Web Forms :: Setting ID Of A Control From Database?

Jan 31, 2011

I am designing a forums website and need to set the id of the subject hyperlink to the postid being retrieved from the database. Hence from the previous page where the person clicks on the last post hyperlink, he will be directed to that post directly instead of the starting of post page.

<asp:HyperLink ID='<%# Eval("postid") %>' runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# "#" + Eval("postid") %>' Text='<%# Eval("sub") %>'>Subject</asp:HyperLink>

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting CheckBox Control Text Property In A Repeater Control

Mar 17, 2011

I have a checkbox in a repeater control. How to get the User,Administrator,Security Admin as the checkbox Names ?

private string[] AvailableRoles = { "User", "Administrator", "Security Admin" };

Repeater_Roles.DataSource = AvailableRoles; Repeater_Roles.DataBind();

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Properties From A Database?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a database which holds the path of an image. It also holds the recomended height and width of the image. My question is how can I set the height and width properties from my database? I have tried the following with no avail:


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Web Forms :: Setting Focus To Web Control

Jun 30, 2010

Can anyone give me some VB to set focus to a control using the "FindControl" method. MyTextbox.focus() is not good enough because, for instance, I have a textbox called "Username" in the "CreateNewUserWizard" control which is within a Contentplaceholder on a child page so typing in "Username.focus()" does not work on the Page_Load event because Username simply does not have a Focus property.

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Web Forms :: Setting The Text Control Dynamically?

Feb 18, 2011

I have an aspx page which has 5 text controls as follow:

<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent1" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent2" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent3" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent4" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox id="txtStudent5" runat="server" textmode="SingleLine"></asp:TextBox>

How can i set new text to each of these controls dynamically in .cs

WITHOUT explicitly doing something like this:

txtStudent1.text = "freshment";
txtStudent2.text = "Sophomore";
txtStudent3.text = "junior";
txtStudent4.text = "senior";
txtStudent5.text = "grad";

Can I use the for loop and increment the digit in the text control when setting its text?


For (int i=0; i<5; i++)
"txtStudent" + i .....

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Web Forms :: Setting Dropdown In User Control?

Apr 10, 2010

I've got a user control with a dropdown of states. I have a State property that sets the selected value. When I add this control to a page and set the state property, it doesn't set the selected value. If I add some code in the page load event of the user control it does set the selected value.

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Web Forms :: Setting The Default Control To A Complex Form?

Jul 6, 2010

I'm trying to set the default button to my master page for logging in.

Basically I've got a master page, with a LoginView in it, with a Login control in it, With a button in it... When you press "Enter" I want it to use that as the default button.

(structure in sudo-code if it helps)

Form ID=Form1
LoginView ID=MasterLoginView
Login ID=MainLogin
Button ID=LoginButton

I know I've got to use .FindControl("") but as much as I mess with it I can't seem to get it to hook to the button.

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Web Forms :: Setting Width Of A Databound Checkboxlist Control?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a databound checkbox control that displays items with different widths. In order to get a better outlook, I would like to set a fix width for each items in the checkboxlist control which has horizontal repeatdirection.

Here is the control:


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Web Forms :: Inherited Custom Control Property Setting?

Apr 30, 2010

i am tryin to make an inherited custom label control.

what i want is i want to have a property for the label where one can select languages.

like <label id="lbl" language="">

so when the user gives "language" property he must be provided with an option of "EN" and "AR" like an intellisense.

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Web Forms :: Setting A Default Date For Calender Control 3.5 C#?

Feb 6, 2011

I would like to set a default date, not the current date ( say 31/11/2011) for the calender control. What date format should I be using for the datetime variable so the calender control accepts the date. I have tried using the following date format but I keep getting the error: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.


Or is there another way to set a date for the calender control.

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Web Forms :: Setting A Hyperlink To DataTextFormatString Of RadioButtonList Control

Jun 10, 2010

I have a radiobuttonlist control on my control, where the datasource is a collection, and I am using the DataTextFormatString to set the text field to a hyperlink. All this bit works, but where I am struggling to work is to add to the url path the value from the datavaluefield. Nothing I try works! Does anyone know how to set the datavaluefield into the url? Further, and one last question, my radiobuttonlist control is in a wizard step, and when the user clicks on a hyperlink, I want it to go on to the next step, all that is happening is that the link is going back to the first step.

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Web Forms :: Setting A Default Image For The FileUpload Control?

Oct 21, 2010

I am trying to find a way of setting a default image(e.g. file path) for the FileUpload control so that a default image can be used if a user did NOT choose to upload an image.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic User Control And Setting Properties?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a user control (i.e. ascx) that comprises of two related list boxes (i.e. once you change the selected item in one list the contents of the other list update). I'm adding this user control dynamically to a page on the click event of a button (i.e. using LoadControl).I wish to set the list box datasource properties, as well as the default selected item of the parent list from my parent page so I created public properties in my user control to accomodate this. I also created an event in my user control that notifes the parent page when the selected item changes in one of the list boxes so I can update the contents of the other list box.

I understand that I have to recreate the user control on every postback in order for it to function correctly but I'm not sure exactly how I should be doing it. I've shown below what I have currently - whilst it works the problem is that on postback I'm always creating the user control with all its default properties and then updating the properties that need to change(?). For example, when the choice in theparent list box changes the datasource of the list box is set twice (once in AddControl and then again in OnParentChanged)? As the contents of the list boxes originate in a database it means I'm making unnecessary calls to the database (unless I do some something like store each unique set of data in the ViewState).

I'd be very grateful if someone could review how I've done things and illustrate how perhaps I should be doing things. I'm not sure if the way I've done this is considered the 'correct' way. For example there may be a better way of doing things would avoid setting the properties twice? I'm a bit unsure of the way I've set the datasource properties of the list boxes and bound them. I wished to set the datasource from the parent page because I might have a second user control on my page that may also use the same datasource and I could reuse it (as opposed to each control making its own call to the database) so I'd like to keep this feature if possible.It would be great if posting code in reply that you use my example as a guide so I know what you're referring to.Here's the code for my user control:



Here's the code for my containing page:


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Web Forms :: Finding Control Id And Setting Properties In Other Pages?

Oct 23, 2010

im using a webusercontrol (hide.ascx) it has 2 buttons btn_hide,btn_expand

and in my other forms of all like(products.aspx)customers.aspx,orders.aspx

im using a panel conrol(pnl_products) where in im placing all the input controls.

i want to find the panel control in hide.ascx page and to set that

panel.visble=true/false property in this page.

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Setting Value In Html Control In Code Behind Without Making Server Control?

Feb 24, 2010

Setting value in html control in code behind without making server control

<input type="text" name="txt" />
<%--Pleas note I don't want put runat=server here to get the control in code behind--%>
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClick="Button1_Click" />

Code behind

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
//If I want to initlize some value in input, how can I set here
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Request["txt"] // Here I am getting the value of input

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Web Forms :: Setting Visible Attribute On PlaceHolder Control Triggers?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a web form with an Asp.net PlaceHolder control. By default the control is set to visible false and will be displayed through the code behind based on several criteria. In general this PlaceHolder control wraps several other Asp.net controls. Now a new requirement ask that the controls within the PlaceHolder control be visible at all times an no longer hidden. So in the Aspx code I changed the laceHolder attribute and set it to visible. Now all kinds of Java Script validation errors are occuring and it is a horrible spahgetti code nightmare. Is their a way to set the visible attribute on the control and not have it trigger the validation?

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Web Forms :: Setting MaxLength For Username Field In CreateUserWizard Control

Mar 22, 2011

Is there a property i can call to set the maximum length for the username or password field in a CreateUserWizard Control to limit the numebr of characters entered in the field? If so, how can this be done?

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Web Forms :: Back To Previous Form And Setting Control Data?

Jan 21, 2010

I have two web forms. One (Form1) with dropdownlist and button. Second (Form2) with the textbox , button and gridview.

I have the product list about 10000 items. When user go to Form1 and click the button. It will go to Form2 in which user will type the text in the textbox. And then click the button for filtering the productlist. the result will show in the gridview which will have select button in the first column.

When user select the product, Form2 will close and go back to Form1. The selected product will put in the dropdownlist in Form1.

How to do in the coding?

(1) Select button in the gridview with closing Form2, selected product put in the drop down list in Form1.

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Web Forms :: Setting Properties On A Dynamically Loaded Control As Template?

Jan 6, 2010


Once the template is loaded and cast back to the TabHeader class, it's null. How can I load that control, set the properties, and use it as the template? Or is the only way to go about doing this to create a custom class?

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Setting Checkbox Value From Database?

Apr 8, 2010

In a itemtemplate in a listview control, how can I set the value of a checkbox to the 'IsActive' bool value being returned from my database?

<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" Checked='<%# (bool)Eval("IsActive") %>' />

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Configuration :: Setting Up Connection To MS SQL Database?

Oct 1, 2010

I am a PHP developer trying to set up hosting for an ASP website. The site works when hosted with the original host but I need to move it.

I have uploaded the files to oneandone hosting. I have set up a datebase and chnaged the database connection details but get the following error

Inner Exception Could not find stored procedure 'uspPageHit'.

The database connection looks like this:

<add name="site" connectionString="Data Source=[hostname];Initial Catalog=[databasename];User Id=[username];Password=[password]" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

and the info on the one andone host panel provides :

database name, user name, hostname, password

Have I put the correct details in the correct place?

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Web Forms :: Display Menu Control Items Like Table Without Setting Rendering Mode?

Mar 2, 2011

I hate tables - don't want to use tables, unless I have tabular data to display. A menu is not tabular data (as far as I am concerned.) I was elated to see that in asp.net 4 - the menu control renders as a <ul> <li>, instead of as a table. However - try as I might, I can not get a horizontally orientated Menu to split into even columns, and text align center. FYI - I don't use fixed width - so I can't just set a width to 1000 - and separate it into even columns. Besides that, I want it to change width dynamically, based on the number of "columns (menuItems)" there are. Is it possible to spread out the <li> menu items evenly across the space I provide for them in their containing div or will I have to quite using menu controls, and start using JQuery Menu's?

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Focus To A Control In Gridview Edit Mode?

May 1, 2010

I have a gridview with edit functionality and using the EditItemTemplate section. I am trying to set focus to a textbox when user selects the edit mode.


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Properties On Web User Control In Dynamic GridView

Jan 7, 2010

I am in need of some assistance in regards to how to best set the values of properties for a Web User Control which is being included into a cell of a GridView with dynamically created columns. I have tried a few different approaches, but can't seem to get a satisfactory result. Also, to be completely honest, I am not really sure if I am using best practices for what I am trying to accomplish.

First off a little background:I have a GridView for which we will never know the exact number of columns at run time. The columns are predicated by user selection. I am creating the command text for the DataSet on the fly and then looping through the columns of the resulting DataTable in order to use custom TemplateFields. This works ok for just printing out the row values but not so much for when I need to insert the Web User Control into a cell.The Web User Control is in essence a collection of image links which are used as a "Quick Nav" tool. I need to pass the values of 2 fields from each DataRow to the control via properties (for example, CustID and ProductID). I am using custom TemplateField classes inheriting from ITemplate for displaying my fields and extending the DataBinding event like so: [Code]....

This won't work for my User Control as DataBinding is called after the control is loaded into the page and I need the properties to be set before the Page_Load event of the control is fired.Is there a GridView event I should be looking into instead such as RowCreated or RowDataBound? Or should I modify how I loop through the DataTable by doing rows first, then the resulting columns as I've seen done elsewhere?

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Access :: Setting The Initial Value Of Autonumber In Database?

Jan 27, 2010

how to set the autonumber value with one starting value?I want to start the autonumber from 720 for ID field in my table..

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