Web Forms :: Create A Text Box Where If User Will Enter Something It Should Show The Values From Database Like Google Shows?
Sep 20, 2010
I have to create a text box where if user will enter something it should show the values from database like google shows.e.g If i press a it should display a if i have entered AJ it should show all the list which start from AJ.Same like google.
I was looking for a solution on how to create a static google map by passing longitude and latitude value through database. What I want to do is to create a static image as PDF conversion requires static image. Thats why I want a static image so that I can convert aspx page into pdf and then email that map to the customer.
I want create/show/edit a excel file from my asp.net application. All I want is like the working of Google docs. Is there a way I can implement it? Any dll or can i even use the google docs api for that?
in my application (asp.net) i have a filed ( phone code) and it contain a text box. and i want to restrict the user to enter only 4 letter after that the cursor should not print any character how can i write the code
I have take a datagrid view and now i want to update the records as the database is been normalized i need to enter the multiple rows at once. How you I convert the datagrid to enter the data so that it would be easy for me to update the records?
I am new in my orgainisation and i am assigned a task relating to Windows Authentication. But I've never worked with windows authentication and IIS before.
My Task is: Create simple webapp which shows the authenticated user (i.e. if I connect, it will show myName). It shud be working in IIS7.5 as well.
I want to show a grid view Control that is initially displayed to allow the user to enter multiple records. This grid view will not be tied to a database nor will it need to save the data that is enter into the GridView Control directly to a database.
I have "add new folder" button in my asp.net form and I need to show dialog in order to make the user able to enter the folder name,how can I accomplish that in asp.net?
I have a gridview control that has two bound fields. I want to restrict the user's to enter only numeric values in the second bound column. I went into the properties of the gridview control. Selected "Columns" and clicked on collection. The fields showed up.
I selected the field and clicked on the properties. I found DataFormatString property. can I restrict by making changes to this property?
I've a scenario in my website where there is a search page.
When the user fills the search criteria and submits the search button , a Google map will be displayed with a pin depicting the addresses listed by the returned records.
I have 4 textboxes. On which I want to show values from a database table which are readonly. After a button click event I have to show the updated values again.Two difficulties I have faced 1st to get four fields of data from DB than show those four data in specific texboxes.another is after doing some calculation showing updated data after a button click event.
I want to show user already exist erroe in user create wizard but user create wizard is disaply in pop up so after click create user button ot shows error user already exist and pop got closed how i can show error on popup or how can skip postback so clicking on button it will not close popup???
i am creating some of the control at runtime according database values. problem is that when i click onto the button, if the text box is empty, the required field validator(genrated at runtime) show first time that the text box is empty. but one agin i click on to the button, it doest show any error messege and all of the control which i am genrating at run time are hiding when i see at the page source, no control is find there.
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Xml.Linq; using AjaxControlToolkit; using click2install.controls; public partial class FeebackForm_Client : System.Web.UI.Page { HtmlGenericControl table = new HtmlGenericControl("table"); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { CreateForm(); } } public void CreateForm() { ds = DBManager.ExecuteDataset("[FeedBack_FeedbackDetail_get]"); for (int i = 1; i < ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count - 1; i = i + 4) { //CreateControl(txtAddress.Text.ToString(), txtAddressRun, false, false, txtAddressToolTip.Text, txtAddressWaterMark.Text); string Name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][i].ToString().Replace(" ",""); if (Name != "") { TextBox txtControl = new TextBox(); //RequiredTextBox txtControl = new RequiredTextBox(); txtControl.ID = "txt" + Name; txtControl.CausesValidation = true; bool RequiredField; bool ToolTip; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][i + 3].ToString() == "True") { RequiredField = true; } else RequiredField = false; if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][i + 1].ToString() != "") { ToolTip = true; } else ToolTip = false; string TooltipText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][i + 1].ToString(); string WaterMarkText = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][i + 2].ToString(); CreateControl(Name, txtControl, RequiredField, ToolTip, TooltipText, WaterMarkText); } } HtmlGenericControl tr = new HtmlGenericControl("tr"); HtmlGenericControl td1 = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); HtmlGenericControl td2 = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); HtmlGenericControl td3 = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); HtmlGenericControl td4 = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); Button btnInsertRun = new Button(); btnInsertRun.Text = btnSubmit.Text.ToString(); btnInsertRun.ValidationGroup = "Check"; td2.Controls.Add(btnInsertRun); tr.Controls.Add(td1); tr.Controls.Add(td2); tr.Controls.Add(td3); tr.Controls.Add(td4); table.Controls.Add(tr); pnlPreview.Controls.Add(table); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "Hide();", true); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, GetType(), Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), "ShowAddDisability()", true); } public void btnInsertRun_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { CreateForm(); //ds = DBManager.ExecuteDataset("[FeedBack_FeedbackDetail_get]"); //TextBox txt1,txt2,txt3,txt4,txt5=new TextBox(); //objBox2 = this.Page.FindControl("objBox2") as TextBox; string ss = "txt" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); //TextBox objTextBox = (TextBox)PnlControlPanel1.FindControl(strControlName); TextBox txt1 = new TextBox(); txt1 = (TextBox)this.Page.FindControl("txt" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString()); //txt1=this.pnlContainer.FindControl("txt"+ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString()) as TextBox; // txt2 = this.pnlContainer.FindControl("txt" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString()) as TextBox; // txt3 = this.pnlContainer.FindControl("txt" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][9].ToString()) as TextBox; // txt4 = this.pnlContainer.FindControl("txt" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][13].ToString()) as TextBox; // txt5 = this.pnlContainer.FindControl("txt" + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][17].ToString()) as TextBox; string fh = txt1.Text; //DBManager.ExecuteNonQuery("Feedback_FeedbackInsert", ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(), txt1.Text,ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString(), txt2.Text,ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][9].ToString(), txt3.Text,ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][13].ToString(), txt4.Text,ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][17].ToString(), txt5.Text); Response.Write("Ho Gya"); } public void CreateControl(string Name, TextBox ControlID, bool RequiredField, bool Tooltip, string TooltipText, string WaterMarkText) { if (WaterMarkText == "") WaterMarkText = Name; HtmlGenericControl tr = new HtmlGenericControl("tr"); HtmlGenericControl td1 = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); HtmlGenericControl td2 = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); HtmlGenericControl td3 = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); HtmlGenericControl td4 = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); td1.InnerText = Name; ControlID.ValidationGroup = "Check"; //ControlID.ValidatorMessage = Name + " is Required Field"; //ControlID.ValidatorDisplayType = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic; //ControlID.ValidatorEnableClientScript = true; td2.Controls.Add(ControlID); if (RequiredField == true) { //RequiredFieldValidator Valid = new RequiredFieldValidator(); //Valid.ID = "Valid" + Name; //Valid.ControlToValidate = ControlID.ID.ToString(); //Valid.ErrorMessage = Name + " is Required Field"; //Valid.Text = "*"; //Valid.Display = ValidatorDisplay.Dynamic; //Valid.EnableViewState = true; //Valid.SetFocusOnError = true; //Valid.Enabled = true; //Valid.EnableClientScript = true; //Valid.InitialValue = WaterMarkText; //Valid.ValidationGroup = "Check"; //td3.Controls.Add(Valid); } if (Tooltip == true) { HtmlGenericControl span = new HtmlGenericControl("span"); //span.Attributes.Add("class", "hotspot"); span.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "tooltip.hide();"); span.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "tooltip.show('" + TooltipText + "');"); HtmlImage img = new HtmlImage(); img.Src = "info.png"; span.Controls.Add(img); td4.Controls.Add(span); } //TextBoxWatermarkExtender WaterMark = new TextBoxWatermarkExtender(); //WaterMark.WatermarkText = WaterMarkText; //WaterMark.EnableClientState = true; //WaterMark.TargetControlID = ControlID.ID.ToString(); //WaterMark.Enabled = true; //WaterMark.ID = "WaterMark" + Name; //td1.Controls.Add(WaterMark); tr.Controls.Add(td1); tr.Controls.Add(td2); tr.Controls.Add(td3); tr.Controls.Add(td4); table.Controls.Add(tr); } } after rendring the page... <div id="pnlContainer"> <table><tbody><tr><td>Email</td><td><input type="text" id="txtEmail" name="txtEmail"></td><td></td><td><span onmouseover="tooltip.show('Email');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();"><img src="info.png"></span></td></tr><tr><td>FirstName</td><td><input type="text" id="txtFirstName" name="txtFirstName"></td><td></td><td><span onmouseover="tooltip.show('First Name');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();"><img src="info.png"></span></td></tr><tr><td>LastName</td><td><input type="text" id="txtLastName" name="txtLastName"></td><td></td><td><span onmouseover="tooltip.show('Last Name');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();"><img src="info.png"></span></td></tr><tr><td>City</td><td><input type="text" id="txtCity" name="txtCity"></td><td></td><td><span onmouseover="tooltip.show('City');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();"><img src="info.png"></span></td></tr><tr><td>Address</td><td><input type="text" id="txtAddress" name="txtAddress"></td><td></td><td><span onmouseover="tooltip.show('Address');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();"><img src="info.png"></span></td></tr></tbody></table></div>
but after the click on to the button it shows only the container div..
i am having 2 textboxes on a form. What i need is if i enter some data in the first text box the same text should be displayed at the time i typed which means
if in the first text box i enter A the same text should be displayed automatically in the 2nd textbox.
I have a main web page and added a user control inside it. The user control has some textboxes. The problem I have is when I populate the textboxes with the data that is in the DB, they do not show the values. The strange thing is If I change the property of textboxes ReadOnly to TRUE, they show the values. The problem is that I need them to be ReadOnly=FALSE.
I have the membership provider and the create user with tow steps, one of the steps contains a custom registration form, for each created user data will be in the database, and there is an account page shows the data that the new created user did insert during the registration process on the custom registration page,
the problem, when the user is created and logged into his account page, this account page shows only the information for the first created user, not the info on the logged in user , but the logged in user data still saved in database and not showing on his account page?