Web Forms :: Pass Data From One Website To Another?

Feb 26, 2010

I have developed a application but now iam required to change the home page (where user submits user name and password).Now the home page is on another server,its a html page with textbox and button for username and password (designed in dreamviewer).how can i send that data to my wesite on a different server and also is there a way to encrypt and decrypt it if i am usin query string.

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Web Forms :: Pass Data To Web Form On Another Website And Get Response?

Apr 16, 2010

Assume the following html form is on [URL]in which you enter first name and last name and click the button.

<form id="form1" action="Result1.aspx" method="post" >
First Name:
<input id="FName" type="text" name="FName" /></p>
Last Name:
<input id="LName" type="text" name="LName" />
<input id="Submit1" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /></p>

The form1 posts data and you will see the Result on [URL] which simply shows your data.

<form id="form1" runat="server">
Result is:<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>

Here is a sample code for the result page: Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim SB As New StringBuilder()
Dim NVC As NameValueCollection = Request.Form
Dim nextKey As String
For counter As Integer = 0 To NVC.AllKeys.Length - 1
nextKey = NVC.AllKeys(counter)


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Web Forms :: Run An .exe File Within A Website & Pass Parameters?

Jan 14, 2011

1) I have an .exe program that checks for the current directory and generate two .txt files from a .xml file. It should store the results of the two .txt files back into the same location as the .exe I heard that I should not be able to execute the .exe file within the website ??

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I am not sure if I have access the a drive (like c:) on a real website.

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Jan 6, 2010

I have a webpage with a form that collects user data. I need to take that data (multiple items) and pass it to a completely different website. What would be the best way to do this keeping security in mind? Can I create a class, instantiate an object to hold the data and pass that object to the other website? Is that even possible? Is there a different/better way to do this?

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VS 2008 - Pass Parameters From One Website To Another Without Login

May 10, 2012

I need to pass username from one intranet website to another. User logs into one website, if a clicks a link, it should take him to another website, seamlessly i.e. without logging in again.

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Website Does Not Pass WC3 Validation Due To Multiple Tags In Master Pages?

Mar 17, 2011

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but when I try to validate the website using http://validator.w3.org it is giving me few errors.

I noticed that I have multiple <title> tags in my pages and reason for that is because I am using master pages. What happened is my master pages are using <head> tag and <title> tag inside, then default page will have <asp:content ID="Content2" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="head"> and here I'll have another <title> tag.

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Mar 25, 2011

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Mar 24, 2010

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Mar 13, 2011

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However, I have some trouble to pass a data to be updated through DetailsView Control, by using

DetailsViewUpdateEventArgs e

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) = imageBytes

ImageBytes is an array of bytes..

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protected void grv_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
GridViewRow gvr = e.Row;
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
// if firt row in gridview do nothing

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Web Forms :: Pass Data Into PDF Or Word Doc?

Dec 22, 2010

I have a C# app and this is what I'd like to try and do. First I have a PDF doc that's basically a simple request form with blank fields. I also have a web form that's a representation of the aformentioned PDF doc. Basically, once the user fills out the web form, I want all the data in the fields to map over to the PDF doc so that the user can then print out the PDF. I'd like 2 options - either have the PDF doc open in another browser so the user can just print from there or simply just have the PDF doc print out (with all the data of course) without the user seeing anything else. Also, how about for Word docs too?

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Way To Pass Data To A Given Page Between Forms

Oct 28, 2010

I do most of my dev work in Windows, and don't do very much ASP development.However I have a contract doing a webapp right now, and I am brushing up on what I have missed since the last one (which was .NET 1.1/VS2003).I am just wondering if there are any ways to pass data to a given aspx page. I can think of all the traditional methods such as using the query string or a session, but I figured maybe there have been some new things in the ASP.NET runtime since I last used it.The site is using a DBML (linq2sql) for data access, and I was trying to make use of some of these databound controls like the ListView and FormView.

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Using Session To Pass Data Between Forms?

Aug 22, 2010

In my app, I am displaying an Rss Feed, I have a button that takes the user to another form where they can select a them. Upon selecting the theme, they are taken back to the original form.

If the user has selected which theme they want to view then they click on the button to change theme, I need to pass the information about what rss feed they were viewing through session so that once they select the theme they want they are redirected back to the main page and the rss feed they were viewing should still be displayed.

Since I've already bound the data to the xmlDataSource and DataList I am trying the following:

Session.Add("CurrentRssFeed", XmlDataSource1.DataFile);
Session.Add("CurrentDataList", DataList1);

I'm not sure I am passing the data over correctly and I'm not sure how to specify it in the page_preinit.

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Nov 23, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Pass The Parameters And Get The Data In Gridview

Jun 8, 2010

I got DDL1: 10 miles

20 miles

TextBox1 : 'AAA20'


When user selects 10 miles from dropdownlist DDL1 and types AAA20 in textbox1 which is of type text, on button click it has to pull all the columns from database and show results in gridview using sqldatasource store procedure. I'm stuck in server side code..how to pull the data..in store procedure I'm passing two parameters val1 and val2. val1 gets data from DDL1 and val2 gets data when user types in textbox1 and it has to validate the text...see the code below mentioned and tell me how to pass the params and get the data in gridview...


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Web Forms :: How To Pass Data On To Group Outside The Intranet

Jan 4, 2010

While recognizing that there are many 3rd party solutions to output a web page in pdf format, my corporate intranet hosting service does not allow 3rd party software, so...

This post is in response to
http://forums.asp.net/p/1506431/3585235.aspx#3585235 where it was suggested I might have better luck in this particular forum.I'm using VB.Net 2.0/vwd2005/MS SQL Server 2000. There are a couple web pages that are used for ocumentation--the format and data is exactly what I need, but to pass on to groups outside the intranet, the documentation needs to be in pdf format.

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Dec 22, 2010

this question sounds simple but it cause some headache..

how can i pass data from aspx.cs code behind file to class.cs file?

i try to using namespace but doesn't work.

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Web Forms :: Pass Data Between Two Repeaters Placed In Two Pages?

Aug 13, 2010

I have one repeater control with check boxes in one of the page.My requirement is i have to pass the values of the row that i have checked (multiple check boxes can be selected at a time) when i click on a add button in the same page which is placed outside the repeater control.and, i want the details of the rows that i have selected to populate in another repeater control placed in a different page. how to do this using query string??

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