Page_Load Events Executed Every Time A Page Was Loaded Not Just The First Time?
Aug 5, 2010
I thought that Page_Load events executed every time a page was loaded not just the first time. Am I wrong on this?
I have a Page_Load event that writes text to a label to display on the screen: Output.Text &= "Welcome to my Website <br />" (Output being the ID of a Label control)
I also have an On_Click event for a button to display the same information: Output.Text &= "Welcome to my Website <br />"
After clicking the button, I expected to see the output twice. Once for the page being reloaded and once for the click event. I thought that Page_Load events executed every time a page was loaded not just the first time.
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<trace enabled="false" pageOutput="false" />
<compilation debug="false"/>
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Upto Date patches.
.Net Framework 2.0,3.0,3.5
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Source File:
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Stack Trace:
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public delegate void SomeChangeEventHandler(object sender
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