Web Forms :: Minimize And Close Buttons Disappears When Webpart Page Remains Idle For 1 Hour

Feb 28, 2011

I have asp.net webpart page with close and minimize buttons for the webparts.

These buttons are disappering if page remains idle for 1 hour

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Deployed Project Not Showing Webpart Verb Tool Bar (minimize, Close Buttons Of WebPart)

Jan 4, 2011

I am just started development in ASP.NET.

I have created one sample application for WebParts. It is working fine when I run it from Visual Studio or local environment.

But when, I have publish file in IIS virtual directory (in my PC or same PC) at that time it is stop showing Verb tool bar (minimize, close buttons of WebPart).

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Web Forms :: On Clicking The Save Button The Page Remains Idle

Feb 1, 2010

In a page hving some textboxes and dropdownlists with every control having server side validation controls.On selecting a dropdown all the validation controls are disappear and on clicking the save button the page remains idle.

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Web Forms :: Minimize WebPart ChromeState On Page_Load ?

Jan 5, 2010

I just have one quick question concerning WebPart ChromeStates; we have several WebPartZones in a page. Management now has this requirement: all webpart chromestates should be set to Minimized on Page_Load, whatever the last saved state is. In fact, it
is better that it doesn't remember it's saved state at all. Problem is, if we close the page with one or more WebPartZones ChromeState set to Restore / Normal, the next time the page is loaded, it remembers those states. We just wanted it to be minimized
on each page load.

We have already set profile AutoSaveEnabled to False, set each WebPart ChromeState to Minimized on each Page Load via code-behind, Reset Personalization Settings on each page load, and all other things I have researched in the forums, yet, it still retains.it's last state upon browser close. We use IE 6 exclusively, and we are not allowed to upgrade to 7 or 8.

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Web Forms :: Firing Close And Minimize Events Of Web Parts?

Oct 29, 2010

I am in a deep deep trouble because I am trying to use web parts in my project,I have implemnented custom provider for personalization(coz, I am using MYSql as a database).I am using three web part zones and each zone hve more than three controls and whenever I try to drag and drop the parts from one zone to other zone, for the first time the droped element successfuly runs but after then if we again try to drop another element from other zone to this then the already dropped element goes to its original place from where it is dropped,The 2nd problem is that close and minimize verbs are not firing well, e.g if there,My provider personlaization class is as,


and the markup is as,

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<cc3:Script ID="Script1" runat="server" />
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">


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Web Forms :: WebPartZone - Refresh, Minimize And Close Are Not Working In Chrome & Safari

Dec 20, 2010

We are using Web Part Zones to display certain Charts in our website. In the title of the Zone, we are using the below code to display the menu for Minimize, Refresh and Close buttons.

<CloseVerb ImageUrl="~/Images/Close.png" />
<MenuVerbStyle BorderColor="#5D7B9D" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" ForeColor="White" />
<TitleBarVerbStyle CssClass="WPVerbBar" />[code]....

This buttons are working fine in IE and in Firefox. But the same is not working in Chorme and in Safari.We got the below script error in Chrome:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an HTMLElement> has no method 'attachEvent'

ScriptResource.axd?d=JgYxHqt6li1Lc12at8VRK-y-qeXK_5Wiei-tKNUi8rRE-1X5EEl-KvYEuW4m8Foj1VyIiaN7sK98_-pMwa5y7w2&t=633802855995006876:277Uncaught TypeError: Object #<an HTMLElement> has no method 'attachEvent'

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Web Forms :: How To Close Session If Computer Idle For 5 Minutes

Apr 25, 2013

I am developing web application using ASP.NET and I want to close the current user session if the computer is idle for 5 minutes. Idle not means for web application only, Its full system that means if no keystroke received from keyboard for 5 mins.I got some info thru Google about Idle Tracker in VC++ but I dont know how to use that DLL in my web application. [URL] .... How to achieve this. I want to get the total computer active time and idle time thru asp.net for my employees productivity report.

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Close Session When Users Idle?

Jul 14, 2010

I want to know, how to close a session when a user is idle (around 'n' time) in asp.net.

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Security :: Close Session When Users Idle?

Jul 14, 2010

how to close a session when a user is idle (around 'n' time) in asp.net.

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: WebPart Personalization Buttons Disappeared?

Jan 23, 2011

I'm working with web parts in asp.net and every thing is working great in development environment,but in published environment the personalization buttons (RestoreVerb & CloseVerb & design mode) disappeared,i try it on win server 2003 and IIS6 working fine but on win server 2008 and IIS7 doesn't work.

to be more clear

on Development Environment
On Publiedhed Environment

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Web Forms :: The Master Page's Footer Remains Still Although Left Menu Is Very Long?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a page which has menu of the items on the left and the content page on the right. Since, master page is used, there is a few content on the footer of the master page.As a default, the left menu shrinks but as you expand the menu tree, the menu items goes down and down. But the footer of the master page remains there so that its ugly looking.IS there any way to push the footer of the master page also below and below as the menu items grow and grow (moves below and below)

View 6 Replies

AJAX :: How To Add Close And Refresh Buttons To Dynamic Tab

Jan 20, 2011

I have dynamic ajax tab. I need to add refresh and close button in each tab panel.

here is my code:


View 11 Replies

C# - Static Music Player That Remains On The Page Playing No Matter If The User Navigates Away To Another Page Within The Site?

Sep 15, 2010

I am needing to have a music player (something like a strip down at the bottom of the page that goes all the way across), that remains at the bottom even when the user navigates to another page within the same site.The purpose of this is to play music on the website no matter where the user goes on the website.

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Web Forms :: Page.IsPostBack Is False Incorrectly After Page Is Idle For About 20 Minute?

Feb 8, 2010

When any of my page is idle for about 20 minute, and after that if I hit any button, like Sumit Button or any other button, at this time, Page.IsPostback is again False, and none of the click event is fired and page gets reloaded again.

This happens only if I go like this, open up any of my webpage, keep it idle OR do nothing for about 20 minute, exactly on 21st or 22nd minute, Click on any of the button on the page, and the page gets reloaded, click event does not get fired. I debugged for this and I checked the Page.IsPostback value at this point and I got it as False after 20 minute, I don't know why. It should be True. And because of this my page gets reloaded and nothing gets submitted and every control is in the blank position once again and user have to enter everything again.

But if I enter everything and hit any of the button or Submit button within 20 minute, then everything works fine, Submit button's click event is also gets fired and everything works perfect.

And this is happening in all of my page. I am not sure what configuration is wrong.

But just for more details, I have a master page, I am using Telerik Controls and I have session Timeout set as 60 minute everywhere, in web.config and in IIS settings and in my App_Pool also. On my Master Page, I have ASP:ScriptManager, Tekerik:RadMenu, ASP:ContentPlaceHolder controls and some other controls and javascript code too.


View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Redirect To Login Page When Any Page Is Idle For 5 Minutes

Feb 23, 2010

I want to redirect to login page when any page is idle for 5 minutes and after re login I want to redirect to the page user is earlier in .

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Web Forms :: Page Idle Postback Time Out?

Jul 19, 2010

when i leave my page idle for about 2 minutes.

When i do a postback from my linkbutton it fails.

The browser then shows "Internet Explorer cannot display this webpage" I then also receive a Request Time Out in the event log.

Does anyone have similar experience with this, not sure what could be causing this since it happens on all pages in my application.

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Page Not Found Error 404 After 20 Minutes Idle?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a page that have a combobox and a button, when the user select something from the combobox and hit the Go button they are redirected to the page with the desired variable.


The problem appears when the page was not used from more than 20 minutes and the user select something from the comboBox and hit Go Button the receive a page indicating the Error 404.The only thing that I try is to use a javascript code that Refresh the page every 15 minutes but is not nice to see a page refreshing without a reason.If someone can have a way to identify what can be done in this problem, Its going to be a huge help.

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AJAX :: Dynamically Set Targetcontrolid Of Any Extender Which Remains After Page Load?

Aug 7, 2010

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with VB. In design view of grid, i have one textbox in its template field. I also have one Ajax Calender Extender and FilteredTextBox Extender. I have set target controlId of both calender and filteredtextbox extender equal to that textbox. Now dynamically i dispose one of the extender from that textbox. everything works ok. But once my page reloads it takes the original design image, means both extenders are being set to that textbox.

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C# - Reload The Information Of The Sharepoint 2007 Webpart After A Button Is Clicked From Another Webpart?

Dec 29, 2010

I am new in sharepoint development. I have 2 webparts attached on a page. The first webpart (MyTestingWebpart1) basically it does only inserting of data and the other webpart (MyTestingWebpart[2]) displays the records from the database. Now my problem is when I try to click on the save button, somehow I don't know how to refresh the webpart that displays the newly inserted record. Is this possible?

I have added a query at the page load event of MyTestingWebPart[2]. Both of the webparts attached are web user controls.

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Web Forms :: WebPart With Pager - Page Won't Load

May 3, 2010

I have a similar scenario. Sharepoint --> Ascx Control Webpart --> ListView w DataPager. The thing is, when I use the QueryStringField everything works ok. The Pages, clicks, etc... The problem is that when you use QueryStringField(QSF) it reloads all the page when you navigate through pages (this is because it builds different urls using the QSF). Everything ok until now.

As I have other webparts in the same page that interact with this one, I don't want a full render of the page because the other webpart reloads entirely. So, if I take out the QSF the link to pages appear but when I click on them they won't load.

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Web Forms :: Configure Webpart Page For All Users?

Jan 13, 2010

I have a problem when config webpart page for all users.

I created a web application with webpart and using account (in table aspnet_Users) to manager web part in webpart page .

After deploy and public then user (that not login) not see webpart.

config webpart for all users (include user not login)

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Web Forms :: How To Apply The Layout Of A Template In A Webpart Page

Feb 22, 2010

im workin on a project using web parts..i have two pages:the first one contains two webpartzones and a set of webparts. in the second one, i should have the same webparts in the first but organised in a specific form. now this page is considered as a template page which the user can choose to apply on his first
page.when the user chose this page. the first one should organise its webparts in the second webpartzone in a way that looks the same as the order of the webparts in the second page.

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Web Forms :: .net Page With Webpart Changing Layout Automatically?

Feb 24, 2011

I have my home page with asp.net webparts. I can do all operations like closing, minimizing, dragging webpart from one zone to another.But I find out one strange issue that when I modified home page of one user and logged out. then in same browser if I login for another user, same modification that I have performed for earlier user appears for the second user.

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Web Forms :: Adding Webpart Page To Existing Application

Feb 19, 2010

What are the steps to implement webparts into an existing application that already has been set up to use asp.net membership? I have yet to see how to get this to work. The only thing I am accomplishing is generating the following error:

The specified connectionStringName, 'LocalSqlServer', was not registered. (C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Configweb.config line 312) at System.Web.Configuration.ProvidersHelper.InstantiateProvider(ProviderSettings providerSettings, Type providerType) at System.Web.Configuration.ProvidersHelper.InstantiateProviders(ProviderSettingsCollection configProviders, ProviderCollection providers, Type providerType).

So, what is the deal here? Is it because my site uses masterpages? I have profile, roleManager, membership and connectionstrings in my web.config. I tried adding a webpart section, like I found on one website, to no avail. I was still getting the 'LocalSqlServer' error bunk.

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C# - How To Prompt User If Page Is Idle From Last 5 Minutes

Mar 28, 2011

What is the best approach to prompt user, if he is idle on webpage from last 5 minuts.

i mean how to know that use is idle on web page from last 5 minuts.

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