Web Forms :: Read XML As String And Display It On Page?
Mar 14, 2013
I want to execute xml file with in .aspx page for my sitemap.
if i user server.transfer it's ok in internet explorer but not look like xml file in chrome and firefox.
so how could i write complete xml from top to bottom in my aspx page so that it look's like a xml file
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Do Until oInStream.AtEndOfStream
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<td><div align="center"><%=arrRows(0)%><br></div></td>
<td><div align="center"><%=arrRows(1)%></td>
[Code] ....
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I have tried the following code, which works properly for html pages, but generates the wrong source code with "access denied" for the page title when I pass in the above aspx page.
Dim myReq As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(url)
Dim myWebResponse As WebResponse = myReq.GetResponse()
Dim dataStream As Stream = myWebResponse.GetResponseStream()
Dim reader As New StreamReader(dataStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)
Dim responseFromServer As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
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Jun 3, 2010
I am trying to retrive the query string value and display it on the aspx page. The query string is passed from a gridview. Everything works fine except i noticed that when there is an '&' in the query string then the label on the page will display only uptil the '&' (i.e. excluding the '&'). Just so to let you know. I retrive the value of the querystring into a string variable and then assign it to the variable. I have noticed this only for '&' character but maybe there are more characters with sinmilar bahaviour that I am not aware of.if anyone has a workaround on displaying all the content from the querystring then do share.
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string dummytext = t1string + " - " + t2string; when the page is written, the range is displayed as 03:00 ص - 11:00 م i've tried putting each piece in a Label control and wrapping everything in a div with dir="ltr" and haven't made any progress. this is happening in a table cell if it makes any difference.
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<add name="strConnectionString" connectionString="eF8w9r2UJOsk0Ps3pxmV7/Fy/xPR2hN2S7BrC1iOYNnAUaI8AqkSm5bw7r+ta4sePWSV9t/3Spnpz6wsFpvMmcppNpqM5Zk7iiDqWVgIV4k="/>
<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="CustomizedRoleProvider">
[Code] ....
And in project I create a library to read web config
private const string ConnectionStringKey = "strConnectionString";
private readonly string SQLConnectionString =
if I change my ConnectionString like this, it's working:
<add name="strConnectionString" connectionString="server=My-PCMSSQL2008; database=MyDB; uid=sa; pwd=passw0rd;"/>
But I want my ConnectionString Encrypted so i use
<add name="strConnectionString" connectionString="eF8w9r2UJOsk0Ps3pxmV7/Fy/xPR2hN2S7BrC1iOYNnAUaI8AqkSm5bw7r+ta4sePWSV9t/3Spnpz6wsFpvMmcppNpqM5Zk7iiDqWVgIV4k="/>
So when i running website it throw error:
System.ArgumentException:Keyword not supported: 'eF8w9r2UJOsk0Ps3pxmV7/Fy/xPR2hN2S7BrC1iOYNnAUaI8AqkSm5bw7r+ta4sePWSV9t/3Spnpz6wsFpvMmcppNpqM5Zk7iiDqWVgIV4k='.
Line 46: string[] roleNames;
Line 47: roleNames = Roles.GetAllRoles();
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Apr 10, 2010
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May 1, 2013
using vb.net on 3.5framework.need to read data from an XML file. And display on label. Below is xml file details
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- This is a sample XML file for various XML example-->
<book ID="1">
<name>Adobe Flex 3: Training from the Source</name>
<author>Jeff Tapper</author>
Name: name from xml file
Email id: email id from xml file
Price: price from xml file
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Jan 18, 2011
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for instance replacing the last line below with this and then pointo to it from image1.imageurl?
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May 9, 2013
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Mar 22, 2010
i want to read the pdf file uploaded by the user and to display the content of the pdf file in asp.net webpage...(not the pdf file itself ).
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Apr 29, 2010
I have the following fields in an Appointment table:
ID(PK), TeacherID, DayID, TimeslotID, ParentID, StudentID, Remarks & Editable(bit, Default value=1)
I am developing an application to allow parents to book appointments to meet the child's teachers.
It is compulsory for parents to meet child's mentors, hence Appointments to meet class mentors are already pre-booked in the Appointments table.
Parents could still book appointments to meet other subject teachers. I have a column in my gridview to show parents the list of booked appointments. Parents are allowed to change the Appointment timeslot for an appointment they booked and are not allowed to change appointment time for pre-booked appointments.
Under the Remarks colum, it is stated that the following appointment is pre-booked by class mentor.
How do I make only those pre-booked rows read only since all the appointments belonging to a parent is under one GridView.
I found an example, but this is to only make the 1st 3 rows read-only and I don't think this is in VB coding. I'm usingASP.NET VB coding.
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Aug 9, 2010
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Nov 3, 2010
I am getting this JSON string from an ASP.Net webservice:
In my jQuery how do I reference the Table code so I can loop through the data?
What am I missing? msg.d.table[i]?
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Sep 3, 2010
i want to tranfer a xml string variable to DB2 store procedure. And then, i will open xml to get data to insert into tables . If in sqlserver i user OPENXML,.. But in DB2 i am a newmember. How can i do it in DB2 store procedure.
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Oct 18, 2010
how can i get only
the year from string "dd/mm/yyyy" format
for example 31/12/2010
i want to display 2010 in a label1.text
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Jan 4, 2011
I am working on a medium size web site and I am kind of stuck. I need to do the following
1- admin user fill a form and submit (Done)
2- the system create new page storing the info provided in step 1
how can I do that? I need a page to be created I don't want to read the data from data base and display it on a template
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