Web Forms :: TextBox To Handle Key Events

May 20, 2010

I have a textbox, on pressing the ENTER key within it, a function should be called with the value in it.

This requires that one of keypress,keydown or keyup to be handled on the server side.

I find that only client side implementation are being followed.

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Web Forms :: Handle Click Events From The Items On The Menu

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I am building for a class I am taking. I am familiar with Win forms, but I am not sure how to duplicate the same behavior in a Web Form. The 1st question I have is: I have a menu on my web form, but I am not sure how handle click events from the items on the menu.

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C# - TextBox TextChanged Events And CheckBoc CheckedChanged Events Not Firing Within A Gridview?

Jan 8, 2010

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However in order to know which rows have been changed I have a textChanged event associated with each textbox, but the event isn't being fired.

Here's the ASP code:


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protected void GridView_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
using(MyTableAdapter ta = new MyTableAdapter())

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Way To Handle Two Events On Button Click

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<a href="#" class="addpicture">Add/Edit picture(s)</a><br />
$(document).ready(function () {
$(".addpicture").colorbox({ width: "50%", inline: true, href: "#page1" });

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Gridview With LinkButtons To Handle Events That Update AjaxUpdatePanel?

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How To Handle Events In Dynamically Added User Controls

Sep 27, 2011

I am trying figure out how I handle events in a dynamically added user control. Basically I can add user controls dynamically to my form (I am then storing them in an ArrayList in a Session variable that I use to reload them on my Page_Load). Each control has a button on it. However, whenever I click the button, the event never fires (code is never reached). I assume it has something to do with the control being dynamic, and when I click a button, it goes out of scope, and when I reload it something is lose in the event handling.

Here's my code for adding a user control:

Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim alContact As New ArrayList
If Not IsPostBack Then
' Dummy controls for testing
Dim oContact As New ASP.ContactControl

[Code] ....

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How To Handle Dynamic User Control Events In Aspx Page

Oct 28, 2010

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UserControl testUsrControl = LoadControl("TestUsrControl") as UserControl;
testUsrControl.ID ="test";

Then I tried adding an event handler of user control inside aspx like below:

testUsrControl.Drpdatafield_SelectIndexChanged += new EventHandler(this.Drpdatafield_SelectIndexChanged);

But this line is giving error at **testUsrControl.Drpdatafield_SelectIndexChanged **. The error is "Drpdatafield_SelectIndexChanged" doesn't exist in UserControl.How can get the testUsrControl's events inside aspx page dynamically.

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Web Forms :: Event Handle In Textbox?

Jan 6, 2010

I just need to write the string in one textbox from another one.But the problem that i felt is that what kind of event handing i need to include for textbox.Simply,when user type the particular string on textbox and when h/she pressed the tab button,then this string should automatically be displayed in another textbox within same webpage.

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Web Forms :: How To Handle Html Inputs In The TextBox

Feb 20, 2010

I have a requirement that user can input HTML tags in the ASP.NET TextBox. The value of the textbox will be saved in the database and then we need to show it

on some other page what he had entered. SO to do so I set the ValidateRequest="false" on the Page directive. Now the problem is that when user input somthing like :

<script> window.location = 'http://www.xyz.com'; </script>

Now its values saved in the database, but when I am showing its value in some other page It redirects me to "http://www.xyz.com" which is obvious

as the javascript catches it. But I need to find a solution as I need to show exactly what he had entered. I am thinking of Server.HtmlEncode. Can you guide me to a direction for my requirement

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Web Forms :: Call Textbox Events When Setting In Code Behind?

Feb 5, 2010

How can I call onblur event or calculate javascript function in the textbox when I setting values in the textbox in code behind??

<asp:TextBox id="txtQuantity" onblur="calculate(this.id);" Columns="6" Rows="1" TextMode="SingleLine" MaxLength="10" CssClass="xTextBox" runat="server"/>

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Web Forms :: How To Handle Enter Key Based In Textbox Focus

Feb 9, 2010

My question is better tricky,i know how to handle enter key event in single for textbox in master page. but in my case, i have a text box and button for do the seach and another login user control to do the login.

Then i have write code for trigger the enter key event to every textbox focus. but alwys search button click event is raising. even if focus the login control text box focus.


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Web Forms :: How To Handle Format Exception When Nothing Is Entered In Textbox

Dec 28, 2011

I am converting the entered values in textbox into decimal values to saev in sql table. In case user does not enter any value i get a Format exception. How do i handle this..

My code is as below

DMLObj.Add("ItemID", Convert.ToInt32(drpitemname.SelectedValue).ToString());
DMLObj.Add("SupplierName", Convert.ToInt32(drpvendor.SelectedValue).ToString());
DMLObj.Add("Quantity", Convert.ToDecimal(txtqty.Text).ToString());//qty.ToString());
DMLObj.Add("Unit", Convert.ToInt32(drpunit.SelectedValue).ToString());

[Code] ....

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Want To Create A Webpage Which Can Handle User Events Like Page Navigation And Page Close

Sep 13, 2010

I would like to create a webpage which can handle user events like page navigation and page close. And also I would like to handle the event on server-side coding.

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Web Forms :: How To Handle Comma Delimited Textbox Email Addresses

Aug 12, 2010

I want to give people the option of entering multiple email addresses in a multiline textbox or textarea that are separated by commas. how to get the list into an array, then validate each email address, then process each email.

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Web Forms :: Do PostBack Using TextBox On Lost Focus Or OnFocusOut Or OnBlur Events

Feb 20, 2013

i have a text box with autopostback= true

as in the TextChanged event i have code to get details from database.

i need to check if the text value is empty. if yes need  to alert/ display a message and prevent further process.

else fetch the details frm database.

surfed the net and found that onblur and  autopostback= true cannot be used for the same textbox.

whts the alternative forr acheving the desired result.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Events Relative To Page Events

Apr 9, 2010

I've googled a bit for the exact order of all gridview events relative to and where inbetween page events. The only Microsoft article: [URL] is not very clear. I'm especially interested in the gridview row_command event relative to page events.

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Web Forms :: Events / Task Calendar - Recurring Events / Tasks Design / Finding Proper Example

Jan 11, 2010

I have been tasked with designing a scheduling system to fit into an existing application. At present I have a SQL Table - Tasks which have a StartDate and EndDate column.

I have a requirement to set the Task as a recurring task i.e. Replace server backup tapes every day, or, Order more stationary once a month.

I am lost on how to design this. I can't seem to find a proper example on the net. can someone point me in the right direction.

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Web Forms :: Events With 2 Controls - Can Give A Priority At The Events

Oct 19, 2010

I have a page with 2 Controls, a ListBox and a DropDownList.

In the DropDownList you can select a PLACE.

In the ListBox you can see all DOCUMENTS for the selected PLACE.

If you select a DOCUMENT, the program does a redirect on the selected DOCUMENT.

So, there are an AutoPostBack and an Event (if you select another Item) on both Controls.

The problem is: If I select a PLACE, then I select a DOCUMENT (the pdf document is opened), and then I go back on the page and I want to select another PLACE, the program doesn't select another PLACE, but opens the old DOCUMENT, because there are 2 Events, one to change the PLACE and one to open the DOCUMENTS.

Can I give a priority at the Events?

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Data Controls :: Handle Text Changed Event For TextBox Inside GridView

Jun 16, 2015

need to add textbox in gridview and write code in textchange event in asp.net..i show the data in gridview if i click the button i show the textboxes but i need to write the code in that textchange event in that

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Use A Calendar With Events Like Date Selection Update,delete,creat Events?

May 2, 2010

i just want to use a calendar with events like date selection update,delete,creat events. and i want to do this with sql server 2005. I started my project with webApple.

and the secound, i just cand find whats wrong in this


the problem line is


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MVC Pattern Clarification - Doesn't Support Server Side Events But Supports Client Side Events

Apr 6, 2010

Just I started learning MVC pattern, of course i am learning it from Microsoft's website.Just i want to gather quiz information from the experts. My understanding is (correct me then and there)

1 ) MVC does not support server side events, but supports client side events. If it supports client side events, I need html page with jQuery/Javascript (view), but most of the example I absorbed is to display the information(model) in view, I did not see any client side event handling happens in view.

2) Except ViewState and controlState, MVC supports Sessions, Application State management, Cache management.

3) When request goes to MVC engine, the routing module routes the request that is picked up by the controller. The controller in executes the appropriate action and returns the appropriate view.

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