Web Forms :: How To Disable Validations On Specific Button

May 16, 2013

I am using two text boxes for email id and password,and a submit button inoreder to login.In the same page itself I have provided a link button for forgot password.For the two text boxes I have provided required field validators.So when I click on the Link "Forgot Password" I cannot move to other page since the requiredfield validators prevent thatr.

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AJAX :: Disable All Page Validations In Javascript?

Nov 25, 2010

I'm having an accordion panel in my Master page to show all the user menus. To remember the last clicked header menu, I'm doing an async postback in selectedindexchanged event of the accordion panel and storing the new index in session and I'm using thatin my page load to set the selectedindex when user navigates to a new page.If I'm on a content page that has some validators and then click on one of the accordion headers, it's firing the validations on this current page because I'm doing an async postback (by giving the name of the updatepanel in the eventName argument) through javascript using __doPostBack.

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MVC :: Disable Validations Using Jquery In Mvc2 - How To Maintain Individual

Mar 16, 2010

I have dropdown values like this : credit card, cheque, cash..etc. here i am showing "div" when iam click on cheque or hiding "div" when iam click on credit card,cash..etc.

i wrote Jquery validations for all controls in my page like this ...


if i select cheque in dropdown the validations should be fire other wise not, but now my page all validations fired when click on submit button?

How can i maintain individual?

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Web Forms :: Validations Should Work When Click On Login Button?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a problem with a RequiredFieldValidator ..

in the log in page I have a validations that check (IsEmpty) .. but in top of the page i have linkbuttons when i click on any one ,, they says that u must fill the text boxs ..

how i can solve this problem ..!

I want validations work just when i click on login button .. !

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Mar 2, 2010

Validation controls are good to use but plz guide is there a way that I can prevent validation controls to be validate on input and force them to validate on button press ?

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Web Forms :: Validations Using Onblur And Button Click Event Of The Textbox?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a web form where i have a key field "Account #" and ive put some live validations sort of function which validates the input text against values in database and instantly displays result if the account # is valid or invalid and ive put this on "onblur" event of the textbox.

The problem i am facing is that i have a "SAVE" button also and when user inputs account number the onblur fires and validates the input then user presses tab key fill other details and change his mind and go back to account # and type some invalid values and without pressing tab clicks on SAVE button with the mouse ..darn in this case it doesnt fire ONBLUR instead if fires SAVE event...how to overcome this problem and execute onblur first in any case.

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Web Forms :: Disable Image Button Or Hyperlink Button Based On Role

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I have four Imagebuttons that I want to disable depending on the Role the user belongs too. I know how do do this in a gridview or detailsview but for some reason it isn't working on just a plain form. So when a User who is not in the "Admin" role logs onto the page he either doesn't see the button or the hyperlink has been disabled thus not allowing him to proceed any further.

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How To Disable Viewstate For A Specific Control

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<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" EnableViewState="false" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />

I have set the EnableViewState property to false, but when I click on the button the value in the textbox persists after the postback. Why does the value persist?

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C# - Disable HTML Tag Validation On A Specific TextBox?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a form where one of the fields would allow entry of HTML tags.

<asp:TextBox ID="someID" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" />

In this field I have a RequiredFieldValidator validation only. Unfortunately, after any PostBack if the content of any of the fields includes HTML tags or any other potentially dangerous code - the entire ViewState is cleaned.Setting ValidateRequest to false does not help. I'm using IIS 7.5 and .NET 4.0.

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AJAX :: CalendarExtender - Disable Specific Dates

Dec 15, 2013

This question is regarding one of your article on disabling future dates in [URL] ....

Your code in the above link disables(prevents for selection) dates for selection greater than today.

But I want to prevent users from selecting dates after a particular date say for example-after 13th October 2013, all the dates should be disabled.

I replaced this line

 var c = (new Date).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
var c = (new Date("October 13, 2013 11:00:00")).setHours(0,0,0,0);

in the javascript file(Extension.min.js).

But still it was disabling dates other than today.

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JQuery :: Disable Specific Dropdownlists In Repeater / Grid?

Jan 26, 2011

I have dropdownlists inside a repeater. I would like to do something like this but can't figure out the syntax:

If (DropDownList1.Text = "Hello")
{ DropDownList1.Enabled = false; }

I'm not sure if the JQuery implementation will be as simple as this, or the approach will be a little different?

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Data Controls :: Disable User Click In Header And Some Specific Rows Of GridView Using JQuery

Jan 24, 2016

How to Disable user click on Gridview header and first two columns? I am using a modalpopuextender for which girdview is used as targetcontrolid. I need to pop up panel2 when user clicks on anywhere on the gridview except the gridview header and first two columns.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="Panel2" runat="server">
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="GridView1" PopupControlID="Panel2" Drag="True" Enabled="True"> </cc1:ModalPopupExtender>
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">

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Data Controls :: GridView Last Row Delete Button Disable Functionality Not Working For Edit Button

May 7, 2015

In one of my Web Page, there is one Modal Pop up, in which I am using Gridview Edit, Update, CancelEdit, Delete functionality.Main functionality is : If while deleting any of the Gridview Row, if only 1 row remains in Gridview (that row can be any row), then that row should not get deleted.Rest of Edit, Update, CancelEdit functionally is working fine.

I used below code for above:


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)


problem is: When any last row is left in Gridview, its Delete button is disables that time (as per requirement and functionality). But when user clicks on Gridview "Edit" button, update section opens, and at that time "Delete" button gets Enabled, so that time user can delete the last row of Gridview which should not be done.I had fixed this problem for "Cancel" and "Update" button of Gridview using below line:

Response.Redirect(Request.Url.AbsoluteUri); but unable to fix it for "Edit" button of Gridview. If Last row is left in Gridview , and user clicks on Gridview "Edit" button of that row, then at that time "Delete" button should not get "enabled" it should remain "disabled"

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C# - Multiple Submit Button With Validations / Cannot Submit Subscription

Jan 4, 2011

In ASP.NET when we have multiple input section with required field validator (Like on header for login with userid & Password is required and second on footer for subscription) when we click on subscription login section's userid required field validator activates and say userid required & i can not submit subscription.

when i submit subscription details login section should not have concern with this. how to avoid this conflicts.

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Web Forms :: Validation To Run When Press One Specific Button

Sep 6, 2010

- I'm using a RequiredFieldValidator to check whether the text box is empty. I only wanted this validation to run when I press one specific button.

- I dont want the validation to be done on every button control within a page. For example, i have 2 buttons, one is showing a list of data and another will be checking for an empty text boxes. So, when I click the show list button, I dont want the validation to be run, what I want is the validation to be run on the check empty text boxes button.

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Web Forms :: Disable A Button For A While?

Nov 2, 2010

i have a button and would like when its clicked that it disaple for a minute then returns to normal how can i do that

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Web Forms :: Put A Button On A Specific Date In A Calendar Object?

Feb 20, 2011

Is there a way to put a button on a specific date in a calendar object? Specific dates in my website might have a lot of data that needs to be shown and I want to place a button on that date to open up a new webpage or make a panel visible with the information. Below is the calendar object and the dayrendering routine to place the current information in the calendar object.


Dim linkStr As String
e.Cell.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
linkStr = "<span style=""font-size:11pt; font-Weight:bold; color:white""><br />Error Loading Date: " & e.Day.Date & _
"<br /><br />Check Date and Re-Submit!"
e.Cell.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(linkStr))
end sub

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Web Forms :: Disable Back Button In IE

Jun 16, 2010

I am currently doing asp.net page, I want disable back & forward button all the times the page opening/loading.

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