Web Forms :: HyperLink Use To Send Request Parameter To Another Page?

Aug 27, 2010

The statement is correct:

"~/Autenticados/DadosClienteTelefone.aspx?codSegurado=" &#43; DataBinder.Eval(FormView1.DataItem, "INT_CODSEGURADO") %>'

The HyperLink does not work, I click and does nothing

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State Management :: Send A Parameter From Page To Page?

Nov 11, 2010

I have two pages. The first one contains the authors' records and it has a link called REMOVE. If I click on the link that related to a specific author that will be move to the other page that contain the detail view of this author. I already did that but I make a fault but i don't know it. If I click the link that related to author that has au_id=25. the other page has the first record while the url of this page equle to ? au_id=25

here is the codes in the first page


here is the codes in the second page


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C# - Make ASP.NET Page Encode Value Selected As A Parameter To An HTTP Request URL?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a listbox on an ASP.NET page:


I'd like the page to form a request to ProcessData.asmx?Language=X when X is selected in the listbox.How do I achieve that?

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Send Parameter From.aspx Page To.cs File (in #eval Method In Gridview)

Jan 6, 2010

in my gridview item template filed i am calling an method CheckValue

<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# CheckValue(Eval("Imagespath")+","+Eval("Imagesname")%>'>

protected string CheckValue(string strValue1,string strValue2)
if (strValue1=="1")
return "No Record Found";
return "No Record Found";

when i run my page i get errorin my .aspx page Text='<%# CheckValue(Eval("Imagespath")+","+Eval("Imagesname")%>'> is there any way i can send my value CheckValue method which isa .cs file how can i send 2 paremeter from.aspx page can anu one tell me the syntax for it

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Web Forms :: Send Parameter Info To URL Without Going To It?

May 14, 2010

i have a website that needs to send some querystring parameters when the user clicks a button.

example, when the users click a button, technically, it should call a [Code]....

but it should not go to that url, but instead go to other url.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Querystring Parameter In Hyperlink From Selected.item.text In Dropdownlist

Jul 9, 2010

I have a HyperLink control in a ListView, and I need to pass a couple of querystring parameters.


The first parameter is based on the current DataItem value in the LV.

Suppose I want to set a second parameter with a value from Selected.Item.Text in a DropDownList on the same page, how would the HyperLink look?

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Web Forms :: Server Request In IE / Send More Than 2 Requests From Ie To A Domain?

Apr 9, 2010

I'm working with asp.net c# web application. We have completed site and hosted in dedicated server (own server).

This server having only one site (sharepoint site). A page having 1000+ images. Loading in base page. And slide show in popup page.

Base page image painting is going on. At same time popup page image is not loading up to base page paint complete. I changed popup image download to some other server means working fine.

Here my problem is same domain more than 2 request web server (iis) not responding up to first 2 requests complete. We can call 2 requests at a time. How to increase more than 2 request in ie. This problem is not available in Firefox. Firefox can manage more than 2 requests. Ie not allows only 2 requests to one domain at a time.

How to send more than 2 requests from ie to a domain?

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Web Forms :: Send Request And Receive Response From Other Domain

Nov 22, 2015

How to send request from one domain to another. And also get the response from that domain?

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Forms Data Controls :: Way To Send Null Parameter From Combobox Tp SP

Jan 5, 2010

HiI am trying to send null value from my combobox and check it if its null in sp.

SET @Param1=@Param1
SET @Param1=' IS NULL'
mmsDataContext mms = new mmsDataContext();
RadGrid1.DataSource = mms.SON(Country.SelectedItem.Value);

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Pass Values From QueryString Parameter In GridView Hyperlink?

Jan 14, 2010

I'm using GridView with a hyperlink column, and I want to do the following:

DataNavigateUrlFormatString="~/student/group/document/Body.aspx?DID={0}&GN={QueryString("GN")}" HeaderText="View Document" Text="view" />

How I can retrieve the value of GN from the QueryString parameter and add it to the hyperlink column ?

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State Management :: Use A Textbox Text As A Parameter To A Hyperlink?

Sep 20, 2010

I am using a hyperlink to link to another web form page. I am not able to pass the text of textbox as a parameter.

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MVC :: How To Request Parameter URL

Jun 21, 2010

I need to edit URL like this below www.abc.com/Search?key=xxx I want to pass new variable and request it from URL.

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C# - Send An ASIN Number Into The Querystring From A Hyperlink

Feb 14, 2011

I am trying to send an ASIN number into the querystring from a hyperlink and I'm having trouble getting the correct syntax. Any ideas?

<asp:HyperLink ID="hlProductPage" Enabled="true" runat="server" NavigateUrl="ProductPage.aspx?ASIN=<%# Eval("ASIN")%>">Read More...</asp:HyperLink>

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How To Send A Hyperlink Using Query String Method

Aug 27, 2010

I want to send hyperlink by attach it with URL with the of query string method. For instance in a web page containing three links like


now suppose user click on yahoo.com at this point i want to send it by attaching with url like [URL]......some thing like that

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Data Controls :: Send Multiple Values Using HyperLink In GridView

Oct 11, 2013

I am designing a page that consist one gridview and I am providing datasouce at the run time(code behind) no my problem is that i want to add another column with hyperlink button after click that open a page and can pass some value of related cell onto another page.

For passing value i was using session but how to add hyperlink in code behind ...

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How To Send Authorized Request

Nov 11, 2010

I send programatically a request to remote server:

string xml = "SomeXML Data";
string url = @"http://someserver.com";
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "Post";
request.ContentType = "text/xml";
//The encoding might have to be chaged based on requirement
UTF8Encoding encoder = new UTF8Encoding();
byte[] data = encoder.GetBytes(xml); //postbody is plain string of xml
request.ContentLength = data.Length;
Stream reqStream = request.GetRequestStream();
reqStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
System.Net.WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
string str = reader.ReadToEnd();

but this code throws error:

The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

I know user/pass to authorize when IE ask me.

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Is It Possible That __doPostBack() Would Ever Send A GET Request

Mar 16, 2010

I'm having a problem with telerik RadGrid, I want to enable multiple row selection. I also want to go to the server whenever a row is selected or deselected. I created a javascript function to handle the Grid's client side events (OnRowSelected, and OnRowDeSelected). The functions look like this:

function onOperationRowSelected(sender, eventArgs) {
__doPostBack("<%=myControl.ClientID %>", "rowSelected:" + eventArgs.get_itemIndexHierarchical());

The other function is very similar, the only difference is that it sends the string "rowDeselcted" instead of "rowSelected".

On Page_Load I check to see if the request is a Post request using "IsPostBack" and if so, I check to see if it's a rowSelected or rowdeselected.

My problem is when I select a first raw on my grid, a Post request happens (which is expected), however, when I select the second row, a GET request is issued, which (obviously) will result in IsPostBack returning false.

What am I missing here?

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How To Send A Request Directly To .DLL

Feb 9, 2011

I want to know how can we send direct request to .DLL with some parameters. I really don't want to use .ASPX and .ASHX. I hope this .DLL request is used for more secure site.

For example: IRCTC (India Railway site):


how we can send or execute page from .DLL in ASP.NET.

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Control Send Ajax Request?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm having difficulties to find a good explanation and tutorial on how to send an ajax request from one asp.net control (when clicking on an item in its )to update from the server another control.

Is UpdatePanel is the only solution- and does it really avoid a postback?

I'll be thankful for any useful link,

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WCF / ASMX :: Send A Soap Request?

Jun 28, 2010

I have this wsdl file and here is how the requets look like.

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<Request xmlns=http://www.sometest.com/ttt>
<UserDetails xmlns="">
<DestDetails xmlns="">
<Name>company name</Name>

how i can code this in c# or send the request?

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MVC :: Dynamically Change The Controller During A Request Based Upon A Parameter?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a requirement whereby I need to be able to change the controller being used based upon a parameter. I am creating an application that needs to be dynamic enough to be able to change controllers on the fly. Let me explain further;

When the application starts a dictionary of custom controller names is loaded with a controller name as the key and a custom controller name as the value. This will be help in the application scope.

When a request is made I need to access the requested controller name, use that name and check to see if it matches a key in my controller dictionary and if so, replace the requested controller name with the custom controller name from the dictionary.


My dictionary will contain data as follows
Key: 'Home', Value: 'Home_IN'
Key: 'Customer', Value: 'Customer_BE'

Now, the following request is made 'User/Edit/1'. Does the controller name exist in the dictionary? No, continue with original request.

Now, the following request is made 'Home/Details/2'. Does the controller name exist in the dictionary? Yes, replace the original controller name 'Home' withe custom controller name 'Home_IN' so changing the requested URL to be 'Home_IN/Details/2'.

Does this make sense?

My problem here is knowing exactly where in the request cycle I need to do this?

I am assuming I need to create my own custom controller factory?

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AJAX :: Send A Parameter With In DataNavigateUrlFormatString?

Aug 9, 2010

I have two pages: Default.aspx and Edit.aspx.In Default.aspx, there is a tabcontainer control and there are 5 tabs in it. In each of these tabs, there is a gridview. And in each grid view there is a hyperlinkfield field called "Edit". I want that when a user clicks the "edit ", the page will redirect to Edit.aspx page with the current activetabindex of the 5. How do I write the DataNavigateUrlFormatString

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Send A Plaintext Raw Http Post Request?

Jan 29, 2010

All I need is to send a http post request I pulled from fiddler.

I do not want to use HttpWebRequest class. It makes it hard to set up a request, does not allow to change host,

and when it does send it it looks nothing like the request I want. The server is very sensitive and unless I copy the request headers 100% it will return an empty page. Why can't I just type in the headers and send it that way? What would be 5 minutes of
work in php is taking the whole evening in asp.net.

This is what I am trying to send, simple as it gets: ...

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Send Email When Submit A New Request Into The Database?

Feb 8, 2010

how to send email when you submit a new request into the database.

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Retrieve The Ip Of The Site (server) That Send The Request?

Oct 16, 2010

i have some aspx page that handle form data submit from few websites. how can i retrieve the ip of the site (server) that send the request? (not the ip of the user that use the site and fill the form) if the form is hosted in server like 55.343.33.343 i need to retrieve to the handler page this ip. (Just to be clear : the handler.aspx is hosting in one server xx.xx.xxx.xx and the forms hosting in other servers cc.ccc.cc.cc, yy.yyy.yy.yy etc

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