Web Forms :: Using The Code Below But It Is Very Slow, Plus When Close Web Page Get An Error?
Jun 12, 2010
I have a textbox that I need to make sure the case is right. I am using the code below but it is very slow, plus when I close my web page I get an error.
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Aug 20, 2010
When I use classical ADO.NET or (which is interesting) EntityDataSource (e.g. for GridView), then page load within 1 second.But when I use ic codefile code like:
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Cty = CType(Request.QueryString("cty"), Integer) ' course type
If Not IsPostBack Then ' read course status
Using ctx_sdbEntities As New sdbEntities()
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Jan 5, 2011
I open a popup window by client code. Now I want to do some calculation on this popup window & if it success then I want to save the calculation result in a session variable and close the window. I mean I want to click a button on popup window, it will do some calculation on server side and if it success the it will store the calculation result in a session variable and close the popup window.
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Jan 24, 2016
Please click <a onclick="self.close();" href="#">here</a> to close this window. this is my code .
when i submit in chrome and mozilla it shows the error.
" script must not be allowed to close a window that was not opened by that same script."
I tried with
function quitBox(cmd) {
if (cmd=='quit') {
open(location, '_self').close();
return false;
but it does not work for me
window.open('', '_parent', '');
and also with this script.
how i close the tab on clicking the close tab.
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Dec 6, 2010
I have a serious problem with "Error on Page". The error message points to line number 939, char 13. In my code behind (C#) in line number 939 is only an obsolete method found which is no longer called. The aspx file has only 339 lines. What the heck is line number 939?The Webapplication allows a special user group to change some group memberships for members of another user group in Active Directory. The App handles 3internal DataViews derived from corresponding DataTables as DataSource for 3 GridViews and some other internal lists with objects (List<obj>).
It uses windows authentication to get current users credentials and his membership in the "Operators" group. This credentials will be passed-through to allow the process managing group memberships in active directory.After starting the App in browser it seems to work fine. But after an indeterminated time it doesn't longer respond. After each click on buttons (or link buttons) you only can see the message "Error on Page" in the browsers status bar below.I played with session timeout, storing the DataTables in session variables, without success.
Last week I found this article here: [URL]" and I addedEnableEventValidation="false" ViewStateEncryptionMode="Never"
to Page declaration. However, at some point the the server does not respond. Each time the worker process on webserver recycles it seems the application turn to wrong state. Might be important: All controls including GridViews are embedded in an AJAX UpdatePanel. How to get a better error message? Debugging is enabled and Custom Error handling On, Off or Remote Only brings the same result as described.
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Oct 27, 2010
Following is my requirement :
I have 3 asp.net web pages. From the 1st page i am opening showmoadlDialog(2nd page) in which(2nd page) i am storing some value in session(Ineed to do this here only) and checking some count which is coming from database, If count is Zero it will display message but if some value is there and then if i click on Ok button it will redirect to 3rd page. And close the 1st and 2nd Page.
how to do this ?
When i am clicking on Ok button it is showing some cofirmation message(Do you want to close this window) but this i dont want.
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Jan 3, 2011
I am having trouble closing jQuery Facebox from code behind. I am inserting a new record through FaceBox, on successful insertion the FaceBox needs to be closed. How can i achieve this?
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Sep 29, 2013
I have button and textbox in Trade.aspx page that users enter Number in TB and according to that Number it go to other page
protected void Trade_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlEncode(txtNumeric.Text);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("traidname", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_cmd.Parameters.Add("@BehCode", data);
string tName = _cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
Response.Redirect(tName + "?BehCode=" + Server.UrlEncode(txtNumeric.Text));
Now I want if users enter wrong number in TB that doesn't exist in database it redirect to Error.aspx page
View 1 Replies
Apr 18, 2010
I have the default.aspx page that I'm using javascript (in page_load) to open a new window (main.aspx) without toolbars/menus. This is the window I wan't up the remainder of the time. Is there a way to close the default.aspx page after opening the new window?
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Sep 21, 2010
I've developed a web page Client.aspx that is used for editing a client. This application has been deployed and I made sure that debug='false'.Upon selecting a client from the dropdownlist, his/her information is retrieved for editing. This retrieving process is very slow( about 9 seconds).Except this DropDownList, all the other controls on this page are within the Update Panel. There are 2-3 other Update Panels within the main Update Panel.
When a client is selected from the DropDownList, the Client_ID (DataValueField) is used to retrive the informationSELECT * FROM CLIENTS WHERE Client_ID=1576
This method returns a dataset.In the calling method I'm assigning these values to the respective fields.Some JavaScript is used for validating Phone#.I also have a RadioButtonList on this page. When one of the ListItem is selected I need to disable a TextBox. Even this process is taking much time than expected.
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Mar 26, 2010
How to close asp.net page without javascript ?
i want to close the page after c#.code
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May 20, 2010
I have written this in my source page
<script type="text/javascript">
function CloseMe()
and in code behind after clearing the sessions i have this
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "CloseMe();", true);
The page is closing, but it gives a confirmation dialogbos saying do you really want to close this page Ok and Cancel. I don't want this confirmation box to come i just want the page to close how can i go about doing that.
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Jun 15, 2010
I am using an AJAX extender on a panel that lets me expand and collapse a panel when I click a button. Does anyone know how to collapse a panel by code without doing a postback? I looked at the properties and methods on the ajax toolkit page and either it is not possible or I am missing it. Actually there is a postback on what I am doing - I forgot. But the page comes back with it open still.
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Mar 27, 2011
I want to call a function (VB, server side function) when the page is close.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have two webforms for different performance.If the slow web form with several dropdownlist with 10000 items from database, it will be delay when typing some letters in the textbox.But when typing letters in the fast webform with dropdownlist with 5 items from database, it will be no delay when typing some letters in the textbox
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Apr 21, 2010
i have developed an ERP in asp.net 3.5. The problem is that when published and as well as during development, the execution speed of page is very slow. I have off the compilation mode in web.config and also get all the data in page load and then filter it using Dataview rowfilter property but i can't get much better speed.
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Mar 22, 2011
I have a popup window (aspx page) which is used to save log messages to the DB. I want to close this popup as soon as the user clicks the save button and the message has been saved into the database. My issue is the popup does not close when I use an UpdatePanel in conjunction with an UpdateProgress control.
Pages and Controls: ImplantQuoteInfo.aspx, ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.aspx, ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.ascx
ImplantQuoteInfo.aspx: This page creates the popup windows using RegisterStartupScript
ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.aspx: This page holds the user control with the funcitonality
ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.ascx: This user control takes a message text and saves it into the database. The control uses an HtmlEditor inside an UpdatePanel and an UpdateProgress control.
C# code behind:
PS: I am using .NET framework 4.0, Windows 7, SQL 2008 R2.
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Jun 6, 2010
I have 2 tables with Primery Key in both table and 700k in each tables and i am direct executing following Query in SQL Server 2008
Its speed very slow and then timedout error. My system configuration is good and i am not executing it online but offline on my laptop.
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Nov 3, 2010
I am using asp.net to call the reporting services report. In my asp.net page, there is a parameter screen which while running opns the reporting services report in asp.net page as pageA.aspx Now, whenever, I again change the parameters on the parameter page and click the run button, if pageA.aspx is already opened, it just refreshes that page but the page doesn't generate new results ( caused by the change in parameters). I want to close that page (pageA.aspx) before generating the same page with other values (caused by the change in parameters in parameter page). I want this function in page_load() function of the param page.
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Jan 20, 2011
I am using gridview. In which i m entering some value in textbox in Gridview.According to that value, i m generating datatable and binding it to the Gridview(Child Gridview).But when i m doing this, the performance of the page is very slow. How do i improve the performance.
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Mar 26, 2010
The program is written using dotnetnuke and c#
Im facing the following problem. I have a aspx page (test.aspx) where I have a form what I want to do is when I hit a button on the test.aspx I open another window (getCoordinates.aspx)where I do some things and create some session variables.
When I close the getCoordinates.aspx I want to call the page load of the test.aspx so I can make use of the session variables I created and fill some textboxes
How can you refresh the 'parent' page when you close a 'child' window
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Nov 3, 2010
I have a main page, when i click a button, appear another window. When i close the another window, i wanna make one loop for fill my fields in the main page. How i can do that? Activate some event or something like that?
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