Web Forms :: Find The ID's Of All The Controls In Website?

Mar 1, 2011

I want to find the ID's of all the controls in my website. I have written a seperate class and i am calling it from each page to get the ID's. That works fine.

At the application_start event i want to get the ID's of all the controls in each page of my website and save it to the DB.

Like this

page_name controls_in_the_page
-------------- --------------------------
default.aspx textbox1,dropdownlist1
default2.aspx checkbox1,textbox1,textbox2

I want to call the function only once in my application's life cycle. I want to call the function for each page, from the application_start event.. From the DB i take these controls for specifying access rights which is one of my modules.

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Jun 24, 2010

why this is not working FYI I'm using a MASTER page


MsgBox(Ctrl.ToString) is never run so it's not finding checkboxes

here is my repeater


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Protected Sub ClearRBL(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e as EventArgs) Handles lbClear.Click
Dim ctl as Control
For Each ctl In Page.Controls
If TypeOf ctl Is RadioButtonList Then
DirectCast(ctl, RadioButtonList).ClearSelection()
End If
End Sub

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row in asp.net
<asp:BoundField DataField="Time" HeaderText="Time"
SortExpression="Time" Visible="False" />

i thought findControl would work but i didnt get much luck, something like string previous = ((TextBox)r.FindControl("Time")).Text;

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Web Forms :: Can't Find Controls That Created Dynamically

Jan 25, 2010

i create textbox dynamically (not in page_load)

for example

dim t as new textbox
t.text ="wywyr"

after that when i want to get the value from this one i cant.

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Each Control
In panel1.Controls
Dim s
String = Control.GetType.ToString

and it doesnt show nothing

how do i get the value from the dynamically generated textbox ?

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