Web Forms :: How To Differentiate Between Registered Members To A Site

Dec 21, 2011

I am not using asp.net membership role provider. But what i want to do is differentiate b/w employees and customers who register to my site. I want to assign some rights to my employees and very few rights to customers (like they should be registered but they can only give feedback)...

How can i achieve this? what changes should i make to the database table in SQL?

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Apr 28, 2010

Our site has a page for maintenance of existing members (e.g. adding / changing roles, etc.)This page currently uses a gridview to show a complete list of all members, based on GetMembers() method to populate it.However, as the number of users has grown to several hundred, it has become difficult to locate a particular user by paging through several pages.Is there a way to narrow down this list, maybe with a filtering textbox, so that as you start typing into that textbox, only members whose name contains the typed characters will show up in the gridview?

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Differentiate Between Two Class Of Same Name In Different Css On Same Page?

Apr 24, 2010

on my asp.net page i am linking 2 css files which are used by 2 different controls but the main problem is that one class name is same in both so they are conflicting with each other, how can i distinguish between them. Both are of jquery, 1 is slider control and another one is time picker control. and they are conflicting on their background image as i want to change background image of slider control's scroller. code for using slider :

<div id="time1" style="float: left; width: 100px" >
<code>$('#time1 input').ptTimeSelect({ popupImage:
'<img alt="Select" src="../images/icon_clock_2.gif"
style="border-right: 0px; border-top: 0px; border-left: 0px; border-bottom: 0px" />'
}); </code>
<div >
<input id="s2Time1" runat="server" name="s2Time1" readonly="readonly" style="width: 60px" />
below code is for time picker :
<div id="time2" style="float: left; width: 100px">
<code>$('#time2 input').ptTimeSelect({ popupImage: '<img alt="Select" src="../images/icon_clock_2.gif"
style="border-right: 0px; border-top: 0px; border-left: 0px; border-bottom: 0px" />'
}); </code>
<input id="s2Time2" runat="server" name="s2Time2" readonly="readonly" style="width: 60px" /></div>

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Dim xDoc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("doc1.xml")
Dim xDoc2 As XDocument = XDocument.Load("doc2.xml")
Dim result = xDoc2.Descendants("Contact").Except(xDoc.Descendants("Contact"))
'Tried this but It blew up.
Dim resultDoc As XDocument = result

Am I going to have to rebult the xml document and manually add the elements? Or does LINQ support converting back to the same schema?

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Aug 14, 2010

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Mar 12, 2010

I'm designing a page in visual designer of ASP.NET. I need another class to have direct access to controls of this page because this new class gets it's inputs from controls of the page.

I were wondering if there is a way to make the controls public member so that new calss can access them. Plus, is there any security concern related to this approach?

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Feb 14, 2011

I use MS Visual Web Developer 2008 Express edition with VB and SQL Server Express.I have an SQL database of over 300 club members details which contain(amongst other things) the following details:Forename, Surname, Email address, Full postal addressI want to send an email to each member showing their forename, Surname, and postal address so that they can confim that these are correct.

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Web Forms :: Access Members Control On MasterPage?

Dec 17, 2010

The website will have public and private (members) access.I'm using VB and MS access database. Registering, login, MasterPage (Master1), default.aspx and users (members.aspx) pages are already set up. What I wanted or what I'm thinking to do is to also base the members.aspx on the MasterPage.

When a user logged in, I wanted to add additional menu (reserved only to members) to the MasterPage and
remove/hide unnecessary menu. Here is a scheme of what I want:

MasterPage + default.aspx: (visible to the public)
Menu11, Menu12, Menu13
Menu21, Menu22, Menu23
MasterPage + members.aspx: (When user login)
Menu11, Menu12, Menu13
Menu31, Menu32, Menu33

If the user logout, it will return to MasterPage + default.aspx. Nowing that if the user authentication successful, he will redirected to members.aspx,

1. how can I, when loading members.aspx, manage the MasterPage so that I can show and hide some of its menu? how to use members controls on the MasterPage?

2. in case I'm wrong with what I'm trying to to do, what is your advice?

3. FYI, I'm using VB. Any code in C# will also be OK. I will just have to convert it.

4. I might probably use placeHolder to show and hide these menu in the Page_load event of members.aspx (refer to what I don't want in 3).

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Apr 27, 2010

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Aug 11, 2010

I have a control that inherits from CompositeControl, and I have a public property of type ITemplate that is instantiated. I can insert markup using it and it runs fine, but fields are NOT created in the designer for the template content.


This markup works fine:

But in the .designer.cs I only get a field for the parent control, not the template content:

Is there anything I can do to get the controls for the content to have fields automatically generated? Or do I have to use FindControl?

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Mar 22, 2010

I used the following code in global.asax to count number of visitors in web but it didn't work

Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Code that runs on application startup
Application("counter") = 10
End Sub
Sub Application_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

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Web Forms :: Extender Controls May Not Be Registered After PreRender?

Mar 8, 2011

I am creating Dynamic UserControls with Dynamic AjaxControls. Then I store each of the UserControls in a Collection. On Postback I recall the UserControls in the collection to Re-Create the interface. It works if i only use Standard HTML controls but does NOT work with AJAX controls. I get this error on PostBack Extender controls may not be registered after PreRender. So far I have tried the following:

MyBase.OnPreRender(e) in Page and Usercontrol EnsureChildControls() in the OnInit Added ScriptManager to the MasterPage None of this stuff is working... If I re-create all the controls including the ones inside the usercontrol then i get no error however it takes forever to do a postback as opposed to just recalling the collection of UserControls.

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Web Forms :: Error - WebResource.axd Handler Must Be Registered?

Dec 7, 2010

I migrated an ASP.NET 3.0 application from one web server to another. The only difference that I know of between these webservers are, one is running II6 and the new one (the one this app was moved to) is running IIS7. The application was running fine in it's old environment, no code changes were made, but now it doesn't seem to like the web.config. I get the following error:


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Web Forms :: Assign Value To Webusercontrol In Registered Page?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a webusercontrol with a asp.net flash player. I need to be able to find the control and assign the movieurl from codebehind in the new registered page. How can I find the control that is inside a webusercontrol and is registered in new form and assign the value?

for example: I have webusercontrol called "PopVideo.ascx" registered in the page "Page1.aspx" how can I find the control of the webusercontrol from codebehind under "Page1.aspx"

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Web Forms :: Sending Confirmation Mail To The Registered User

Sep 30, 2010

on the registration time iam getting the user firstname,lastname,email,password after clicking the submit button i have to send a mail to them with a welcome message and a link to activate the account. if they click the link i have to redirect a page that you have successfully activated. iam using c# asp.net web application.

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