Web Forms :: Randomly Generated Filename With FileUpload Control?
Feb 16, 2011
I have a FileUpload control that currently uploads pics to the Photos folder on my server. What I would like to know is how would I give it a randomly generated filename when it gets uploaded? As I don't want duplicates later on down the line. Cheers.(Code below).
Please help to understand this RegEx statement in details. It's supposed to validate filename from ASP.Net FileUpload control to allow only jpeg and gif files. It was designed by somebody else and I do not completely understand it. It works fine in Internet Explorer 7.0 but not in Firefox 3.6.
I am working on ASP.NET3.5 platform. I have used a file upload control and a asp button to upload a file. Whenever i try to upload a file which contain special characterlike (file#&%.txt) it show crash and give the messeage "Server Error in 'myapplication' Application." A potentially dangerous Request.Files value was detected from the client (filename="...New Text &#.txt"). Description: Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing of the request has been aborted. This value may indicate an attempt to compromise the security of your application, such as a cross-site scripting attack. You can disable request validation by setting validateRequest=false in the Page directive or in the configuration section. However, it is strongly recommended that your application explicitly check all inputs in this case.
Exception Details: System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.Files value was detected from the client (filename="...New Text &#.txt"). Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. how can i prevent this crash using javascript at client side?
I have a detailsview with an upload image to the database. Image is save as binary file in database, and imagename is the name of the file. I'm able to load the image to the database using FileUpload. How do I get the image name to the database? Is there any method like OnInserting or something that allows me to retrieve the file name and save to database?
I have a FileLoad control (see aspx code below). In the code behind, on 'btnSubmit_Click' event I am trying to get the FileName to excute the save to server. The 'fu1.FileName' is always blank. Am I missing anything here? Ideas anyone? Code Start
How to get data (read file) chosen in FileUpload control without FileUpload.SaveAs Method on the server? Is it possible write it at once to some object?
I have a FileUpload control in an UpdatePanel and when user select a file, the full file path will will be stored in a hiddenfield, and during postback, i would like to assign the full file path in the hiddenfield back to the FileUpload control textbox, possible to achieve that?
I have created a asp.net webpage for viewing daily downloaded newspaper, saved as a pdf file in a selected folder (~/NEWS/{0}) within the web root directory. Also i have a SQL datasource linked, where the news table has two columns viz: date and filename.
I want to create a tiled listview where the date text is visible on the hyperlink. on clicking the hyperlink, the file name is retreived for the corresponding date and the pdf file opens in a fresh page.
I have tried going to the item template in listview and replacing the label control with a hyperlink control, but then not able to successfully proceed ahead.
I have a custom control that has some embeded resources. I need to be able to reference some of the embeded material outside the control in JavaScript. So let's say I have an image file embeded in the control and I have a script outside the control that will do something with that file. How do I reference that filename outside the control?Update: Not sure if this is even possible and I hav enot found any information on it.
I am using HTML file control and HTML image control in .aspx page (for uploading image and showing on web page). It is working fine. But I am unable to get that uploaded image file path and file name in .aspx.cs page. And also tell me how to save selected image in MS ACCESS database.
I'm looking for ways to reduce the size of my page . I have a page that just renders a gridview - no images - and it is over 400k!
Looking at the html that is generated I see the names of the controls in the gridview are very very long. For example: ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_releaseGV_ctl149_lblBuy
My gridview is about 200 rows by 13 columns = ~ 2600 spans with very long names rendered. The above example is 49 characters X 2600 controls = 127,400 characters just in control ID's!
The actual data on my page ins't anywhere near a tenth of that!
I am already storing viewstate on the server.
YES, I will put a pager on this page to bring down the number of rows. Also, I've seen sever other posts related to page size with some excellent content. I will follow up on them - however I have not seen this specific question answered.
Here is a sample of my page. As you can see there is not much data and a lot of html!
I've recently added a Master Page to my site,but realized that it's caused some problems in my existing JavaScript setup.I am able to use the following code in most places without any issue to get the ClientID: '<%=myControl.ClientID%>'
The problem I have encountere is that I have several pages that add controls dynamically,and then execute events based on an ID that's passed in,where I can't use this line,because I won't know the ID of the control I'm trying to access until the Javascript executes.Here's a simplified version of the problem:
When the page runs,it creates n textboxes dynamically,and appends a relevant ID from the database to the end of the ID.Let's say the page has added 3 textboxes with the following IDs:
Later,a javascript event fires,and I need to be able to access the control through JavaScript like this:
I am using a third party control for my web page. I do not have the source code to the DLL. I need to make a very small change the html that the control generates. Is there a way to capture the html generated by the control, and then render the control with that small change.I can override the render method of the parent control, is there a way in that method to find out the html that the control generates in there and render it with the small change?
I am creating a Table Control programmatically and I want after user clicks a button to get the values.
The table has three columns, {Title(DropDownList), FName(TextBox), LName(TextBox)} and two rows.
I am getting the values for FName, LName without problem, but I am getting wrong value for Title, which is a DropDownList. It gives me for both Titles, the selected value of the second column.
More Clear
For the 1st row --> Mr, Foo, Bar for 2nd row- -> Mrs, Foo, Bar
after user clicks the button I am getting
For 1st row --> Mrs, Foo, Bar For 2nd row- -> Mrs, Foo1, Bar.
Once the user selects a file in the first control, I want to set the default value for the 2nd control to be the value from the first control.
For example, if it were textbox controls I would just use TextBox1.text = TextBox2.text.
How do I do this for FileUpload controls? I tried a few different properties, such as FileUpload1.FileName = FileUpload2.FileName but I get an error saying that they are Read Only.
I would like to simply have an image button on my page that would show an image that says something like "Upload File".When the user clicks the button I would like for it to automate popping up the "select file dialog" exactly like the "browse" button does on the FileUpload control now. Then if the user selects a file and click "OK" I want to do a post back where I can then initiate the upload. If the user clicks cancel from the dialog I would do nothing.So all I am trying to do her is make it so that the user does not see the text box for the file name and replace the plain old browse button with an image and do a postback if they click ok from the dialog.
i want when i click on button it do some thing like FileUpLoad control i means when click on button it open mycomputer window and we can select file and it upload file to server exactly like fileupload control How i can do it?