Web Forms :: Binding Events To A Control In Page_Load Function?

Mar 30, 2010

I'm using a .js file to bind events to controls. I'm also using UpdatePanel to do async postbacks; however, when they postback,the controls lose the events that were initially bound to them. Is it possible to rebind the events in the Page_Load function by using the .js file?

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C# - Multiple Page_Load Events For A User Control When Using URL Routing?

Jan 6, 2011

've recently set up an ASP.net site (not using MVC.net) to use URL Routing (more on the code below) - when using user controls on the site (i.e I've created a "menu" user control to hold menu information) the page_load event for that control will fire twice when URLs have more than one variable passed over.


pageName/VAR1 : will only fire the page_load event once.


pageName/VAR1/VAR2 : will fire the page_load event twice.

*Multiple extra VARs added on the end will still only fire the page_load event twice*.

Below are the code snippits from the files, the first is the MapPageRoute, located in the Global.asax :


Note, that when I'm just hitting the page and it uses the default values for items, the reloads do not happen.

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C# - Cancel All Events From Page_Load?

Sep 26, 2010

I have something like this:

bool preventEvents;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, eventargs e)
preventEvents = doSomeValidation();[code]....

got some interesting answers (thanks to everyone) but not what i was looking for, maybe i should be more specific:

given some condition, is it possible to skip all events after Page_Load and just jump to the rendering, without manually removing/mapping each event?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Binding On Page_Load

Jan 8, 2010

I have a GridView that binding on Page_Load, and that is not the intent. Ideally, the GridView only loads on PostBack.



The bindClientDropDownList, by the way, does not call SearchResultsGridView.DataBind() on its own, so that can be ruled out.

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Postback - Multiple Page_Load Events With URL Rewriting?

Feb 18, 2010

Im using intelligencia urlrewriter as my url rewrite module. I have one very strange problem which only occurs when an url is rewritten but to make it more fun, not on all rewritten pages. Edit: Forgot to tell you what's the problem boing boing. the problem is that my Page_Load event gets fired 2 times.his is how my form rewrite adapter looks like:using System;

using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


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Web Forms :: How To Call JavaScript Function On Page_load

Aug 18, 2010

I am using google map APIs in my ASP.Net application and using following line to pass LatLong to

java script function- GmlMoveEditorMarkerAddress (declared in .ascx file).


Above code is running on button_click/dropdown_selectedindexchange but not on page_load.

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Web Forms :: How To Call JScript Function From Page_Load Event

May 24, 2010

I'm using both seprate C# code file and JScript code file

I'm loading the JScript file using ScriptManager inside the 'Form' tag.

How do I call a JScript function from the Page_Load event handler?

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Web Forms :: How To Activate Javascript Function From Page_Load And Updatepanel

Feb 13, 2011

In the first Page_Load, I am activating a javascript function to make an ImageButton change between 2 images with an interval.

This works fine.

Now when pressing this imagebutton, the Page_Load event will fire the second time and all this is happening in an updatepanel which means a partial postback.

The question is how to execute the javascript function stopbk() in the Page_Load event in this scenario as I cant just put it in the "Onload". How can I make that work?

Code is below:


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During Asynchronous Postback (Ajax) Will Page_PreInt() ,Page_Init(),Page_Load() Events Fire Again?

Mar 30, 2010

During Asynchronous postback (Ajax) will Page_PreInt() ,Page_Init(),Page_Load() events fire again?

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Web Forms :: Timer Executes Page_Load That Should Execute Javascript Function But Does Not Work?

Feb 10, 2011

I am using a Timer with a 3 minutes interval. I am exeuting the Page_Load event every 3 minutes. I am doing that this way as I have all this code inside an UpdatePanel1 which causes

a partial unnoticed postback to the server. I have a lot of code in the Page_Load event that I havenīt put here.

But what does not work is the code I have in the Page_Load event now.

I am trying to execute the javascript function with this line: body1.Attributes.Add("Onload", "startbk()");

This function should start an imageButton to change image between 2 images. This function do works if I refresh the page so the function itself do works.

But it seems this function does not execute when the Timer executes the Page_Load event, so this is my problem how I can solve this?


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C# - How To Cal A Javascript Function From Page_Load In Code-behind

Apr 20, 2010

How can I call a javascript function, that is in the aspx page, from the Page_Load method, in the code-behind

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Binding Javascript Keypress Events?

Nov 22, 2010

I have a need to monitor the state of the Shift key, whether it is up or down. Its purpose is to notify the user that while the shift key is held down, the drag and drop operation they are about to perform is going to COPY the node(s), and not move them.

I have it working perfectly with the code below, however, if I hold the Shift key and perform the drag and drop, the hook no longer exists; the screen no longer responds to the key press and remains in the "pressed" state.

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<td valign="top"><ASP:Literal id="treeLeft" EnableViewState="false" runat="server" /></td>


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Webforms - Write In B.aspx Page_Load Function, Intellisense Don't Know Textbox1?

Dec 3, 2010

In a.aspx i have a textbox with ID="Textbox1".In b.aspx, i have a label with ID="Label1"I want when i open b.aspx, Label1.text = Textbox1.Text..but when i write in b.aspx Page_Load function, intellisense don't know Textbox1.

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Page_Load Events Executed Every Time A Page Was Loaded Not Just The First Time?

Aug 5, 2010

I thought that Page_Load events executed every time a page was loaded not just the first time. Am I wrong on this?

I have a Page_Load event that writes text to a label to display on the screen: Output.Text &= "Welcome to my Website <br />" (Output being the ID of a Label control)

I also have an On_Click event for a button to display the same information: Output.Text &= "Welcome to my Website <br />"

After clicking the button, I expected to see the output twice. Once for the page being reloaded and once for the click event. I thought that Page_Load events executed every time a page was loaded not just the first time.

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Accessing And Binding Events To Grid View Using Jquery?

Mar 23, 2010

I have an ASP page which displays a text box when it loads. It takes an input number, send it to the server through post back, and then displays some record in a grid view. After a number is input into the box, the server fetches some data from a database and add records to the grid view. It also contains a link column, whose URL is set to "#", so that the page isn't redirected when it is clicked.

Now I want to bind a jquery "click" event to that link. How can I do that ? I have tried that to do myself but failed, because it is not available when the DOM is loaded (since it only contains rows when a number is input through the box), and is being modified through ASP.NET Ajax post back.

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Web Forms :: Binding A Click Events Validation To Whether Another Click Event Has Happened?

Jan 7, 2011

I've been searching a little bit to try and find the answer to this problem. As of right now another person I work with has designed a wizard step with an upload button in part of it. After the person clicks the browse button and selects their file a validation statement comes up saying, "Please click 'upload and continue' or clear the field" and then is supposed to disable the continue button until this is done. He started by adding a RegularExpressionValidator and found it did not solve his problem.

Now that he's out today we're working on trying to solve this and my first though is to actually use a custom validator instead and have it call a function in the back-code for validation which checks to see if the "Upload" click-event has happened. Is there an easy way of verifying whether or not a click-event has occurred. Basically my conditional is shown in the pseudo-code below...


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Integrating Jquery Fullcalendar Into App - Dynamic Events Function Mvc

May 31, 2010

I'm integrating Fullcalendar into my app. Consider a manager interface where he can select an employee and then view this employee's calendar. Now basically I'm using the following jquery code in my view:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
defaultView: 'agendaWeek',
isRTL: true,
axisFormat: 'HH:mm',
editable: true,
events: "/Scheduler/CalendarData"

Now I would like to have the controller function assigned to the events to retrieve the specific user selected by the manager: events: "/Scheduler/CalendarData/<current_user_name> Is there any way to retrieve the selected employee user name from the view (or rather pass it to the view from the controler) and then pass it onto the bound events function?

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Web Forms :: Created A Control Dynamically In Page_load Event?

Jul 12, 2010

created a control dynamicly in page_load event then cant i make that control globaly available in each class?

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Web Forms :: Hide Control On Master Page Using Page_Load?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a master page (frame.Master) and a content page (default.aspx) that uses frame.Master. Within frame.Master I have an ASP Panel control (pnlQuote). I do not want pnlQuote within frame.Master to be visiable when default.aspx loads. Normally I use the following code within Page_Load of the default.aspx.cs page: this.pnlQuote.Visible = false; however this does not work because pnlQuote is within frame.Master.

correct code to hide pnlQuote within frame.Master when default.aspx is loaded?

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Web Forms :: Launching A Function Once After All Page Load Events On Page?

May 28, 2010

Using C#, ASP.NET 3.5, VS 2008.

On a page with some user controls, I need to execute some lines of code only once (i.e. not on postback), however, the code must run after ALL page objects complete loading.

Example, Page1.aspx also contains uc1.ascx and uc2.ascx. If I imbed the code in a if (!PostBack) code block, it will end up running before the corresponding page load is completed for uc1 and uc2.

Is there a way to run the code on Page1.aspx once AFTER all the objects on the page have run thru their page load events?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Multiple Values To HyperLink Control In DetailView Control?

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to bind upto 3 values to a HyperLink control in a DetailView control to create a query string but it does not seem to work.

Following is my code for the HyperLink:


The parameters UserName, FirstName and LastName are column names from the sqldatasource.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Events Relative To Page Events

Apr 9, 2010

I've googled a bit for the exact order of all gridview events relative to and where inbetween page events. The only Microsoft article: [URL] is not very clear. I'm especially interested in the gridview row_command event relative to page events.

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Web Forms :: Events / Task Calendar - Recurring Events / Tasks Design / Finding Proper Example

Jan 11, 2010

I have been tasked with designing a scheduling system to fit into an existing application. At present I have a SQL Table - Tasks which have a StartDate and EndDate column.

I have a requirement to set the Task as a recurring task i.e. Replace server backup tapes every day, or, Order more stationary once a month.

I am lost on how to design this. I can't seem to find a proper example on the net. can someone point me in the right direction.

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Web Forms :: Binding A Value To A Control's Property Before OnInit Is Called For The Control

Jun 5, 2010

I just began to look into custom server controls a couple days ago, and while I'm happy with my progress overall, I'm stuck on an issue.



EDIT 2: It seems that the problem now is that I cannot set a parameter with a databound value before the control is initialized

<cv:conditional id="condTest" runat="server" selector='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem") != null %>'>...

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Add Control Programmatically In Page_load

Dec 19, 2010

I am trying to add controls on the page from the backend in the page_load stage. Here is my code:

foreach (FileInfo fi in dirInfo.GetFiles())
HyperLink hl = new HyperLink();
hl.ID = "Hyperlink" + i++;
hl.Text = fi.Name;
hl.NavigateUrl = "../downloading.aspx?file=" + fi.Name + "&user=" + userIdpar;
Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<br/>"));

The error which I am getting is on 'Page.Controls.Add(hl);' and here is the explanation: The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases. What can I do so I can fix this issue.

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