Web Forms :: Avoid Vertical Jerking On Postback In Webpage

Jul 26, 2010

My web page has more contents and have the vertical scroll. when i was on the middle of the page i click the button (or any postback process) then the click event do some process on postback. after this postback event the page is jerking and moved slightly to top automatically. this is the issue. it should be in the same place on every postback. how to fix the vertical scroll in the same position on postbacks.

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Web Forms :: Providing Vertical Scrolling To Page In Postback Event?

Feb 27, 2010

I am using gridview in my aspx page. In that i have placed questions and related link button with text viewAnswer.Bellow that gridview i have olaced a lable . When i click on viewanswer the answer apear on lable. but here i want that the user can view lable at first sight. for that how can i provide dynamic verticle scroll to my page target as lable..

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Web Forms :: Five Dropdownlist - How To Avoid Postback

Aug 3, 2010

I have 5 dropdpwnlist in asp.net page.. the 5th dropdwpnlist will show data based on 4th dropdownlist. and 4th dropdwpnlist will show data based on 3rd dropdownlist. and 3rd dropdwpnlist will show data based on 2nd dropdownlist. and 2th dropdwpnlist will show data based on 1st dropdownlist... All dropdownlist has auto postback=true.. so it cause postaback each time.. i want to avoid postback coz it refresh all page again and again and shows data.. coz my aplication is in hosting server..

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Web Forms :: Fail To Avoid Postback For Button Click

Nov 12, 2010

when i click on button then postback happen but i stopped the postback. my code is follows.


here ShowDiv() function return false. another thing i notice that when i comment all the line in function ShowDiv() then postback is not happening. i just do not understand if i generate a div and add to page from javascript then why postback happening. tell me the solution to avoid postback when i will generate div from any function.

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Forms Data Controls :: Avoid Postback While Change Page No Of Datalist?

Mar 4, 2010

I am using datalist and used custom paging for that but on page index changed there is full postback..because i am sending the values through querystring just have a look to this link


i want to remove this postback...

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Web Forms :: Avoid Postback Operation For Dropdown On Selected Index Changing?

Jun 4, 2010

I created my page with asp dropdown. On selected index changed I am seeing postback operation on dropdown. I couldn't avoid postback operation of asp dropdown with updatepanel also.

IS there a another way to avoid dropdownpostback operation.



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Web Forms :: Avoid Duplicate Insert After Postback When Browser Refreshed Or F5 Pressed

Dec 14, 2011

After postback if user presses F5 or refresh duplicate values are inserted.

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Web Forms :: How To Avoid The "Webpage Expired" Message

May 26, 2010

In my web application, I have a search form. I add information in the boxes provided / select values from ddls and then click the Search button. The search results are loaded on the same page. Now I change the search criteria and click the Search button again. This reloads the same page with new set of results. Now if I click browser back button, I get "Webpage has expired" message. The complete message is as following:

Webpage has expired Most likely cause:

The local copy of this webpage is out of date, and the website requires that you download it again. What you can try: Click on the Refresh button on the toolbar to reload the page. After refreshing, you might need to navigate to the specific webpage again, or re-enter information.

If I click browser back again then page loads resetting the search criteria. Is there any way to avoid this "Webpage expired" message? I am okay even if the page reloads by resetting the search criteria.

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Avoid Postback On Gridview Event?

Jun 9, 2010

I've got popup (using javascript) working in a kind of gridview. When you click a button on one grid, it displays a popup window containing another grid of information, based on the row clicked in the first grid.

This works well... I've enabled editing in the grid that is popped up. When you click edit though, the popup window disappears. If I click the display button in the first grid though to bring the popup window visible again it displays, and is now in edit mode.

Is there a way to make postbacks in the popup not close the popup?

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AJAX :: How To Avoid Having The Page Jump To The Top And Then Back Down Again On The Postback

Feb 13, 2011

I have an AsyncFileUpload with an image control to show a preview of the pic that is uploaded. Everything works fine, however on the postback from the asynchFileUpload the page jumps to the top of the page and then after a second or two it goes down to the proper scroll position. What can I do to avoid having the page jump to the top and then back down again on the postback ?


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AJAX :: Avoid Postback In Multiple Dropdown List

Oct 9, 2010

i have 4 dropdownlist..state,district,place,product..where we have to select the product depend on state ,district ,place and product and there is search button for search particular product where iam using gridview to dipslay particular product deatails. i do not want to do auto past back eventfor page when i select dropdownlist...i tried using ajax but still i cant get through..i tried this code. how to use ajax for 4 dropdownlist & 1 button so that i can dispaly product deatails.

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AJAX :: Avoid Model Popup Disabled On Postback?

Jan 6, 2011

How to avoid Model popup disabled on postback? I have a dropdown list in model popup control with autopost back="true". On post back am getting customer name. But on post model popup get disabled

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Perform Some Functions On A Listbox When I Click In Htmlbutton To Avoid Postback.

Oct 8, 2010

I want to perform some functions on a ListBox when I click an HTML button but I to avoid postback to minimise the server round trips....

protected void Assign_Button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Button clickedButton = sender as Button;

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Javascript - Add Reset To Defaults Button To Asp Form But Avoid Postback

Sep 6, 2010

I have a couple of fields on a form that will be populated with default values. I would like to put a button that will allow me to reset those fields to their default values if they have been modified. However I would like to avoid the postback so that I don't have data being sent to the database. Is it possible to add a javascript hook such that when that button is pressed I can pull the default values and populate those fields in javascript?

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AJAX :: How To Avoid Postback Of Page When Modalpopup Extender Is Shown

Apr 15, 2010

I am using ModalPopupExtender of Ajax Control Toolkit(v2.0.50727) as shown in the following way.

The problem iam facing is whenver i try to show the Popup ,Postback of entire page is happening which is cauisng lot of performance issues.

how to avoid the post backs when using ModalPopupExtender ..


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AJAX :: Avoid Password Reset Problem On Webforms During Postback?

Feb 19, 2011

I have a Username and Password field on webform and a Submit button.Username ia validated through database on button click.Each time when i click on submit button and if Username already exist then my password gets to be removed due to postback.Please give me some solution so that when i just defocus my username field it will automatically check and display message if it exists.Please donot give Textbox ontextchanged event with update panel in conditional update mode because it will not work for me because i am using devexpress tools on my webforms.

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Data Controls :: Avoid Button Field Postback In GridView

Apr 27, 2016

Call JavaScript function on GridView Row click using jQuery in ASP.Net works great!, but if I want to have a first column with an image button so the user can click only there to select a row it always produce a postback when using a button field, how can I avoid that postback while having an image button for the selection click in the gridview? 

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Web Forms :: How To Avoid Postback When "Enter" Button Is Clicked In A Asp.net Page

Feb 22, 2011

I'm having many child pages under a master page. When ever i click "Enter" button from my keyboard from the child page

1. A postback happens and the page is redirected to some other page

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AJAX :: Avoid Page Flicker On Postback And Update Only Specific Controls?

Nov 10, 2010

From one of my webpage, I am opening up another form as ModalDialog, and on this form, I have a Grid, Treeview and some other controls.


I have some code on click of Treeview Node, I fill out other data in Grid on click of Treeview Node.

Now the problem is when page posts back ( on click of Treeview Node ) , page flickers once during filling up data in Grid.

Basically whenever page.ispostback is true, page flickers, Now I want to avoid this.

I have to keep "SmartNavigation="false"" on this page because of some of the Treeview Problems.

Specifically on Node click of Treeview and on Update button press.

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AJAX :: Use FileUpload Control With Partial PostBack To Avoid Page Refresh

May 7, 2015

Here is the sample code am trying.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="conditional">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="Button1" />

[Code] ....

This upload is working. But why the page is getting refreshed? this is not partial post back and instead it 's full post back. i have read the articles for the fileuplaod with issue inside the update panel. is there any way to achieve this asynchronous upload on button click?

I don't want to use the Ajaxtoolkit  Asyncupload because that will upload (Ref : [URL] ....] the moment when we seelct the file itself which i don't want to do that. i need to do on the button click event. 

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AJAX :: How To Avoid Cascading Dropdowns To Call Their Service Methods On Every Postback Of The Page

Feb 24, 2011

I have three cascading dropdowns on my web page and they work fine. The issue I am facing is that there are other controls on the page which cause a postback and with each postback the cascading drop downs are being re-populated (service methods are called) which is becoming a performnace issue.

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Web Forms :: How To Maintain Scroll Position On Postback In Webpage In FireFox And Chrome

Feb 8, 2013

I tried some methods to maintain scroll position on postback but none worked they are

1) In page declaration MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true"

2) In Code behind  Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = true

3)In web.config file in <system.web>  section <pages maintainScrollPositionOnPostBack="true" />

I am not using any updatepanel.

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Web Forms :: Create Dynamic Radio Buttons In Webpage And Then Access Their Values In Postback?

Mar 24, 2011

I need to create dynamic radio buttons in my page, and then access their values in postback

I create the buttons using the following code:


In the post back I try to access the radio buttons using their created ID:


But it seems that the find method is never finding the Radio button control.

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C# - How To Intercept Any Postback In A Webpage

Feb 10, 2010

I want to intercept any postbacks in the current page BEFORE it occurs . I want to do some custom manipulation before a postback is served. how to do that?

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Refresh Label On Webpage Without Postback?

Sep 2, 2010

In my web page i got a button and when this button is clicked it will display message on the label.

Example : label text changed from "Start" to "Processing to "Completed". Therefore I want to refresh the label text on my web page so from user site they are able to see the text on Label is changing..

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