Web Forms :: How To Manage Bread Crumb Trail

Jul 6, 2010

i am developing Product Catalog. I need to show the bread crumb path from where user come.

Like if user chooses Garement category and after that choose jeans subcategory it should look like

Garemnt >> jeans >> lewais all category, subcategory and product should have hyperlinks.

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Web Forms :: How To Implement Audit Trail In Project

Oct 11, 2010

I want to implement audit trail in my project. This implies keeping track of changes made in DB and later generating a report for specific data.

I'm looking for solutions other than triggers as in to have a generic solution for DB Audit trail in my project.

We'll probably be using Entity Framework 4.0. I want to explore the audit trail capabilities for the same any pointers in this directions would be helpful. also any ideas for DB Audit trail if we use Enterprise Library Data Application Block. Note:SQL Server 2008 has auditing features, but we'll not be using the Enterprise version.

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How To Audit Trail In Web Application Using Sql Server

Jul 13, 2010

We are developing a web application using asp.net and sql server. We are required to do an Audit trail for the application. As I understand this, an audit trail would basically be for all the Inserts, Updates and Deletes on the data base right? Now the way to approach this is that I have an Audit Trail Table in the DB that populates after every insert,update or delete is fired (Manually writing the script within the DAL). However any DB changes directly fired from SQL Management studio will NOT be recorded (for obvious reasons :P).

To cater for that I could create a trigger and that takes care of everything. I also did some googling and found out that SQL server has the ability to do audit trail. However the problem with using triggers is that I will NOT get the user information that logged in the website. I will get the sql user but I dont give two hoots about that, I am concerned about the website user. A solution that I figured out was either

a) Have an audit trail from my web application and also have trigger set up. On the audit report, I simply show an audit log from web application and and audit log from sql server.Obvious problems with this approach: over head. Writing to two different sets of tables on EVERY DB CHANGE.

b) I have a column called UserId ON EVERY DB TABLE. Then I create a trigger to capture all the DB changes. I pass this userId on every table I change (insert,update,delete) and the get this id from the trigger.

Obvious setbacks: unneccesary userid column in every table I do appologize for the long post. Basically I need an audit log that does log all the db changes (including direct hack to db) but at the same times gives me user login information for those db changes that were made FROM the web application.

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Record Audit Trail In EF

May 24, 2010

I have a question regarding the record audit trail with EF. Recently we have started working on a application that has to have an record audit trail.Just few tables have Guid as PK, the rest of them have Int32 standard Identity setup.

The quick solution we have found is to wire up an event handler on SavingChanges and get all Added, Deleted and Modified records. But the problem is that the Inserted records for the tables that have Int32 as PK are audited with PK value of 0.

the code for the event handler looks like this:


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Architecture :: Process Of Creating An Audit Trail System?

Jun 9, 2010

I am in the process of creating an audit trail system. Simple enough. Certain fields require audit trail. What is the best design concept to allow this to work in multiple applications without having to change much? I would of course leave it to the admin of the site to add what fields should be audited, but the logic is the problem. Would implementing the interface IComparable be a place to start? My initial thinking is to compare 2 arrays against eachother and do an insert of what fields are in question. Array1 are the fields in the form, array2 are the fields from the sql table that require auditing.

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Log User Session Start / End Times For Audit Trail - Global.ASAX?

Feb 1, 2010

My ASP.NET intranet web application uses Windows Authentication, and I would like to record the following details:

1) Windows ID
2) Session Start Time
3) Session Stop Time
4) URL being browsed to (optional)

I've got some basic code setup in "Session_Start" method of the Global.ASAX to log session start times (seen below), but that's it so far. I have the feeling this is a primitive approach and there are "better" ways of doing this. So I really have two questions:

1) Is this the right way to go about doing this? If not what are some other options?
2) If this is the right way, do I just need to drop some code in the "Session_End" method to record the time they exit, and thats a complete solution? Does this method always get called when they close the browser tab they have the site open in, or do they have to close the entire browser (I don't have logout functionality)? Any way users can skip over this session end method (or start for that case)?

Dim connsql As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectionstring").ConnectionString)
Dim cmdsql As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = connsql.CreateCommand
cmdsql.CommandText = "BeginUserSession"
cmdsql.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmdsql.Parameters.Add("@windowsid", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 30, "windowsid")
cmdsql.Parameters("@windowsid").Value = Session("UserInfo").identity.name
If connsql.State <> System.Data.ConnectionState.Open Then connsql.Open()
Catch ex As Exception
If connsql.State <> Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then connsql.Close()
End Try

'Stored Proc records start time

View 3 Replies

Web Forms :: Create A Website To Manage Ads?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm a newbie and I want to create a website to manage ads.

EX :

- Customer will give their website URL --> I will create i code that check that really their own.

- I will place some ads on the website and i want to create codes to manage them (Impressions, click,...)

How should i do it?

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Iis7 - Is It Possible To Use Iis 7 To Manage Users When Using Forms Authentication

Mar 22, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application that is using forms authentication. Everything is configured and working correctly. However, i'm dealing with the issue of creating and maintaining users and role membership.

I know that I can roll my own solution but I'm wondering if there is an alternative solution?

Does iis7 provide screens for managing forms authentication users? Is there a reliable, free solution that someone would recommend?

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Forms Data Controls :: Manage A Datagrid Within Another?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a table in my database with three fields: COURSE_ID, PERC, DATE.I need to display sets of rows based on the date, the number of rows in every set will be known at run time, the same as the number of sets, so I was thinking about adding two buttons (one to add a set and another to add rows in that set)

I know that working with GridViews will do, but do not know how exactly, maybe one gridview for the sets and a second gridview (inside the first one) for the rows inside the sets.

<Add Set>

<Add Row>

Set 1


2 10 2010-12-02

3 90 2010-12-02

Set 2


3 90 2010-12-10

4 10 2010-12-10

Set 3


3 80 2010-12-15

4 5 2010-12-15

5 15 2010-12-15

Set 4


2 100 2010-12-18

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Manage Pages Text And Images?

Jan 29, 2011

any code or control used to allow clients to manage their own articles/news (text + images) on their asp.net websites? I mean only text and images with exact structure, not modifying the whole layout.

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Web Forms :: How To Hide Manage SiteMapNode In Menu Control

Feb 5, 2011

How can i have a menu control that Manage SiteMapNode from the menu to hide and Just when admin logged to see it.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manage Condition In Presentation

May 29, 2010

I have a date base with a table named 'movies'. I want to take information on my database. I use a SQLDataSource. For my presentation, I use a repeater. Here is my code :


But if for exemple, 'champ1' is empty in my database, i don't want to print it in the result of my query ! But i can't arrive ...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manage The Local Database

Aug 16, 2010

On my web page I'm trying to manage a tabular control of some kind that supports inserting. The data will be inserted locally on the page, with no connection to any kind of DB. The inserted data will exist only on this page and will be lost after navigatingto another page.A table that shows all the added rows and has an empty row for inserting is perfect.

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Web Forms :: Using One ControlValidator To Manage Multiple RadioButton Lists?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a set of 4 separate RadioButton lists that all have different ID names. I know how to set each one up with a required Validation Control to check to make sure at least one button is selected in a particular list. However, what I want to do is have one control validator that is able to check all 4 lists, and make sure that at least one button is selected, no matter from what list.

In other words, when the submit button I have is selected, it looks at all 4 lists. If no radio buttons are selected from any of the 4 lists, it pops up with the required field control validator message. If at least one button out of the 4 lists is selected, it submits just fine.

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Web Forms :: How To Use Master Page And CSS To Manage Website Layout

Jun 4, 2012

i have only basic Knowledge of Master Page and a Small Knowledge of CSS,

Now i have to Create a MasterPage with Menus, images, header, footer etc, asĀ  Educational Website must have.

Exmaple or any Link Through Which i can Learn how to use id and Classes, div Tag to Divide The Page, and id and Classes to give Nice Look to Menus and other items,

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Web Forms :: Create Custom Aspx Page And Manage In Database?

Jul 28, 2010

I have to create the custom pages/ templates. User has to specify the fields and controls from UI and then we have to display the specified controls on an aspx page. We have mutiple users that are adding their custom fields and controls. How we can manage this data in database? Do we have to create different database for each user or we have to create different tables for each user in a single database? Also, I can go with any other option (XML, Sharepoint etc) so that all the data will be managed in a simpler form.

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Forms Data Controls :: Manage Format Of String At Run Time?

Jan 15, 2011

i have problem with manging format of string at run time

actually i have infomation in tabular form , a i am accessing that in coding in string fromat and send it by mail but when i send it shows html coding and not view in tabular .

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Web Forms :: Adding Controls To Master Page To Manage Application Testing?

Aug 31, 2010

I have Web Application which uses the Logged In User (Authenticated User) to query his Profile Data from Adabas/Unix using OLEDB. The application provides the user with about 21 different pages (Basic Info, Employment Info, Education, Dependants, Financial Info ...).

The web application has a master page, and each profile data page is based on a User Control loaded in the Child ASPX Page.

The Data Layer of this Web Application will have to undergo major modification, since we are migrating our legacy applications from Adabas/Unix to SAP, the development Team has prepared web services to query for the same Profile Data from SAP using Web Services. Now, we have to modify the web application to consume the web services instead of using OLEDB to query Adabas.

Since we are in the testing phase, and we have only very limited data in SAP, I have to provide temporary control to allow test query the Staff Profile for a Specified User (instead of the Authenticated User) and to select the Source:

1. SAP, or

2. Adabas.

So I am thinking to add the following "Control Section" in the Master Page:


See image below to clarify:


Becuase the users defined in SAP are based on Dummy Data, so we want to allow the user to Enter the required SAP User, and he will select "SAP" from the Drop-Down-List. In this case, the program will query for Staff Profile Data from SAP for the specified "Staff ID" (txtSAPStaffID) instead of the Authenticated User. But, if "Adabas" is selected for the "ddlDataSource" then, it will default to the Authenticated User.

I noticed that when I am following the above technique, if I press "Go", the Staff Profile Data Page is disappeared, and when I navigate from page to another, the selection on the values entered in the "Control Section" in the master page are reset to default value, ie, the last values are not maintained.


1. What is your feedback on the method I followed above ? Any other recommendations? I need very simple method.

2. Why the data page (the child page of the master page) is cleared (disappears) when I press the Go button ?

3. How to maintain the values selected when I navigate from one page to another ?

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Visual Studio :: Tried To Install Prof 2010 Trail Version In System / 'Please Remove/uninstall Visual Studio 2010 Load Test Controller'?

Jul 6, 2010

I tried to install Visual Studio Prof 2010 trail version in my system, but i got an error saying 'Please remove/uninstall Visual Studio 2010 load test controller' to proceed installation. i uninstalled my previous VS2008 software from system and i could not find anything like 'Remove/Uninstall Visual Studio 2010 load test controller' software in my Add/Remove Programs.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manage Left Navigation Control Like Msdn Library

Aug 27, 2010

I am trying to workaround a case where I have to design my page similar like msdn library page whew left nevigation is collepseble as well as dumemic extemded as per tje wodtj of tree item in tree .

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Forms Data Controls :: Manage The Gridview Columns Especially At Time Of Edit The Records?

Apr 16, 2010

i use the grid view so edit & Delete the records. using

<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />
<asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True" />

But due to more fields the gridview is out of the Master page.

So how can I manage the gridview columns especially at time of edit the records.

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