C# - Performing Authorisation/authentication Between Webservices?

May 14, 2010

i am developing webservices.In that i want to maintain state information so that all WebMethods could be access only after Login.I have tried but getting problem.I am attaching my code.Any other alternative will also be welcomed.

WebService(Namespace = "http://amSubfah.org/")]


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Application Loses Authentication When Performing Redirect To A Virtual Directory?

May 3, 2010

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Each virtual directory is configured on IIS6.0 as an application with own AppPool.

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ASP - GuestbookMod.aspx:


C# - GuestbookMod.aspx:


LINQ to SQL - Guestbook.cs 'Mod' Method:


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ADO.NET :: Performing Several Operations In One Table?

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1. Order the table using index A.
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Shared Sub Sold(ByVal FullPath As String)
Dim SQLSold As String
Dim SC As New SqlConnection(CS)
SQLSold = "Update Properties SET Status = @Status, Price = @Price WHERE UniqueID = @UniqueID"
Dim DT As New DataTable


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Wait Until Image Loads Before Performing Function?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm trying to create a simple portfolio page. I have a list of thumbs and an image. When you click on a thumb, the image will change.

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$(function() {
$('img#image').attr("src", $('ul#thumbs li:first img').attr("src"));
$('ul#thumbs li img').click(function() {


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Web Forms :: Server.HtmlEncode Not Showing Or Decoding When Performing POST

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to set up a POST from one aspx file to another progromatically. Inside the POST is a String of XML data which i have properly added to Server.HtmlEncode(). For some reason, when I grab it in my logs on the other page, it is showing with 3 question marks. I at first thought it was logging text i left somewhere, but have narrowed it down to a Encoding error of some sort because when i change the encoding it changes the character, and when I just put some text in there, i see it on the other side fine. i have tried UTF 8,UTF32,Unicode,ASCII... Can't seem to find the right combination. Can't find the UTF-16
when I use the Encoding object

Below is my Code:

[Code]....My Sending Debug log has the Extension xml coming out in HTML format correctly before POST. Below is just a piece of it[Code]....

And then on the other side log I get the below

Extensions =??

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When To Use Webservices And WCF

Jul 14, 2010

I am working on an asp.net application (.net 4 framework) design and was wanting to know what are the pros and cons and best practices for using webservices vs WCF techology? This application will eventually be used by outside clients to consume data. When would you use WebServices and when would you use WCF? Is one more scalable than the other?

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2 Data For Webservices?

Jul 22, 2010

I am using webservice and Javascript, and in my javascript function, there's a function called onComplete(data).Now my problem is, I want to get 2 datas instead of one data argument in that oncomplete, is it doable? That "data" is the result of call from my webservice. So I am looking for something like this: onComplete(data1, data2) so that I can display it back to my aspx page

div1.text = data1
div2.text = data2

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Php - How To Consume .net Webservices

Dec 22, 2010

we consume .net web services in php or not.if yes then please tell me how can we do it. i am to create a web service which takes values and save it in database also it will take values and reply some data as a standard xml format.i know how to create web service and how to use it in asp.net but don't know how to use/call it from php.thing is that i will not be writing code in php to consume but wants to know that do i need to take care of any special thing or need to do some extra code to make it available and use by php developers.

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How Can Serialize A Datareader In Webservices

Mar 23, 2010

how we can serialize a datareader in webservices.

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How To Serialize The DataReader In Webservices

Mar 20, 2010

How to serialize the DataReader in webservices in asp.net?

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