Web Forms :: Finding Information Sent By A Webpage?

May 21, 2010

in a web page i can fill a form and after submit a was redirected to a confirmation page and there, i must confim and then it's submited.

i'm creating a bot for filling the form but i idn't know how to do it in just one step. this means to send information and confirm withoud waiting for loading confirmation form and then confirm that.

is it possible?

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<form name="myform" action="mypage.aspx" method="post">

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.aspx button control code


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how i can,implement this page?

at the first a picture,second description,and last a link for download software...

(supposition: all of the information is in my rows db)

i dont know use 'listview' or 'gridview' or another,and which is better,and howto?

(i dont very thing about that)

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For security reasons I get rather than IP information, which does not change.

IP is changing, if the dynamic.

I need information that does not change.

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Kindly let me know what approach would be an efficient way of implement this.

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a) simply use imagebuttons(as i need to have custom image for tab header which i am not able to do it in ajax tabcontainer) and multiview controls to display various tab contents in a single *.aspx page(But i think this would mess up the aspx page with lot of code, as i need to have approx six gridview and its functions).

b) use an iframe instead of mutliview and make each tab content as seperate *.aspx page. (but i find there is postback occuring on movement from one tab to another even if i button iframe inside updatepanel & some people are request not to use iframes).

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