C# - Pass Through XML From Another Website?

Sep 10, 2010

I am trying to pass through some XML from an external website.

What is the best way of doing this, through c# webpage or asp.MVC?

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Pass An Object From One Website To Another Website?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a webpage with a form that collects user data. I need to take that data (multiple items) and pass it to a completely different website. What would be the best way to do this keeping security in mind? Can I create a class, instantiate an object to hold the data and pass that object to the other website? Is that even possible? Is there a different/better way to do this?

Just getting back into .NET so I'm a little rusty.

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Web Forms :: Pass Data From One Website To Another?

Feb 26, 2010

I have developed a application but now iam required to change the home page (where user submits user name and password).Now the home page is on another server,its a html page with textbox and button for username and password (designed in dreamviewer).how can i send that data to my wesite on a different server and also is there a way to encrypt and decrypt it if i am usin query string.

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Web Forms :: Run An .exe File Within A Website & Pass Parameters?

Jan 14, 2011

1) I have an .exe program that checks for the current directory and generate two .txt files from a .xml file. It should store the results of the two .txt files back into the same location as the .exe I heard that I should not be able to execute the .exe file within the website ??

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VS 2008 - Pass Parameters From One Website To Another Without Login

May 10, 2012

I need to pass username from one intranet website to another. User logs into one website, if a clicks a link, it should take him to another website, seamlessly i.e. without logging in again.

Both websites would be on the same domain. I do not want to use querystring.

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Web Forms :: Pass Data To Web Form On Another Website And Get Response?

Apr 16, 2010

Assume the following html form is on [URL]in which you enter first name and last name and click the button.

<form id="form1" action="Result1.aspx" method="post" >
First Name:
<input id="FName" type="text" name="FName" /></p>
Last Name:
<input id="LName" type="text" name="LName" />
<input id="Submit1" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /></p>

The form1 posts data and you will see the Result on [URL] which simply shows your data.

<form id="form1" runat="server">
Result is:<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>

Here is a sample code for the result page: Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim SB As New StringBuilder()
Dim NVC As NameValueCollection = Request.Form
Dim nextKey As String
For counter As Integer = 0 To NVC.AllKeys.Length - 1
nextKey = NVC.AllKeys(counter)


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Website Does Not Pass WC3 Validation Due To Multiple Tags In Master Pages?

Mar 17, 2011

I've just finished and published my most recent version of


but when I try to validate the website using http://validator.w3.org it is giving me few errors.

I noticed that I have multiple <title> tags in my pages and reason for that is because I am using master pages. What happened is my master pages are using <head> tag and <title> tag inside, then default page will have <asp:content ID="Content2" runat="server" contentplaceholderid="head"> and here I'll have another <title> tag.

The question is obviously I am having duplicate <title> tags across my entire website. Which <title> tags should I remove, the one in <head> tag of my master page, or the one on every other page such as one specified in default.aspx?

I would think that master page should not have the title and any other meta tags such as <meta name = "keywoards", "description" etc since I am repeating it in all other pages but is my thinking correct?

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JavaScript - How To Pass Forms-based Authentication Form Iphone App To Website

Sep 22, 2010

I am working on creating an iphone application which logins to we website and retrieves a table, and displays the content within the app. To view the table a Login is required. It seems the site is using Form-Baseds Authentication. WebSite's Login Screen So How do I pass the login ID and pass from xcode to the to the site and retain the information so the user only needs to login once.

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Feb 26, 2011

1 new website attach with existing website..where attached website is behave as pluggable. and used anywhere in any website?

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SharePoint External Facing Website Ability To Go Full Website And Non Full Website When Accessed In Mobile Device?

Dec 15, 2010

I've got an external site that's built in SharePoint 2007. the user of the site need to have an option to view the full site when accessed from a mobile device. I am thinking of just creating a button control to do this. The question is, what would be the best solution to do this?

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How To Configure To Pass The ID Pass From The ASP To The WCF

Mar 12, 2010

I have a ASP.NET MVC page, which call WCF logic.

The system is single-signon using NTML. Both the ASP page and the WCF will use the UserIdentity to get user login information.

Other then NTML, I will also have a Form based authorization (with AD) in same system.

The ASP page, is it simple and I can have it from HttpContext.Current.Request.LogonUserIdentity.

However, it seem it is missing from the WCF which call by the ASP, not from browser.

How to configure to pass the ID pass from the ASP to the WCF?

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Visual Studio 2008 - Website Running In IIS - Point The Website To Use Cassini?

Feb 7, 2010

My client gave me this web solution, in it various projects, and the problematic project (for me) is the Web Site.

I've copied the code to test web server (2008) and installed VS 2008 so I could step through the code on the server due to some weirdness.

Anyhow, when I open the solution locally on my personal computer, it runs on Cassini [URL] because I'm not on a server OS. However, when I run the app on the web server, when I hit F5, it runs oh [URL].

When I'm running the code on the server, how do I point the web site to use Cassini?

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Web Forms :: Fetch Specific Information(string) From Another Website And Display The Same In Website

Sep 21, 2010

I want design a page where the end user enters information on my page and related information is fetched from the another website on my web page.

For example: Capturing City and state name from USPS.com

End user Task : Enter zipcode and click button 'Fetch'

My page perform few task

1. opens usps site backend

2. Enters the zipcode

3. Captures city name and state as temporary value from the usps

4. Displays the same in labels present in my home page.

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Configuration :: Unable To Open Website - Internal Server Error (website Down)

Nov 6, 2010

My host moved my website to a new server. The DNS configuration is correct but the website is still down and I'm getting this message

"unable to open website at www.aboutmecfs.org. Internal Server error"

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Configuration :: Configuring Original Settings For New Website Based On Site Files From 1st Website & Password Q

Oct 19, 2010

I want to make a 2nd website and am using a copy of the site files from my 1st site built for me, I added them via FTP to the hosting company. I realise when I edit the new site via the CMS it is editing both sites plus when I try to change anything to the CSS file I get the following error -


So my questions are what do I need to change to be able to deploy a new site with the files I have to make a new site?I also don't understand where the password is coming from, I can see the User ID comes from the database. in the Asp.net connection strings are the following:

site Data Source=sql7.hostinguk.net;Initial Catalog=***;User ID=***;Password=*** - Where is this password coming from?

membership Data Source=sql7.hostinguk.net;User ID=***;Password=***;persist security info=False;initial catalog=***;

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Visual Studio :: Running Website Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit / On Loading Up A Website Project Getting Error?

Mar 6, 2010

I have a new development machine running windows 7 professional 64 bit. On loading up a website project Im getting this error

'The Web Application Project 'websitename' is configured to use IIS. To access local IIS websites, you must install IIS components:

IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibilty


Windows Authentication

In addition you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account

As far as Im aware, I am an administrator of my own pc and I have the .net framework installed.

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PHP Login Form On Local Website To Access Remote Website?

Jul 15, 2010

I want to have a PHP login form on my website. When the user enters a username and password and clicks submit, they should be directed to a remote website logged in (therefore skipping the login form on the remote site).

As mentioned in the title, the remote site is built using ASP.NET.

I've tried to search for a solution this but really not finding.

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Configuration :: Can Store Website Contents In A Folder That Is Located On Website

Apr 27, 2010

I need to have a copy of all my pages, bin fold, data folder, etc stored in a folder in the root of project called installation.

Once I have copied the contents of my web site into the installation folder how can I tell the complie/run process to ignore that folder ?

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Web Forms :: Passing Values From HTML Website To .net Website (both In Different Servers)?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a website which is developed using HTML. I have another asp.net application which is in different server. Now I have to design login block of my asp.net application in HTML website. That is user will login from HTML website but the validation of that user will be checked in asp.net application. So how to transfer my user name and password from HTML website to asp.net application.( Both are in different servers)

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Microsoft Vs 2005 Website Not Reflecting Changes Made On Web Forms Of Website?

Aug 6, 2010

I am having a problem with webforms in my website which i am developing it into VS2005. the changes like inserting new table on existing web form of website not getting displayed on webform when i debug it.

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C# - Post A Content Directly From A Website To The Website's Facebook Page?

Feb 16, 2010

I've been reading through the fb developer api documentation and I'm trying to find out what would be the easiest way to post information on a website to the website's own facebook page. for instance - the assumed workflow is like this:

an admin user adds new content to the company website - and once submitted that content should automatically appear as a link on the company's facebook page.

Do I use the API, facebook Connect, a facebook Share button etc. Looking for some recommendations based on my assumed workflow. Project will be coded in c# (although I'm really looking for recommendations of which tool to use from someone's experiences with the api)

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Web Forms :: How To Send Some User Information One Website To Another Website

Aug 10, 2010

i want to send some user information one website(ASP) to another website(ASP.NET)

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Web Forms :: How To Create A Website Administration Tools In Website

Dec 9, 2010

I'm currently creating a web application.

I had Administrator, Teachers, Students roles.

I wanting to create a function where Administrator able to change username of the users that login to my web application or delete that user.

The users are created from asp.net web site administrator tools (security tab)..

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Website Membership Doesn't Work After Uploading Website To Iis 5.1 (xp)

Jan 28, 2011

I'm currently developing a web application where everything works fine in the visual studio web server. It authenticates the user, access the database, writes to it, etc.

After I wrestled yesterday to publish it to my local iis, a subject I admit I have little to no experience of doing, suddenly the membership of the website started to not authenticate the users.

At first I suspected maybe the app wasn't accessing SQLServer, or that the data with the users I had in the asp.net membership database was erased when I uploaded the website.

So I stopped iis, i attached the db file to my local sql server, and I can see that all the users are there just like I uploaded them. I also can see the website can access another database with micellaneous contents just fine.

The loging controls don't tell me there's any problem either, they just show a message telling the user that the login attempt wasn't successful.

So, here's what I remember I did to make the app work as it wasn't even doing that when I first uploaded it.

I used the asp.net_regiis tool to copy website scripts to the website.

aspnet_regiis -sn <path>

then I deleted the website, uploaded again from VS. this time it shows in the browser but it doesn't authenticate the users.

The application isn't precompiled, I just uploaded it.

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Configuration :: What Is The Difference Between Copy Website And Publish Website

Nov 17, 2010

What is the differenc between Copy Web Site and Publish Web Site? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each method?

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