Web Forms :: How To Show Processing Image On Page Load
Jan 10, 2014
I want to show a processing image on every page load how to do that...Not only in button click it should happen in all page load. It should start when page load starts and ends when page load completed.
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var product_category_title = $("#txttitle").val();
type: "POST",
[Code] ....
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How do i show a message in this case, that the processing is still going on and ask the user to wait.
I have used javascript to show a message on page unload. But this message is also erased when the page is posted back to the server and the user sees a blank white page on his browser. How do i avoid this white page? Is there a way to show a message in the blank white page ?
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i think image can't find server folder address and always show first produced image!!!
see code:
where is the problem?
notice:when i see server "Upload" folder and "AddIntuitionReflexRandom.gif" file,content change truly,but that can't show in my image.
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background-image: url (image.jpg);
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