C# - Cancel All Events From Page_Load?

Sep 26, 2010

I have something like this:

bool preventEvents;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, eventargs e)
preventEvents = doSomeValidation();[code]....

got some interesting answers (thanks to everyone) but not what i was looking for, maybe i should be more specific:

given some condition, is it possible to skip all events after Page_Load and just jump to the rendering, without manually removing/mapping each event?

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Postback - Multiple Page_Load Events With URL Rewriting?

Feb 18, 2010

Im using intelligencia urlrewriter as my url rewrite module. I have one very strange problem which only occurs when an url is rewritten but to make it more fun, not on all rewritten pages. Edit: Forgot to tell you what's the problem boing boing. the problem is that my Page_Load event gets fired 2 times.his is how my form rewrite adapter looks like:using System;

using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


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C# - Multiple Page_Load Events For A User Control When Using URL Routing?

Jan 6, 2011

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pageName/VAR1 : will only fire the page_load event once.


pageName/VAR1/VAR2 : will fire the page_load event twice.

*Multiple extra VARs added on the end will still only fire the page_load event twice*.

Below are the code snippits from the files, the first is the MapPageRoute, located in the Global.asax :


Note, that when I'm just hitting the page and it uses the default values for items, the reloads do not happen.

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Mar 30, 2010

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Page_Load Events Executed Every Time A Page Was Loaded Not Just The First Time?

Aug 5, 2010

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I also have an On_Click event for a button to display the same information: Output.Text &= "Welcome to my Website <br />"

After clicking the button, I expected to see the output twice. Once for the page being reloaded and once for the click event. I thought that Page_Load events executed every time a page was loaded not just the first time.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Cancel Command Button Not Canceling After E.Cancel?

Oct 28, 2010

I am using a LINQ to SQL data source for a ListView and perform a validation check in the Listview ItemUpdating event:


This works great and keeps the user from updating the record with invalid data.However, when I hit cancel after this operation, it saves the text in the box rather than cancelling the operation. Here's my code for the update button:


Update Function:


I do not handle the cancel button event, as the cancel operation has worked fine... unless someone enters incorrect information and e.Cancel is set to true.What am I doing wrong? Is it the mixture of using the LINQ Datasource and doing my own updating?

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Dim RECIPIENTS() As String
Dim NAME As String

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Apr 9, 2010

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Jan 8, 2010

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the user can change the data within the gridview then click a save button to update the data within the database.

However in order to know which rows have been changed I have a textChanged event associated with each textbox, but the event isn't being fired.

Here's the ASP code:


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May 2, 2010

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the problem line is


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Jan 11, 2010

I have been tasked with designing a scheduling system to fit into an existing application. At present I have a SQL Table - Tasks which have a StartDate and EndDate column.

I have a requirement to set the Task as a recurring task i.e. Replace server backup tapes every day, or, Order more stationary once a month.

I am lost on how to design this. I can't seem to find a proper example on the net. can someone point me in the right direction.

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Web Forms :: Events With 2 Controls - Can Give A Priority At The Events

Oct 19, 2010

I have a page with 2 Controls, a ListBox and a DropDownList.

In the DropDownList you can select a PLACE.

In the ListBox you can see all DOCUMENTS for the selected PLACE.

If you select a DOCUMENT, the program does a redirect on the selected DOCUMENT.

So, there are an AutoPostBack and an Event (if you select another Item) on both Controls.

The problem is: If I select a PLACE, then I select a DOCUMENT (the pdf document is opened), and then I go back on the page and I want to select another PLACE, the program doesn't select another PLACE, but opens the old DOCUMENT, because there are 2 Events, one to change the PLACE and one to open the DOCUMENTS.

Can I give a priority at the Events?

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MVC Pattern Clarification - Doesn't Support Server Side Events But Supports Client Side Events

Apr 6, 2010

Just I started learning MVC pattern, of course i am learning it from Microsoft's website.Just i want to gather quiz information from the experts. My understanding is (correct me then and there)

1 ) MVC does not support server side events, but supports client side events. If it supports client side events, I need html page with jQuery/Javascript (view), but most of the example I absorbed is to display the information(model) in view, I did not see any client side event handling happens in view.

2) Except ViewState and controlState, MVC supports Sessions, Application State management, Cache management.

3) When request goes to MVC engine, the routing module routes the request that is picked up by the controller. The controller in executes the appropriate action and returns the appropriate view.

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Oct 16, 2010

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JavaScript Yes / No Instead Of Ok / Cancel

Oct 12, 2012

Is this true? it is not possible to change the content of the buttons in the dialog displayed by the confirm function

This is my code to display a pop-up the our user to confirm his data:

Queue queue = (Queue)(handlerPages[HttpContext.Current.Handler]);
if ((queue != null))
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
int iMsgCount = queue.Count;
builder.Append("<script language='javascript'>");
string sMsg = string.Empty;

[Code] ....

The user wants to see Yes/No instead of OK/Cancel. It's true I can't use confirm?

I did not write this code and I'll admit I don't understand it, so the first thing I will do is dissect it. But do I also have to rewrite it?

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C# - How To Cancel Binding ObjectDataSource

Mar 24, 2010

CheckPara is my OnDataBinding procedure SqlDataSource1 is ObjectDataSource (it's only confusing name)

Language is Nemerle, but if you know C# you can read it easy
protected virtual CheckPara(_ : object, _ : System.EventArgs) : void
foreach(x is Parameter in SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters)
when(x.DefaultValue=="") //Cancel binding

so how can I cancel binding when there is not fully configurated ObjectDataSource ? Or... how can I run binding only when I done with all parameters ?

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AJAX :: Ok/cancel & Yes/No MessageBox?

Apr 1, 2011

How do create yes/no and ok/cancel messagebox in asp.net.

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C# - How To Cancel A Web Service Call If It's Not Responding

Apr 8, 2010

I have a web page (.aspx) that calls a third party web service to get some data. It usually takes couple of seconds to get the response back, and then the rest of the page will load. Occasionally the call gets stuck either due to the web service is down, or internet connection, etc., the page just hang there and will not load.

My questions is:

1) Is there a way to abort/cancel the web service call after a set amount of time?

2) Is it even possible to verify the status of the web service before calling it?

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AJAX :: How To Cancel __doPostBack Call

Feb 17, 2011

i am doing this in my client side to make my page load and update a message that is inside and update panel, i associate the keydown event of a textbox control to this javascript:


but the problem with that is if the user type fast the page will do a lot of postback, and i just wanna make the last one, how can i afford that??

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JQuery Validation Fro Cancel Button?

Aug 8, 2010

I am using jquery validation.But i am having problem with cancel butttoni am not able to make validate false for it,

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Emulating The Cancel Command Programmatically?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a page on which I have two forms, which really act as a main form and a subform. I can put a Cancel button (which removes any inputs I have made in the form) on each form. But I want to put just one Cancel button that Cancels the input for both forms. I know that there is a Form.UpdateItem, Form.InputItem, and Form.DeleteItem, but I can find no Form.CancelItem. Is there a way to emulate the Form.CancelItem programmatically?

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Programmatically Cancel Control Initialisation?

Jan 11, 2010

Suppose I have a user control MyControl.ascx, and I put it in the Default.aspx like this:

<uc1:MyControl id="MyControl" runat="server">

Now in the code-behind of Default.aspx I do this:


The problem is that even I do not render MyControl, it is still being initialised and goes through the entire ASCX life cycle (OnLoad, etc). Is there a way to prevent the control from being initialised at all?

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Web Forms :: Cancel Button Causes Validation

Nov 2, 2010

I have two buttons: Save and Cancel. I have set CauseValidation = "False" for this cancel button. But when I click the button for the first time, it still causes validation while it does not cause validation if I click it again.

I tried to fix it by defining validation group for all validation controls, controls that are validated, and save button. But still the cancel button would validate when first time it is clicked.

how to fix it?

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Web Forms :: How To Cancel Refreshing The Page

Mar 18, 2010

everything that i click on in my website is doing refresh to the website or postback ..i want that in several linkes it wont do it ... how do i do cancel it for a specific link?

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