Web Forms :: How To Create A Fully Dyanmic BLOG Site

Apr 14, 2010

I'm want to make a BLOG site and that should be fully Dyanmic.Means from Questions to answers all should be fully Dyanmic but need admin approval to post.can you share some links where i can get more about this.

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URL - How To Create A Blog In MVC

Nov 23, 2010

I have created a blog application with ASP.NET MVC and MSSQL. I must say, i really enjoyed the process of creating an application with ASP.NET MVC. Clean URLS(with URL routing), No view States and so on.

BUT i was wondering how would this would have been done if i choose web-form style coding? will the aspx would be created in the fly as i create a article.(take this url for ex: [URL]) though the URL is not clean but still makes sense. if yes then what about its corresponding cs file? if no how is the URL so clean?

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C# - Create .NET Web Service Fully Contained In .svc File?

Dec 3, 2010

Is it possible to create a "drop-in" web service? What I would like to do is create an .svc file that can be placed into a web directory on IIS and accessed (and executed) via its URL, without having to install any other files and without changing any configuration files.I am investigating a possible security problem in a web application that allows uploading .svc files. If it is possible to upload and then execute an .svc file, this would be a big security problem for this application. Unfortunately I am not a .NET developer, so I am probably missing a lot of things here.I know that it is possible to put the service interface and implementation straight into the the .svc file after the "Service Host" directive. Here is my .svc file:

<%@ ServiceHost Language = "C#" Debug = "true" Service = "EchoService" %>
public interface IEchoService

Now when I access http://localhost/test1.svc I get an exception from .NET: Service 'EchoService' has zero application (non-infrastructure) endpoints. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no service element matching the service name could be found in the configuration file, or because no endpoints were defined in the service element. I understand that normally you are supposed to configure web service end points in web.config or app.config file. From some Googling I have also learned that it is possible to configure endpoints programmatically by defining your own ServiceHost and ServiceCodeFactory. I have found some examples, but couldn't get them working.I would really appreciate if somebody can either tell me "No, what you are trying to do is impossible, because..." or show how I can add the necessary code to the example above to have an executable service.

Update: using Josh's suggestion I finally got it working. See my answer below for the working code.

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C# - Where Should Create Development Blog

Aug 13, 2010

I'm looking for a blogging site to host my ASP.Net/C# (and possibly other web related programming) technical blog - where should I create such blog?

BTW, it's a shame that SO does not offer blogging services.

Note: I would create it on [URL], but it requires to be a highly active member on their site.

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How To Create A Fully Qualified Hyperlink To A Resource Dynamically

Jun 12, 2010

In ASP.NET I'd like to create a link which points to a specific Uri and send this link in an email to a user, for instance something like http://www.BlaBla.com/CustomerPortal/Order/9876. I can create the second part of the Uri /CustomerPortal/Order/9876 dynamically in code-behind. My question is: How can I create the base Uri http://www.BlaBla.com without hardcoding it in my application? Basically I want to have something like:

http://localhost:1234/CustomerPortal/Order/9876 (on my development machine)
http://testserver/CustomerPortal/Order/9876 (on an internal test server)
http://www.BlaBla.com/CustomerPortal/Order/9876 (on the production server)

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How To Create The Blog Application In Any Article

Apr 7, 2010

I want to add the creating Blog in my Web Application but i dont have where i can get start Any Article or hint will be apperciated

what is the Blog and why we need to create it ?

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How To Dynamically Create A Fully Functional Gridview In Javascript With The Results Returned From A Script Service

Jan 8, 2010

i need to create a fully funnctional gridview with the results returned from a script serice ( AJAX enabled WCF Service ).

The grid should allow user to sort and page the data.

could any body drive me to the proper technology or a useful link.

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Deep Linking - Finding Best Method For Website Where User Can Create Articles (like A Blog)?

Sep 25, 2010

I'm an ASP.NET newbie, but not so new at programming in general.

I'm creating a commercial website, and I want to allow an admin to add new articles (an article consists of text, images and various properties such as category).

I am trying to decide the optimal Modus Operandi. This site is commercial, so SEO is a major consideration. This means that I want each url to be "unique". That is, if someone navigates to an article about raccoons, he should be redirected to [URL]. This means - I can't have one page that loads the appropriate article dynamically a-la AJAX (gotta use deep-linking)

So how exactly do I do this? suppose the admin entered his text, uploaded the images and set the article properties. I create a new subfolder, save the images to the server (I understand that saving images to a DB is a big no-no), their addresses in a DB, and the content itself to the DB. But now what?

How do I go about creating the actual page?

Is there a function for creating a new aspx file? then what about its corresponding cs file? Or is it unwise to use aspx? Maybe plain html? but then how does it work with my site's master page? Or maybe just create another copy of a general aspx file which is populated with an article according to a parameter?

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AJAX :: Use With Dyanmic Controls?

Aug 10, 2010

I create a dynamic asp table....then I create a dynamic Button in one of it's cells....who could I use ajax in this button..I put a scriptManager and UpdatePanel......and the Table exist inside the UpdatePabel....but the ajax didn't work??

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AJAX :: Use Updatepanel With Dyanmic Controls?

Apr 13, 2010

I have created a user control(.ascx) and i am loading this control on .aspx page at runtime using LoadControl() method ==='Codeing on .aspx page' Protected Sub Page_PreInit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.PreInit Dim Item_1 As Control Dim objLoad As New System.Web.UI.UserControl Item_1 = objLoad.LoadControl("~/Controls/CmbList.ascx") Rpt_Panel.Controls.Add(Item_1) Dim Item_2 As Control Dim objLoad_1 As New System.Web.UI.UserControl Item_2 = objLoad_1.LoadControl("~/Controls/CmbList.ascx") Rpt_Panel.Controls.Add(Item_2) End Sub My .ascx control contains a combobox and as shown in above code, i am loading this control twice on my page. Now i have implemented a functionality that whenever item is changed in Item_1 combo, values in Item_2 will be loaded based on value selected in Item_1. this works fine but whenever item is changed in Item_1, the whole page get refresed. I want to use AJAX here so that on Item_2 combo gets refreshed. Can anyone help me how can i achieve this? And if possible i want to implement this behaviour in my .ascx control rather than on .aspx page.

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Write A Page Where User's Can Write A Blog Post And Publish It To The Blog?

Apr 2, 2010

I want to write a page where user's can write a blog post and publish it to the blog. I've downloaded blog engine .NET and looked at the code and I like the way they do it, but it's completely an overkill of what I need. What I need is only a title, author, date, and the blog post it self. I don't even want users to post comments or anything like that. My approach is to save all those blog post information into an xml and then when a page loads it loops around those xml files to show the blog post.

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C# - Is There A Built-in Create An Absolute (fully Qualified) Url From A Relative Path Such As "~/page.aspx" Given The Current URL?

Dec 8, 2010

Scenario is I have a application relative url like "~/path/to/page.aspx?query=string". I need to programatically create a web request to that page and currently using WebRequest.Create. The problem is WebRequest.Create requires a fully qualified url including the protocol/domain/port etc.I have access to the current Request.Url object but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to get just the base url keeping the protocol (HTTP vs HTTPS) as well as any port numbers as well as the path to the applicationI mean all the info there, so if need be I could just take all the parts and combine them but it seems like it might be error prone and it would be great to have something built-in that's well tested to do the job. Page.ResolveUrl gets me almost there, but it's missing the protocol and the domain/port.

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Create Dynamic Data Site And MVC - 2 Site Together

Apr 16, 2010

I have created firstly ASP.NET MVC 2. and write more functionality. After I create asp.NET Dynamic Data Site. now, when I click on run button in Visual Studio, mvc app. opened in browser as [URL]. and asp.NET Dynamic Data Site as [URL]. but i want to merge this app. in one. can I use asp.NET Dynamic Data Site and asp.NET MVC-2 at the same time?

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Site Map For Sub Domain

Jul 28, 2010

I have a domain with name of http://MainDomain.com I want to create a site in this site and this site contains 14 sub domains there. I need a structure of sitemap which contains all sub domains. The list of sub domains
is given below. Any suggestion is welcome...

http://MainDomain.com (Main Domain)

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Web Forms :: Create Search Option For A Site?

Oct 17, 2010

how to create search option for a site.

i want to place option on site that custmor can seach thing on site by writting word or phrases like google.

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Web Forms :: How To Create Site Map Path Of Website Using Treeview

May 7, 2015

How to create site map path of website using Treeview in asp.net

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Web Forms :: How To Programmatically Create / Update And Delete Site Map Nodes

Feb 2, 2010

How programmatically create, update and delete site-map nodes?

I use ASP.NET (VB.NET), Visual Studio 2010.

I try create own simple CMS for little site.

I need in admin area create, delete and update site-map nodes (and aspx pages with static text)

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Web Forms :: Create Link Directly To Formview InsertItemTemplate On Another Site?

Apr 4, 2010

Wanna create a link directly from one site to the InsertItemTemplate on another site.

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