Web Forms :: Changing Win.app To Web.app

May 22, 2010

I have win.app page and want to change it to a web.app,how can I do that?is it possible?

for instance i want to transfer Data's in text boxes from Win.app to Web.app.

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State Management :: Session Table Value Also Changing When Changing Any Coloumn Name?

Jan 10, 2011

The problem is when am assigning my session table value to newly created table and if now am changing any coloumn name then the session table value also changing.

But my question is am assigning Session value to newly created table so how should session value should be affected?

for refference in my application


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Web Forms :: Changing CSS Tag By Code?

Apr 13, 2010

I have been given by a designer the HTML show below. This is a menu which will be used in throughout our website in a master page. My worry is how can I handle de the different class used depending when the page is selected or not. Below when on the page the id is "bot_seleccionado" and when a page is not selected it is bot1.


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Web Forms :: Drop Down Value Not Changing?

Jun 23, 2010

have two drop down list in my page. When i select one drop down, the value of second drop will change according to the value of first drop down. I don't want page refresh when i select my first drop down. So i use update panel but now when i select the value from my first drop down on the event of selectedindexchanged it will always shows me the default value and if i remove update panel it works perfectly but with page refresh. I don't know what is the problem. Values for both drop down is coming from database. Also i have done !IsPostBack in my page load but i don't know where is the problem..Please check the code below:


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Web Forms :: Changing Textbox To DDL?

May 17, 2010

I have a webform with difrent parts in it, its like a search criteria, noissues with other parts but theres one part in it called guest profile which is giving me problems.There was a field name called guest company with a textbox by its side, when the user enters the company name and clicks enter it displays the list of people with that company name

but now I have changed this textbox to ddl and populated this ddl with the company names now when I am selecting this company name and clicking enter its not showing the data the code for the above issue is shown below I have also posted the stored procedure used in this

the code used to design the DDL

Guests Company:
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCompanyName" runat="server" CssClass="default" />
the code used to bind the data to this ddl
protected void BindCompanyDDL()
var companyList = Company.FindAll();
ddlCompanyName.Items.Add(new ListItem("- Select Company -", ""));
foreach (var companyDetail in companyList)
ddlCompanyName.Items.Add(new ListItem(companyDetail.Name, companyDetail.Id.ToString()));
the code used to initialize search
public void InitializeSearch(ref RecipientSearchParams searchParams)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtGuestName.Text))
searchParams.GuestName = HttpContext.Current.Server.HtmlEncode(txtGuestName.Text);
if (ddlCompanyName.SelectedValue != String.Empty)
searchParams.CompanyName = ddlCompanyName.SelectedValue;
if (ddlCompanyType.SelectedValue != String.Empty)
searchParams.CompanyType = ddlCompanyType.SelectedValue;

the code used to load parameter values

public void LoadParamValues(RecipientSearchParams searchParams)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.GuestName))
txtGuestName.Text = searchParams.GuestName;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.CompanyName))
ddlCompanyName.SelectedValue = searchParams.CompanyName;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchParams.CompanyType))
ddlCompanyType.SelectedValue = searchParams.CompanyType;
public interface IAudenceTab
bool ValidateSearch();
void InitializeSearch(ref RecipientSearchParams searchParams);
void LoadParamValues(RecipientSearchParams searchParams);
private void PopulateGuestSqlParams()
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(GuestName))
AddHashValue("GuestName", _GuestName);
Description += String.Format("Guest Name {0}; ", _GuestName);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyName))
AddHashValue("CompanyName", CompanyName);
Description += String.Format("Company Name {0}; ", CompanyName);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CompanyType))
AddHashValue("CompanyType", CompanyType);
Description += String.Format("Company Type {0}; ", CompanyType);
public List<Person> ExecuteSearch()
MSSqlDBProvider db = new MSSqlDBProvider();
SqlConnection conn = db.GetConnection();
List<Person> pList =
DataObjectProvider<Person>.GetObjectList("dbo.PersonNewsletterFilterSearch", CommandType.StoredProcedure,
pHash, conn);
return pList;
stored procedure used
(@GuestName IS NULL OR p.FullName LIKE '%' + @GuestName + '%') AND
(@CompanyName IS NULL OR p.ID IN (
SELECT Distinct compGuest.GuestId From CompanyGuest compGuest
Inner Join CompanyDetail compDetail on compGuest.CompanyId = compDetail.PersonId
where compDetail.[Name] = @CompanyName )) AND
(@CompanyType IS NULL OR p.ID IN (
SELECT Distinct compGuest.GuestId From CompanyGuest compGuest
Inner Join CompanyDetail compDetail on compGuest.CompanyId = compDetail.PersonId
where compDetail.[Type] = @CompanyType)) AND

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Changing Primary Key Value

Jan 8, 2013

I want to experiment that can we change the primary key value

I am making a table Employee with Id as primary key and name as other columns

and another table salery with emp_id as foreign key and salary as another column

on windows form

on button 1 click data should be inserted on both the tables is it possible

or i have to save the employee table first and then salary table

is it possible to give temporary id in salary as -1 -2 -3 and after inserting data in employee table it should take that id and replace with this one.

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Web Forms :: Code Behind File Changing?

Sep 26, 2010

I have a code behind file which has only a few placeholders and literal. The gridview control and others are added in real time according to program conditions. I noticed that once in a while th eprogram stopped working because the .aspx file is changed and some of the place holders disappeared - Why? (the bolded lines disappeared once in a while)

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Web Forms :: Changing The Debugging Keys In Vs?

Apr 27, 2010

is it possible to change my debuging kyes instead of function keys..

because am using the laptop and always i have to press "fn" key to prss the f10 or f11

is there any solution ..or can i permanantly press the fn click event ?

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Web Forms :: How To Redirect To New Url Without Changing The Current Url

Feb 6, 2010

Any traffic comes to a page through any URL like [URL] should be redirected to

[URL] however the URL in the address bar should not change.It should not show [URL]

How to acheive this?

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Web Forms :: Theme Changing For Web Site?

Jan 20, 2011

I am now in process doing theme for my web application.

This is how i want my Theme work :Whenever user choose to change the theme, the whole web site theme should changed accrodingly.

Most of the examples that i find out online require to assign the theme in Page_PreInit event in every page. The theme name is store in session variable.

My concern is that is there anyway to assign particular theme to whole web site without having assing it to every page and store the theme into session variable.

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Web Forms :: Changing Codebehind In The Server?

May 26, 2010

I have a web forms app (3.5) deployed on a stage server (IIS 7).

I made a minor change to one of the pages code-behind. I was hoping that this change will come into effect next time I hit this page.

I closed all the sessions (browser) and reloaded the app, and visited the page I made the change. Still new code does not come into play.

So, I inserted a "throw new Exeption("test")" in page_load, hoping that the page will crash. Still the old code, no crash.

I wonder whether there is some kind of "caching" in IIS?

See here: [URL] (unfortunately no remedy here)

I amended the web.config (by adding an extra space), so that this will trigger a new compilation. Still old code is in effect.

Later, I added a simple text file to "bin" directory, hoping this will trigger a re-compilation. Still nothing.

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Web Forms :: Autopostback Without Changing Location?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a checkbox with autopostback property. I just want to ask because everytime I check the box It appears on the upper part of the page. How can I make it without changing its location when I check the box.

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Web Forms :: Changing Property From Another Page?

Apr 5, 2010

is there any way for changing proporty of a component ,such as imagesrc of an image item , from another page?

my index page has slided into 3 pieces with frames. and i wanna change the src of an image by loading event from a page at another frame.

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Web Forms :: Dropdownlist SelectedValue Not Changing?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a quick question on my ddl. I have a search page that searches based on the ddl. Once the button is clicked. the result of the search shows on the gridview.Which all works well.Now the problem i am having is that. On my gridview i have a select button that brings out another ddl on an update panel based on the first ddl. When i do this... it goes back to the first record on the ddl and shows a wrong result.. Basically the new ddl is supposed to change on "selectedindexchanged" handler of that gridview which works fine but the selectedvalue is just going back to the first one.

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Web Forms :: Changing Properties Of Many Labels?

Aug 30, 2010

I have several labels. they have ID's like "lblSun_Rm1_0530" or "lblSun_Rm1_0600" they are labeled to represent days, room #'s and times, so you can see how they would change up. I'm looking to see how I could change all labels from one day and one room to say a white background. I would need to change all labels titled "lblSun_Rm1_(x)" where x would be the time.

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Web Forms :: Changing The Control Position

Oct 5, 2010

How can i change control position in aspx page at runtime Is it possible through xml / xslt files with out re-depoying the code.

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Web Forms :: SessionID Changing On Each PostBack

Aug 29, 2012

working on .net 2.0 using (vb)

I have used Session.SessionID property, but it's keep on changing on every page postback.....can we keep it same untill user sign out from his account..?

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Web Forms :: Code For Changing The Default Title Tag?

Aug 13, 2010

We have recently bought a website that was programed in .asp. Every website page has a line of code that allows it to use the Meta title tag found in the 'Maincontent.master' file.
This sample is taken for the about us page;

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MainContent.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="AboutUs.aspx.cs" Inherits="AboutUs" %>

I want to each page to have its own unique title tag, however I am struggling to implement this. I have tried removing the above line and replacing it with a standard title tag line i.e. <title>About us</title> but when I do this it kills the page completely. how I could replace the above with a unique title tag, or is it not that simple? Descriptions and keywords are not a problem as they are already individually setup; it's just the page title

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Web Forms :: Changing Div Backgfound Image In C# Code Behind

Dec 3, 2010

I am using Visual Studio 2008, .NET version 3.5, and coding in C#.In my masterpage, I have a div:
<div runat="server" id="divMasthead" class="top-img">

In the code behind of that masterpage, I am trying to randomize which background image displays for this div on page load.When I run my project, the div has no background image.After opening the site and viewing the page source, the html output is:


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Web Forms :: Changing Web Parts Personalization For All Users

Sep 9, 2010

i have a situation like this, hope u can help me sort it out.

I am going to develop a portal by using all web part page and many customize web part.

BUt the personalization of the web part layout only allow modify by administrator, that means the web site is not going to personalize by public user even in drag and drop function. They just can see a normal web site..

So, in the web config file, what should i set so that the authenticate administrator can change it to effects all the user.

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Web Forms :: Changing Font Size Dynamically?

Mar 8, 2010

We have a database with around 5000 records in it. We also have a web page that displays many of the fields. One field is an nText field and displays up to several paragraphs. My customer wants me to add those A+ and A- buttons for increasing and decreasing the font size for this field. My problem is that many of the older records have quite a bit of formatting in the field. Most of the rest contain styles dictating a font size of 12 px. Is there a way to increase and decrease the font soze of the text without modifying all the records?

Here's an example:


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Web Forms :: Changing DIV Height In Code-behind Is Not Working?

Jul 30, 2010

I have a height on this <div> that I have set to 104%.

Now I am trying to dynamically change this height in the code behind to different % like below example, 110% but the divs height is not changing.

I wonder if I do this wrong ?


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Web Forms :: Changing Text Box Color On Validation?

May 6, 2010

i have two Text box(dynamically created) and one button.

I want to make text box back color Red, if it is blank also in this situation page should not posted back.

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Web Forms :: Changing Language On Calendar Control?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a calendar control and 2 flag buttons. One Finish and one Swedish. When i click the swedish i want the calnedar ( are gular one not the ajax toolkit extender) to show in swedish and the same for the finish button.

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Web Forms :: Changing Style Of Each Menu Item?

Feb 14, 2010

I want to change each items color in the asp menu control while the menu is generating dynamically from a database.

i.e. 1st item's background color is yellow and 2nd item's background color is red and so on.

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