SQL Server :: Finding Information About Containstable Algorithm

Jul 30, 2010

Ranking of CONTAINSTABLE StatisticalWeight = Log2( ( 2 + IndexDocumentCount ) / KeyDocumentCount ) Rank = min( MaxQueryRank, HitCount * 16 * StatisticalWeight / MaxOccurrence ) can anyone explain this algorithm, more importantly i want to know about these variables used in this algorithm, whats their purpose?it would be more useful for me?

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Security :: Finding Mutating Encryption Algorithm?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a page that will receive an encrypted query string containing a user name, password & jobId, the problem is I don't want someone to be able to grab the encrypted url (browser history) and reuse it, so it has to change each time the page is requested.

The only way I can think of doing this is by having an encryption key associated with the the job and then change it after each time the page is requested. The client would either request the key or the entire url from a web service residing on my server.

Is this the best way to do this?

Is there a mutating encryption method out there I could use "out the box"?

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Web Forms :: Finding Best Algorithm For Search Page

Mar 30, 2010

I am creating a search page where we can find the product by entering the text.

ex: Brings on the night.

My query bring the records which contain atleast word from this.

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How to achieve this. Is there any algorithm for this.

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Jun 14, 2010

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From Microsoft, I found that it is session ID.(I copied it at bottom).

I used ASP.NET in app, what is the relationship between SPID and connection string? Is it processing ID?

session ID (SPID in SQL Server 2000 and earlier) is a session identification number belonging to the SQL Server instance. session ID is smallint.

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Web Forms :: Finding Information Sent By A Webpage?

May 21, 2010

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i'm creating a bot for filling the form but i idn't know how to do it in just one step. this means to send information and confirm withoud waiting for loading confirmation form and then confirm that.

is it possible?

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Jan 21, 2010

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I wanted to know if there is anything i be aware of? I plan to send only one email at a time (a registration or forgot password email). I am a little worried something can happen like an invalid email locking up the thread because i didnt set a timeout or maybe google apps happen to be done and causing the app to blow up. What should i be aware off? I should ask how i should test as well?


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Jan 2, 2010

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Security :: Which Algorithm Are PasswordDeriveBytes Using

Jun 21, 2010

PasswordDeriveBytes take 4 paramteres and return an encrypted key basead on 4 parameters: passPhrase, saltValue, hashAlgoithm and password iteration

I wonder what algorithm PasswordDeviveBytes are using, so I can tell someone who are not .NET programmer that this secretkey was made by that alogorithm and that he can use this algorithm also - And then he should get the same results as PasswordDeriveBytes method

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Php - MembershipProvider.GetPassword Algorithm?

Dec 1, 2010

We are converting an ASP site (using DotNetNuke) to a new PHP site. The only thing we have right now is a full export of the existing database. One of the tables is called "aspnet_Membership" and contains the following fields:

Password (looks like base64)
PasswordFormat (always value 2)
PasswordSalt (looks like base64)
PasswordQuestion (always empty)
PasswordAnswer (always empty)

We would like to decode these passwords and hash them to fit our own framework. From what I understand from the .NET documentation these kind of passwords can be decrypted. Is there an algorithm available that can do this or is it more complicated than that? Will it be possible if we create an ASP script on the current server?

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Security :: Changing The Password Algorithm?

Dec 28, 2010

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Oct 23, 2010

I need an algorithm to determine who match who in the tournament bracket, say I have 32 ( number could be flexible) contestants seeded 1 to 32, at round 1, seed 1 matches with 32, seed 2 with 31 and so forth. What about 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th round? I need an algorithm to be programmed into computer.

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C# - Javascript Hash And Equivalent Algorithm?

Jan 31, 2011

Using this code on the javascript side and

Using sha As New SHA256Managed
Using memStream As New MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World!"))
Dim hash() As Byte = sha.ComputeHash(memStream)
Dim res As String = Encoding.Default.GetString(hash)
End Using
End Using

I have been unable to recreate the same hash for the same values with these two bits of code.

The javascript implementation returns: 7f83b1657ff1fc53b92dc18148a1d65dfc2d4b1fa3d677284addd200126d9069

and the vb.net example returns: ƒeñüS-ÁHÖ]ü-KÖw(JÝÒ mi"

What am I missing? I assume it's something to do with the character encoding?


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How To Encrypt The ViewState Using SHA1 Or Some Other Algorithm

Jan 22, 2011

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Jun 16, 2010

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Security :: AES Example / Implementing AES - Key Not Valid For Algorithm

Jun 21, 2010

I need an example on how to implement AES encryption/decryption in .NET. I've been googling but haven't yet found any good examples. I've for example found AES example whih after some research wasn't 100% AES. I have to make sure by AES encryption/decryption is 100% AES, as I have to send email to the authorities explaining how I use AES (with secret key all), so they can hire some encryption expert which verify that we encrypt/decrypt it correctly. So he can verify that the what I implemented in AES is actually 100%. I'm reading the AES standard and how it's to be implemted in .NET Here is some code I'm having trouble with:


Which throws an CryptographicException: Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.

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How To Encrypt The Password By Using The Encryption Algorithm Dll

Feb 8, 2011

i want to encrypt the password by using the encryption algorithm dll uploaded by the user. is it possible to do the action. how can i call the method used by the user to create the dll.

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Web Forms :: Write Function For This Algorithm?

Feb 13, 2010

to write function in C#

I need to write function for this algorithm.

The check digit calculation uses the standard method. Suppose you want to calculate the check digit for ID number 10614141192837465.

Step One: From the right to left, start with odd position, assign the odd/even position to each digit.




Step Two: Sum all digits in odd position and multiply the result by 3.

Step Three: Sum all digits in even position.

Step Four: Sum the results of step three and four:

Step Five: Divide the result of step four by 10. The check digit is the number which adds the remainder to 10. In our case, divide 123 by 10 we get the remainder 3. The check digit then is the result of

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C# Sorting Algorithm For Product With Rating?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm trying to get a decent sorting algorithm for my products database. Users can vote for their products with using scores from 0 to 5 (.5 scores are also possible like 2.5). My table structure currently looks like this:

[ProductID] [Title] ... [NumberOfVotes] [TotalPoints] [FinalScore]

Whenever a user votes I'm calculating the finalscore very simple like (TotalPoints / NumberOfVotes) = FinalScore. Then I sort the table on FinalScore and NumberOfVotes.Now while this works it's not excactly fair because a product which has only 1 vote of 5 stars can easily come in top rankings.I admit I'm not very good at statistics or algorithms to get a fair product listing and what I'm looking for is something which is not over the top diffucult but which is more fair then the method I'm using now.

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C# - Collecting Useful Server Information?

Mar 8, 2011

I want to add a page to an existing website with a list of practical system information about the server that's running the site. For example, which windows version, 32 or 64 bits, SQL Server version, some host variables, amount of RAM, disk space and whatever else. Basically, anything practical that could tell me more about the health of the server. So, how do I get the most practical information through .NET?

Not important how it's going to be displayed but assume it's a list with three columns: Name of the setting, value for the setting and a description that tells what the setting is for... (The first two would already be enough, though, but for clarifications a description would be nice.)

One added complication, though: I need both 32-bits and 64-bits solutions...

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MVC ::see The Information In Sql Server But Nothing Appear On Reportviewer ?

Jun 6, 2010

I have a problem with rdlc report in MVC:I use sql query to create a table( with joining many tables & group by) and using this query to create a table adapter in dataset: SELECT tblPersons.PersonFullName, tblClasses.ClassName, tblSemester.SemesterID, tblReasons.ReasonName, tblAttendance.AddDate,


My problem is when i use the sql query in sql server i can see the infor i want but nothing appear on when i use linq statement.If i use simple linq like " from m in tablename select m", then bind it into reportviewer. I see all infor from this tablename.But with joining multiple table,it not happen.

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Security :: Changing The Hash Algorithm Used For CreateUserWizard?

Oct 1, 2010

I am rewriting my PHP website into C# .NET, and I need to be able to set the algorithm used by the CreateUserWizard / Membership Provider to SHA1 so that I can port all of the user accounts over without having to force them all to reset their passwords when this project is complete. At current glance it doesn't look like it is using SHA-1, and my Googlefoo is failing me.

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Calling Rijndael Algorithm From Aspx Page?

Feb 4, 2011

I have this Rijndael algorithm below as class and my problem is when I tried to call this class from Code behind page the methods inside this class is not appearing with me


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