Web Forms :: HTML Encode Not Performing?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a listview in a User Control. It uses FreeTextBox for one of the fields.

I do not want to utilize


Here is my code from the listview edit item template:


What else can I do to not have the validate request set to false and still get beyond the error?

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Use The Html 'title' Attribute With Html.Encode()?

May 26, 2010

I've been tryin to find an example of the syntax for getting an html 'title' for a string when using Html.Encode(). I want to display the full name in the mouseover title, if it's too long.

Is there a way to do this without wrapping the string in a < span >, i.e.

<span title = "<%=Html.Encode(model.Name) %>"> //displays the full name on mouseover
<%=Html.Encode(model.Name.Substring(0, 10))%>... //displays the name up to a max length

Or should I just do it this way?

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Label Control - Don't Encode HTML

Nov 17, 2010

I know this is an XSS risk but for my sepcific scenario am willing to accept it.

I want to use an ASP.NET label control in suh a way that I give it some HTML and it renders it as html without being encoded.

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MVC :: Html Encode / How To Show Data

Jan 23, 2011

I have a text in the DB:<B>My new text</b> is a good text.

I want "My new text" was as Bold style. But I have original text on my site (<B>My new text</b> is a good text). How I can make text format from DB?

Code how I show data:[Code]....

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ADO.NET :: Proper Way To Encode HTML For Linq Insert Into DB

Oct 10, 2010

I've installed a Free TextBox editor to allow clients to do a write up about themselves and style it with HTML. Been reading about cross site script attacks (XSS) and want to make sure I'm correctly uploading the data collected with the Server.encode method.

Is this the right way to do it?:


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C# - Iterate Through The NewValues Collection And HTML Encode All?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a Gridview and I try to Iterate through the NewValues collection and HTML encode all.

I am following MSDN CODE.... using their code (posted here) I receive an error:

Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.

I would like ask you a Full simple example how to implement it, so beginners like me can start use this function.

PS: I posted a similar questions here and people replied but I still do not understand it and i Would need a simple example.


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HTML Encode All Input In MVC 2 Site By Default?

Mar 2, 2011

I'd like to html encode all user input on the ASP.NET MVC 2 site but default. Can this be done anywhere on model binder level?

If I disable input validation for action -- I will need to html-encode every other value. If I keep ASP.NET request validation on -- it will throw erros "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client"

P.S. I do use encoding when outputting data (<%: %> syntax), but I'd like to encode everything on posting it too.

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BeginForm Is Not A Member Of 'Html' And Encode Is Not A Member Of HTML?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm working on this big project in MVC ASP.NET w VB.NETOne of my views is getting me headaches since a few and i'm not sure what's up.I've used the Begin.Form and Html.Encode methods alot in my other views and i never had any problems. Now this new Create.aspx view for one of my object called Automation is giving me multiple build errors such as those cited in the title plus

Error 184 'Context' is not a member of
BeginForm is not a member of 'Html'
Encode is not a member of HTML

My header is as follow (just like all of my other working views headers) :
<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage(Of XXXXX_XXXXX.Automatisation)" %>

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Web Forms :: Performing SaveAs Option In ConsoleApplication?

Jan 3, 2011

Is there any way to perform traditional web based Upload SaveAs option with consoleapplication. I just want to call the saveAs option by passing the filename as argument need to be saved to the location.

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Forms Data Controls :: Refreshing Is Not Performing In Radgrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm using telerik radgrid with some record rows , after updates one row from grid,where dispaly only that row.After click refresh button,all the records are view.

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Web Forms :: Server.HtmlEncode Not Showing Or Decoding When Performing POST

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to set up a POST from one aspx file to another progromatically. Inside the POST is a String of XML data which i have properly added to Server.HtmlEncode(). For some reason, when I grab it in my logs on the other page, it is showing with 3 question marks. I at first thought it was logging text i left somewhere, but have narrowed it down to a Encoding error of some sort because when i change the encoding it changes the character, and when I just put some text in there, i see it on the other side fine. i have tried UTF 8,UTF32,Unicode,ASCII... Can't seem to find the right combination. Can't find the UTF-16
when I use the Encoding object

Below is my Code:

[Code]....My Sending Debug log has the Extension xml coming out in HTML format correctly before POST. Below is just a piece of it[Code]....

And then on the other side log I get the below

Extensions =??

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Web Forms :: Grouping Textbox Controls Together And Performing JavaScript Validation

Dec 10, 2010

Grouping Textbox controls together and performing javascript validation

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Web Forms :: 'Page Could Not Be Displayed' Error When Application Performing Heavy Task

Jun 23, 2010

I have set executionTimeout in web.config to 3600 (which I found out that the scripttimeout will follow this value), and in the production server, I have set debug=false, session time out = 20 min. sql command time out = 1200 seconds

However, when the application is performing heavy sql task that exceed 90seconds, I got the 'Page Could Not be Displayed' error.

When I change debug=true, the application works fine. The application also works fine when I turn off the 'Show HTTP friendly message'.

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Web Forms :: Unable To Encode Request?

Feb 24, 2011

I am opening a popup window on a javascript like this:

openPop("/directory/File.aspx?name=" + strSession,
"550", "800")

I want to encode a Session variable that is in strSession. I have tried the following options but when the popup opens the variable is always visible, unencoded, in the browser address window.

strSession = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(strSession)
strSession = Server.UrlEncode(strSession)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Make A Grid View For Performing Crud Operation

Feb 4, 2010

i make a grid view for performing crud operation. In last coloum item template of grid view, i write code as below..


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Web Forms :: Trying To Download An External Image And Encode It

May 26, 2010

I am trying to download an external image and encode it, using the function below.


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Forms Data Controls :: Url Encode In Hyperlink?

Jul 23, 2010

I am having a HyperlinkField in GridView

<asp:HyperLinkField HeaderText="Name" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="~/destination.aspx?j1={0}&c1={1}"
DataTextField="j1" DataNavigateUrlFields="j1,c1" />

I just want to do UrlEncode in DataNavigateUrlFormatString.

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Web Forms :: How To Encode And Decode URL Querystring Passed In Anchor Tag

Nov 14, 2012

I have a querystring. I want to encode and decode of this querystring. How i will do it in asp.net 2010 ,C#. My querystring is given below.

  <a href='../Product_Page.aspx?id=<%#Eval("PSubCatId")%>&scat=<%#Eval("SName")%>&cat=<%#Eval("Name")%>&cid=<%#Eval("PCatId")%>' style="text-decoration:none"><asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("SubCatName")%>' ></asp:Label> </a>

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Forms Data Controls :: URL Encode TextBox Before Updating Database?

Oct 28, 2010

I have an updatable Gridview control that I cannot seem to URL encode a textbox in one of the columns. I cannot encode some of the other controls in the row, so the solution from the msdn site doesn't work in my case. I only want to encode the single textbox. However, with the code I have, I don't get any errors, and the database is updated, but the column that is edited becomes empty in the database. Here is what I have in the gridview rowupdating:


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ADO.NET :: Performing Several Operations In One Table?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a table in a DB in which I need to perform the following operations:

1. Order the table using index A.
2. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.
3. Order the table using index B.
4. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.
5. Order the table using index C.
6. Traverse the table and do some calculations for every row.

As you can see, what I need is to process such a table several times depending upon a different index for every process. If I use a DataReader I can only traverse it one way and one time, I cannot apply another index and start from the beginning once again. What strategy should I use to achieve my goal? Is a DataTable a good choice?

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ADO.NET :: .ExecuteNonQuery Not Performing Update?

Aug 4, 2010

I've got a routine that's supposed to be capturing data from an XML to a DataTable (which works fine), and then using that data to insert into MS SQL. I have no problems with the Inserting of records (via a different routine) but am struggling to update existing records - I'm not even getting any errors, and I can verify that the data is being assigned to the parameters.

Here's what I've got.

Shared Sub Sold(ByVal FullPath As String)
Dim SQLSold As String
Dim SC As New SqlConnection(CS)
SQLSold = "Update Properties SET Status = @Status, Price = @Price WHERE UniqueID = @UniqueID"
Dim DT As New DataTable


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GridView Delete Icon Not Performing

Apr 21, 2010

I made a GridView application and adds a Delete icon into the GridView. When i compiled a code, it shows the GridView properly, but as i clicked on the Delete icon, it shows the following error: Deleting is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless DeleteCommand is specified.

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C# - Performing Authorisation/authentication Between Webservices?

May 14, 2010

i am developing webservices.In that i want to maintain state information so that all WebMethods could be access only after Login.I have tried but getting problem.I am attaching my code.Any other alternative will also be welcomed.

WebService(Namespace = "http://amSubfah.org/")]


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How To Prevent Duplication On Performing An Operation In Gridview

Jul 6, 2010

I would like to know how to avoid the same operation from being performed twice after some action has been taken on the gridview.

i.e. on clicking a button in gridview, operations in RowCommand get executed. Then on doing a page refresh, the same thing gets done again.

How can we avoid this?

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C# - Performing A Response.Redirect From A Non-Web Based Project?

Jul 13, 2010

I have created a utility method that contains some try/catches in it. In those try/catches I need to redirect the customer using an HttpResponse redirect. I can't seem to figure out how to do this outside a web project. This utility class is referenced from my ASP.NET web project and so I'm just abstracting out some of the code into this utility class so I no longer have the request object.

I know I can use HttpWebRequest object for a lot of web related request tasks outside a web project, but could not seem to get any redirect method there to use after putting in a using System.Net; in my utility class.

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