Web Forms :: Edit The Defualt registration Form And Add Some Textboxes To It?
Jan 6, 2010
Can i easly edit the defualt registration form and add some textboxes to it and make it as a membership page to subcribe?What if i added 2 types of membership, how can i make the form sends the customer an e-mail and tells him what is his new membership type? how to make a form for customer in his own page after login, allows him to edit his info and make a section in this page tells him some alert .
As this is registration form, I want server side validation of existing email id .If user entered email id already exist in DB I want to reopen the above modal dialog (automatically) with an error massage Email ID already exist.
simple registration form. Which is shown in grid view after submition. And the grid view has update and delete option.THE REGD FORM CONTAINS FOLLOWING CATEGORIES First name, last name, gender, dob, father's name, contact, address.
I have a page where I have a tab container and four tabs. the problem is on the first tab "manage quote request" I have a Gridview with the quote request general informatin listed and have a template field created with a link button to databind to the formview quote details. the porblem comes in when after I click on the select linkbutton. the Formview loads right. Then Whe I try to click on the edit linkbuttin in the form view I have to click it twice to change the mode to edit.
I am new in ASP.NET, Could you please help me and tell me how to (create a registration custom form and link it to sql database) so every time new register do the registration i need these data to be sent to me as well as to him as an e-mail message, where and how can i look up his data?
I want to put a form in my project in which through a sqldatasource some data will be shown (courses) and the user (student) with use of radiobuttons (since courses of same lesson cant be checked) would check some courses. How can i all these selected courses put in a datatable (registration)?
im trying to have back button after user fill up all information to registration form...but the problem is all information that already filled ,need to fill again after click on back button ..is there any idea to have back button without need user to fill all form again..???
After filling all the required information in any registration form, I want to capture the Date of submitting the form in Sql Server 2005 how to achieve this using Asp.net C#?
How do you set the font size for all GridView textboxes in Edit mode other than templating each. I have the font size for the GridView set <asp:GridView
ID="GridView1" ....... "x-small" but when I call the Edit mode the font defaults to medium.
I want to make a page for registeration form. It will have name, address, gender, contact_no and email. User will key in data in the TextBox and all the data will save into the database after they click Submit button. I know how to design the UI and create database and table. But I didn't know how to save the value in the TextBox into the database.
And we have seen all these in a user registration form. But what if I want to add more fields to it. For example, take a look at this website, this registration page has a lot more fields for users to enter information: [URL] This regirtaion page has the information for Street Address, Suburb, Gender, DOB and lot more. How do I add these fields into my registration page. I have heard of something called profile. But how do I intergrate profile into this, if this is what we use to add more fields to user registraiton page. share a sample working code of user registrtion page with more fields.
CI have been producing a registration form using html and asp. I have managed to get it to send an email having copied script from a previous website which someone developed for me. I now get the response going to the old address and with then old text. How can I change it all to the new site?
I've created a registration form within a table. The image is attached. The Batch section is not aligned to the left of the table column because of it's format. When I changed the Address text box to Multiline, that too has moved to the right. The Css Class for all textboxes are 'textentry'.
I would also like to know how to classify the Registration form into two, as there are Students and Teachers. What would be the best design?
I am using Asp:TemplateField in gridView. I have only ONE TemplateField as follows
I want to find all the textboxes (when grid row is in edit mode) using some kind of loop. I don't want to find the TextBoxes by their names like e.row.findcontrol("..");
I did Response.Write(e.row.controls.count), it show "2". How can I find textboxes without using names
I created a registration form where I have a radio buttun list and a drop down which have autopastback property true.
The issue is when the radio button or the value in drop down list are selected the page is posted back and the password and confrim password are disappearing after the postback. The post back is necessary.I want to keep the passwords maintained even after the post back.
I have a basic web form with about 5 textboxes. One Textbox is "Date1" and the other is "Date2." Is there a way to set the value of Date1 = Date2 after the user enters a value into the Date1 textbox? I'm using Visual Studion and C#. I'm not much of a programmer, so the less technical the better.
i want to build a user registration page where a user can submit his firtname,lastname contact address telephone,email and upload a passport size picture with a specific file size and if bigger than the said image size it will not upload to the database and to be able to retrive back all information submited with the form including the passport size photograph and view them in a given page. I have been trying my hands on it but i could not get it work.