Web Forms :: How To Close Page Without Javascript

Mar 26, 2010

How to close asp.net page without javascript ?

i want to close the page after c#.code

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Javascript - Refresh Parent Page After Greybox Close?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a blog, where people can make comments. I've now decided to put the "writecomments.aspx" file in a Greybox popup-window. It works, but I want to close the window from codebehind (or javascript) after the comment is written. And then I want to refresh the blog page (the parent page) to show the new comment.

This is the code that opens the greybox (writecomments.aspx) page:

<a href='WriteComments.aspx?BlogId=<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.id") %>' rel="gb_page_center[500, 500]">Skriv kommentar</a>

In the writecomments.aspx file, I just have 2 textboxes and 1 button (save-button). How can I make the greybox window close itself, and then somehow refresh the blog.aspx? Or maybe just a specific updatepanel for the current comments?


I got it working, I had to put this code in the codebehind, after the db-insert: Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "close", "parent.parent.GB_hide();", true); And for the refresh of the parent page, I edited the gb_scripts.js file on line 12 from false to true: this.reload_on_close=true;


Actually, I modified it a bit, so, I put the gb_scripts.js file back to it's default state, and I just just the followig line of code in the WriteComments.aspx codebehind file, just after the db-insert:

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "close", "parent.parent.window.location.reload();parent.parent.GB_hide();", true);

Now, the Greybox is closing, and then, the blog page is refreshing, just like I want :)

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Web Forms :: How To Close Child And Parent Page And Redirect To New Page

Oct 27, 2010

Following is my requirement :

I have 3 asp.net web pages. From the 1st page i am opening showmoadlDialog(2nd page) in which(2nd page) i am storing some value in session(Ineed to do this here only) and checking some count which is coming from database, If count is Zero it will display message but if some value is there and then if i click on Ok button it will redirect to 3rd page. And close the 1st and 2nd Page.

how to do this ?

When i am clicking on Ok button it is showing some cofirmation message(Do you want to close this window) but this i dont want.

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Javascript Close And Open Pages At The Same Button?

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Nov 12, 2010

in my aspx page,

1. am using calendarextender bind with text box

2. button click event call th SQL stored procedure to save the form values

3. after save and get the output value from the SQL SP ( its boolean value)

4. if true i have to show the javascript alert or else nothing have to alert, so this is the code

if (CheckandBooked())
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(btnBook, typeof(string), "alertscript", "alert('Selected time period clashes with existing booking');", true);
bug: this is working good but while showing the alert time i can see the calender( it look like design view) the design is adjusted how to avoid this

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1- want to disable its close button

2- want to show this window always on top

3- want to change toolbar color.

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Web Forms :: Close Page From Codebehind?

May 20, 2010

I have written this in my source page

<script type="text/javascript">
function CloseMe()
and in code behind after clearing the sessions i have this
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "CloseMe();", true);

The page is closing, but it gives a confirmation dialogbos saying do you really want to close this page Ok and Cancel. I don't want this confirmation box to come i just want the page to close how can i go about doing that.

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Mar 11, 2011

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AJAX :: Close A Popup Window Which Contains An UpdatePanel Using Javascript In Code Behind

Mar 22, 2011

I have a popup window (aspx page) which is used to save log messages to the DB. I want to close this popup as soon as the user clicks the save button and the message has been saved into the database. My issue is the popup does not close when I use an UpdatePanel in conjunction with an UpdateProgress control.

Pages and Controls: ImplantQuoteInfo.aspx, ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.aspx, ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.ascx

ImplantQuoteInfo.aspx: This page creates the popup windows using RegisterStartupScript


ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.aspx: This page holds the user control with the funcitonality

ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.ascx: This user control takes a message text and saves it into the database. The control uses an HtmlEditor inside an UpdatePanel and an UpdateProgress control.



C# code behind:


PS: I am using .NET framework 4.0, Windows 7, SQL 2008 R2.

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How can I close current page using C# at Code Behind?

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Web Forms :: Close Before Opening Same Page (Parameter Screen)

Nov 3, 2010

I am using asp.net to call the reporting services report. In my asp.net page, there is a parameter screen which while running opns the reporting services report in asp.net page as pageA.aspx Now, whenever, I again change the parameters on the parameter page and click the run button, if pageA.aspx is already opened, it just refreshes that page but the page doesn't generate new results ( caused by the change in parameters). I want to close that page (pageA.aspx) before generating the same page with other values (caused by the change in parameters in parameter page). I want this function in page_load() function of the param page.

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Web Forms :: Fire A PostBack Event On A Page When Close A Window?

Mar 26, 2010

The program is written using dotnetnuke and c#

Im facing the following problem. I have a aspx page (test.aspx) where I have a form what I want to do is when I hit a button on the test.aspx I open another window (getCoordinates.aspx)where I do some things and create some session variables.

When I close the getCoordinates.aspx I want to call the page load of the test.aspx so I can make use of the session variables I created and fill some textboxes

How can you refresh the 'parent' page when you close a 'child' window

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Nov 4, 2010

I am generating a new report page by using the following code.


But, the above script is used in more than 20 parameter page which ultimately always open the same Report_preview.Aspx page.

What i want to check while running the above script is "give a warning if the Report_preview.Aspx is already opened"

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Feb 5, 2011

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