Web Forms :: How Stop Saving / Inserting If Refresh The Page

Jun 30, 2010

I am using an application called "SAFE" from ASP. This application using for enter the aircraft and personal injury accident.

Once we enter all the details and click the submit button. The next page will open and show the message details like report number.

Report Number will generate depend on sequence.

If you press F5 or refresh in the same page, get the pop up message "Retry" or "Cancel".

If click the retry button, the same input details is saving and generating the next sequence report number.

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Forms Data Controls :: Stop FormView Inserting SQL Data Again On Page Refresh?

Jun 15, 2010

I am using an ObjectDataSource in my FormView for INSERT.

Data inserts correctly to my backend SQL table, however as i am posting back a success/fail message to the same page, i have noticed that after a successful INSERT if it hit the Refresh button the INSERT is doubled up.

How can i stop a user pressing the Refresh button and doubling the INSERT?

Is there a setting somewhere or can i stop this programmatically within my ObjectDataSource_Inserting method perhaps?

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Web Forms :: How To Stop Duplicate Data Insertion On Page Refresh

Jun 24, 2010

I Am working on payment gateway integration, i am storing whole information about the transaction on page load event. so when i press refresh button then Duplicate data is again inserting in database So i want to stop this.

I want to do like

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
// Here I Am Using My Function For Insert Or Update Database

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Web Forms :: How To Stop A Page Refresh Resending DetailsView Data

Nov 16, 2010

The subject says it all really. I have a DetailsView which inserts records into a SQL database. It works fine.

When I refresh the page (F5 for instance), I get a dialogue saying such action will resend the data. If I click OK here, the daa does indeed get sent again resilting in duplicate records in my database.

How can I stop data being resent if the page is refreshed?

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Web Forms :: Page Refresh Not Working After Inserting Records Into Database

Oct 28, 2012

I've a function named fillgrid() which fills the grid with data.This function works correctly on pageload,but after inserting into database i've called this function again, which is not getting executed.This issue happens only in real time server not in my local system,I'm not getting any error and i cannot recognize why fillgrid() function is not getting called??I've used update panel.This is the code for insert function which inserts over 500records.

DataTable dtMob = new DataTable();
dtMob = dtMobilizn.Copy();
DataSet dsMobilizn=new DataSet("dsMobilization");


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VS 2010 - Stop Master Page Redraw / Only Refresh Content Page?

Jul 20, 2012

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Is there a way to only refresh the content page?

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AJAX :: How To Stop Page Refresh On Button Click

May 7, 2015

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Intercept Manual Refresh In Inserting Db Action Page?

Oct 22, 2010

i have a e-commerce page which send data to last page for the payment...

In this last page, the user confirm his intention to acquire products .... In this moment, i've created a sub which insert a new order in the database...all works!...

The problem born when i try (and user could too) to manually refresh the page...the code will be processed again and a new (second) order will be inserted in the database.....it's not correct...

This page make a postback after confirm button....so control page.ispostback will not resolve problem...

How could i intercept manual refresh of this page in a secure way ?

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DataSource Controls :: Formview Insert - Stopping Page Refresh Inserting Data Again?

Jun 14, 2010

I have created a simple dataset with my ObjcetDataSource to my SQL table named Invoices and a new FormView. My form inserts are working 100% correctly, however after some testing i noticed the insert happens again if i hit the refresh button on my browser after an initial insert. I am currently submitting the form back to itself with a success/fail message returned on the page so that the user can keep inserting more records if they choose. This is done in my Inserted behaviour.

In my ObjectDataSource_Inserting code i am setting the values of a date prior to my insert. How do i stop a second INSERT from happening when the user refreshes the browser? I thought it was what IsPostBack was used for? Here is my code:


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Web Forms :: Stop Inserting Duplicate Value In Ddl Using Code Behind

Aug 4, 2010

my ddl1 and ddl2 in update panel so i want to insert item in ddl using following condition. It is working fine but when you choose ddl2 more than one then it insert item every time meand duplicate value and populate ddl1 every time.

protected void DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (DropDownList2.SelectedValue=="1" )
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("first", "1"));
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(1, new ListItem("Second", "2"));
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(2, new ListItem("Third", "3"));
else if (DropDownList2.SelectedValue == "2" )
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("first", "1"));
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(1, new ListItem("Second", "2"));

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Stop A Detailsview From Inserting Or Updating

Aug 12, 2010

Here is the scenerio:I have a radtabstrip (with 2 tabs) at the top of my page followed by radMultiPage control Tab 1 displays pageview 1 which has a gridview showing data from our database and allows for selection or deletion of data tab 2 displays a detailsview when gridview_selectedindexchanged(from tab 1) is fired.Problem... If you select an entry in the gridview it switech the page and the detailsview into editmode (works fine) but if you then click on tab 1 without clicking update or cancel in the detailsview, the data is updated. This is what i don't want as the user has basically abandoned the changes.So what i need is a what to say ... if the detailsview is in edit or insert when the tabstrip is clicked then cancel the insert or update. I tried switching it back to readonly mode but that did not seem to work.

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Web Forms :: Stop Refresh After Button Click In A Data Grid

Apr 7, 2010

I have a data grid and i click the data grid button the page refresh.I dont use Update Panal.I m working a shopping Cart website and i have a datagrid. Data grid has a Add to cart Button.When i click this button the page is Refresh. i want the page is not refresh

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Data Controls :: How To Stop Transaction While Inserting Record If Duplicate Value Found In DB

Nov 7, 2010

I have a formview and inside it there are two textboxes taking integer as input.I put a condition that if both textboxes are empty then user should be notified that "Please put value in any one of the textbox".It is working very fine.From database side DBA checked that if user input any integer value in any one of the two textboxes and if it is already found in database then there is no insertion.The problem is that everything is working fine and i checked in the database that the record is also not inerting due to duplicate check but user is getting message that "Record inserted successfully."How to stop this message and how to notify user that you have entered duplicate value and transaction should also not been done. Means all inputs should be there rather than clearing textboxes that could be done when "Record Inserted."

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Mar 30, 2011

I have a button that has click event in my C#. This works great. However afetr pressing F5 to refresh the page I noticed the button event is fired. This occurs every time I click F5. I've added if(page.IsPostBack) and the method still runs.

Is there any way to stop method from firing when the F5 Refresh button is clicked?

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Feb 8, 2011

How to show confirmation message after the process of saving or inserting a record to Database?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Refresh Page Without Going To Top Of Page When Refresh Is Done

Nov 3, 2010

I have a table on my page. I need to scroll down a little to get to that table. In that table i have som data that i edit and save to database. When the save is done i need to refresh the page( Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl )) so it loads the new data to that table. When the refresh is done the page is on top again so that i need to scroll down again to see the table. This makes it very unusable for the user.

How can i refresh the page without it going back to top again? I tryed wrapping an updatepanel around the table but it didnt

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Web Forms :: Make An Ifrom Refresh Without Having To Refresh The Whole Page?

Jan 18, 2010

1. Is there anyway to make an ifrom refresh without having to refresh the whole page?

2. My iframe just wont display when I run it. It just displays a grey screen with the file name in the middle.


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Mar 11, 2011

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Page.Refresh Type Of Command To Refresh A Page?

Feb 10, 2010

Is there a Page.Refresh type of Command to refresh a page? I don't want to redirect to the page or refresh in javascript.

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Web Forms :: Stop Page From Refreshing

Feb 1, 2011

i have a page which consists of a drop down box.in that drop down box i am having two values namely start and stop. i enable the autopostback property to true. when user selects start or stop from dropdowm box, the page is refreshing.now what i want is...when the user selects stop from dropdown box..the page should nt refresh.

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Web Forms :: How To Stop Redirection To Another Link Page

Jun 29, 2010

Is it possible to stop redirection at hyperlink to another link page?

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Web Forms :: Stop ImageButton From Refreshing Page

Oct 10, 2010

I have an ImageButton programmed to open up a new window with a small onclientclick javascript routine. But, when the ImageButton is clicked, the page containing the button reloads too, causing both a delay and loss of position on the page. I don't need the page to reload, just the new window to open.

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Web Forms :: How To Use Page.IsValid To Stop Processing

Feb 25, 2010

I'm using CustomValidator with Page.IsValid=false but for some reason the FormView control still process the insertion.

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Web Forms :: How To Stop Page From Getting To Top Position On PostBack

May 7, 2015

I am using GeoMap in my website, and GeoMap is little below in Web Page.I am using filters in GeoMap, i.e., when user selects any station and clicks on "button", all the locations related to selection shows in GeoMap. But everytime when I filter and click on button, page loads and scroll upward then again to see the filteration result in Geo Map, I had to scroll down my page.I want that when I filter any station and click on button, page should stick to that GeoMap section. It should not go upward until user scrolls the page.For this I tried using "Update panel" but then GeoMap javascript is not working.

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Forms Data Controls :: Go To Next Page In Gridview Without Refresh Page (wihtout Postback)?

Nov 15, 2010

how can go to next page in gridview without refresh page

i thing programmers says wihtout postback?

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