a loop of the DataSet
for (int i = 0; i < dsResult.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1; i++)
Button btn = new Button();
btn.Text = strDynamicText;
intTID = dsResult.Tables[0].Rows[i].ItemArray[5].ToString();


Here is the problem I am having. The button does display for each row, and the query does execute and run when I press the button. The values being passed in intTID and intUserGroup (are global), are suppose to be different for each row though, and are to insert a unique table ID, and a different group depending on what is in the dataset. Problem is, it is only assigning the last tableID from the result set into the button and will always pass that same ID no matter what button is pressed. This is the same with the intUserGroup. It needs to dynamically have differnent table IDs passed but that's not happening. What do I have to do differently to make sure that when the button is created dynamically it will pass the unique values for each row?

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Dynamic Event Handling Within A Custom Control?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a custom control which contains (amongst other things) an imageButton.

I'm adding a handler to the "click" event of the imageButton however when the button is clicked the handler routine is not called. where I am going wrong with this? should I be handling the click event in some other way?

here is my code:


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Web Forms :: Event Handling Of User Controls Inside Master Page

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to catch an event that is in a user control inside a master page contentholder and refresh the content page. I am having a hard time finding a good example. Even on this site I am timing out on search.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Item Template Button Event Handling?

Mar 8, 2011

im trying to handle the event for my grids itemtemplate button but its not firing.



i want to find a row of my button click and there i can call my method.

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Custom Server Controls :: Handling Events In Dynamic Usercontrol?

May 27, 2010

I created a customDropdown usercontrol with Events and It worked fine.

Now I stored the path of the ascx file in the database table and i want to Load the ascx file and handle the Events dynamically in an aspx page.

To Load the usercontrol and access the public properties and method, I need to know the object i am trying to load, right?

For Example

FeaturedDDL c = (FeaturedDDL)Page.LoadControl("~/FeaturedDDL.ascx").

But I dont want to hardcode objectType "FeaturedDDL", coz i dont have that stored in my Database field.

Since I am loading the usercontrol by getting the path and name of the usercontrol from the database table,how will I know the ObjectType at that time?

How to accomplish that and also how to handle the events for these type of situation?

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Forms Data Controls :: Handling Onclick Event Of Link Button In Auto Generated Gridview?

Dec 9, 2010

am designing report using gridview in which i want drill down report, i.e. when i click a cell of gridview which contains value from the database. i want a new gridview to be populated with detailed report, which should be generated by passing some values from parent gridview.

i have written some code for the same,but in the code the event is not getting fired.

code is:

in gridview rowdatabound
protected void gvHdr_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Usercontrols Not Handling Events

Mar 16, 2010

I have the usual problem of dynamically created usercontrols not hitting the event handler for a linkbutton inside the control, but I've checked the usual problems and I can't work out what's wrong. I'm calling a function to create the controls at the bottom of my page.load (although I did try page.init as well just in case) outside of my page.ispostback check, and I'm setting the controls id's to a fixed name which is consistent across postbacks. Any ideas what's wrong?


Usercontrol code:

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkDeleteGroup" Text="Delete this group" />


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Why Aren't All Controls Initialised At The Event Handling Point Of The Page Lifecycle

Jan 29, 2010

I have a user control embedded in a web part. It has the following snippets of code:


Why are some controls initialised and others not? How do I get around this if I'd like to update the Text property on currentPageLabel?


I've placed breakpoints all the way through the page life cycle and found that nextButton and currentPageLabel are never initialised. The breakpoints were placed at OnLoad, CreateChildControls, goButton_Click, OnPreRender, Render and OnUnload.

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Custom Server Controls :: Event Handling For Child Controls

Jul 29, 2010

I have a custom ascx user control on my page that includes a dropdownlist. There is an nSelectedIndexChanged event handler that is connected to this dropdownlist. The first time the user selects a value, the page does a postback and the logic executes correctly. However, if the user then goes to change their selection, the event handler does not get triggered.

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Web Forms :: Postback Event Handling?

Oct 5, 2010

According toMSDN[URL]Postback event handling:If the request is a postback, control event handlers are called. After that, the Validate method of all validator controls is called, which sets the IsValid property of individual validator controls and of the page."It is my understanding that the Validate method of the validtor controls is called after Load but before the control event handlers.The text quoted says its after the control event handlers.

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Web Forms :: Event Handling In Framework?

Mar 8, 2010

As I am new to .NET framework.I have a doubt in Event handling. For example to handle a button click we write a delegate as private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)In this function I can change the sender object value means I can do what ever I want to do with Button object.Why this is implemented in this way in Framework.Is this good to do so.

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Web Forms :: How To Client Side Event Handling

Sep 8, 2010

i should handle a event whn my focus chages from one text box to other....[ i should get an error as you are not entered the data(it should accept only numbers) ]

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Web Forms :: Event Handling In PreRender Vs Page_Load?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a GridView, here I am adding the LinkButtons at runtime to the GridView cells. I am also attacing an click event on these LinkButtons.

The issue is that when I populate the GridView from the Page_load the LinkButton click works, but if I move GridView polulation code in the Page_PreRender event the click event doesn't executes.


private void Page_PreRender(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
//does not fires the Click event of dynamically generated LinkButtons
GridView1.DataSource = getDataTable();


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Web Forms :: Right Event To Add Dynamic Controls

Jul 15, 2010

Can anyone advise which page event is the perfectly right one to add dynamic controls? Justification too required why the stated one is better to others.

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Web Forms :: Event Handling With HTML And Server Control

Apr 3, 2010

one is anchor tag and other asp linkbutton tag

we want to call user defined function on onclick of anchor tag and as well as linkbutton

is it possible?

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Web Forms :: Event Handling For Custom Server Control?

Jun 24, 2010

I am creating a webform in which I am having two radio buttons (Yes/No), one textbox, and two lables.

I want to enable and disable the textbox on radio button click Yes and No respectively.

I want to use custom server control for this whole process as we have to use this DLL in other application also.

Being as beginner I got just confused about event handling methods for server controls.

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Web Forms :: Handling Event From Dynamically Generated ImageButtons?

Sep 5, 2010

I have a situation here.

review the following code


Now when user clicks on the accept or reject button, there is an error (could not parse server message) however if there is only one instance of both buttons the code works fine.

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C# - Handling Dynamic Number Of Columns?

May 26, 2010

I'm developing a CMS of sorts, and I want to give my users the possibility of customizing the display. More precisely, I want to give them the ability to choose to display or hide the left column, the right column and/or the top div. The middle column cannot be hidden since this is where the actual content will show, whereas the other columns are for navigation or side menus.

I've been looking for a way to make this as smart and flexible as possible. For now I'm using a MasterPage, but that seems to be too constraining. For instance, with MasterPage you need to add a ContentPlaceHolder control in every of your ASPX pages.

What are the best practices in this area? I guess a simpler way of saying this would be "I want to create a template system over which I have complete control".

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Web Forms :: Changing Custom User Control And Event Handling

Jul 29, 2010

I have a custom ascx user control on my page that includes a dropdownlist. There is an onSelectedIndexChanged event handler that is connected to this dropdownlist. The first time the user selects a value, the page does a postback and the logic executes correctly. However, if the user then goes to change their selection, the event handler does not get triggered.

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Web Forms :: Event Handling Of Dynamically Created Combo Boxes?

Jan 18, 2010

I am creating n number of Combo boxes dynamically at run time and adding a Handler of Combo1_SelectedIndexChanged() to the combo boxes.

At run time, When I select an item from one of the Combo boxes, the event fires n times rather than 1.

So for example : If there are 5 combos created, and I select an item from my first combo, the event Combo1_SelectedIndexChanged() , fires 5 times and that is an issue for me. How can I restrict this to run only for the combo that I selected.

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Web Forms :: .NET Bug In Event Linking Of Second Level Dynamic Controls?

Mar 17, 2011

I'll start by saying that it took me a very long time to find this bug, since it's quite elusive... The Repeater control in the following test case contains two runat="server" DIVs. Each one of them gets a TextBox appened to them through the ItemCreated event of the Repeater. Both of them have AutoPostBack=True, and TextChanged event wired to txt_TextChanged. However, only the TextBox from the first level properly points to the event on the postBack of the page. The second level TextBox also causes the postBack to occur, the its value does not persist in the VIEWSTATE as well as the event does not fire. Here's adirect link to the test case in a .zip file, as well as all the code. The project is built in VS2010 using Framework 4.



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Web Forms :: Get Control Id Of Dynamic Controls On Click Event?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a page in which I am to add dynamic controls (labels, textboxes) at run time as per request(any number of controls can be added as per request, just for timebeing i have fixed it with value 3).

I have two button on my page "Submit" and "Cancel". which will be disable only when atleast one textbox is not null otherwise buttons should be disable.


Java Script code :


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Handling Dynamic User Control With JQuery

Mar 15, 2011

I have a user control which I am dynamically loading in my page_load event via a method (see below). The user control contains a gridview and a label. A key piece of information has to do with how to get around the convenient feature of gridviews not rendering when their datasource is empty. In my user control I add some hidden rows so that the grids will render and the user can see just the headers (if the situation calls for it).

The nomControl is an asp:Panel on the parent page which will hold the user controls. The dsRefinedProductsNomInfo is a strongly typed dataset.


how I should be handling my events so that my rendered grid is up to date and not showing these hidden rows. I have a feeling I am just doing things in the wrong place/order but this is my first real swim in the deep end of the asp.net pool.

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