Web Forms :: How To Bind Data During Custom Control Creation
Dec 26, 2010
i want to create a dropdown control in which i want to bind data from my webservice, i know i have to create a custom server control with inherrit the System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList in my class.
my problem is that i dont know how to bind data(say a datatable dt) from dt and further disable the datasource property and item.insert property so that no other data could be enter in this control.
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Feb 21, 2011
how to bind the data to custom control.
ex. i had create a custom control that consist of a TextBox and a Button. how do i tell the aspx to bind the data to the TextBox in custom control like in usual aspx
<asp:TextBox ID="AcNoTextBox" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("AcNo") %>' />
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Mar 8, 2010
I am trying out some code which enables me in creating a page with extension .asp2
The tags included will also be custom, something like:
I have done the necessary changes so that ASP.NET identifies the extension. I have also kept a mapping of custom tags and asp.net/html tags with myself. With this I am able to render the page on browser. But how can we do event handling(usually done by page postbacks and code) in such a scenario?
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Aug 27, 2010
i am using ajaxtoolkit:combobox and i tried to bind data to this control in code behind file.but it is taking 3 to 4 mints to bind data and display the page. I am providing my aspx code and code behind code here
Code behind code:
GetPrograms() method will return almost 6000 records. to load the control it is taking almost 4 minuts..
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Apr 19, 2010
i developed a custom control (inherited from System.Web.UI.UserControl) which is used within a Gridview's TemplateField:
NumberOfControls='<%# Eval("Count")%>' />
"Count" is an integer value from the GridView Datasource.
Based on this value i have to create some LinkButtons dynamically in my custom control (in Page_Init), which works very well when the value for NumberOfControls is hard-coded.
My problem is that the value of "Count" is not available (NumberOfControls = null) during Page_Init and therefore i can't decide how many controls there should be generated.
Is there any way to pass databinded values to custom controls so that they can be used earlier (as if the values were hard-coded)?
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Jun 17, 2010
so how to bind detail view to a single record custom class?
Apparently I can do it this way.
But I don't think my way is a proper way..
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Aug 18, 2010
i've created a webform with one gridview having connected with the database using datasource. i.e password database with three colomn .
now want to insert the custom dropdown button using server control for each column.
when i select the dropdown list the list should display the value as required.
e.g if i click the uname dropdownlist then it should show the list of names.
if i click on pwd dropdownlist then it should show the list of numbers.
if i select any one of the value in the dropdown list then it should insert into the
can i get code on this type of question...?
View 3 Replies
Mar 29, 2010
My understanding of Factory Method Pattern is (Correct me if i am wrong) Factory Method Pattern "Factory Method allow the client to delegates the product creation (Instance Creation) to the subclass". There are two situation in which we can go for creating Factory Method pattern.
(i) When the client is restricted to the product (Instance) creation.
(ii) There are multiple products available.But a decision to be made which product instance need to be returned. If you want to create Abstract Method pattern
You need to have abstract product Concrete Product Factory Method to return the appropriate product.
public enum ORMChoice
//Abstract Product
public interface IProduct
void ProductTaken();
//Concrete Product
public class LinqtoSql : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:LinqtoSql");
//concrete product
public class Subsonic : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:Subsonic");
//concrete product
public class EntityFramework : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken:EntityFramework");
//concrete product
public class LightSpeed : IProduct
public void ProductTaken()
Console.WriteLine("OR Mapping Taken :LightSpeed");
public class Creator
//Factory Method
public IProduct ReturnORTool(ORMChoice choice)
switch (choice)
case ORMChoice.EFM:return new EntityFramework();
case ORMChoice.L2SQL:return new LinqtoSql();
case ORMChoice.LS:return new LightSpeed();
case ORMChoice.Sonic:return new Subsonic();
default: return null;
Creator c = new Creator();
IProduct p = c.ReturnORTool(ORMChoice.L2SQL);
Is my understanding of Factory Method is correct?
View 3 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
What I'm trying to do is rather basic, but I might have my facts mixed up. I have a details page that has a custom class as it's Model. The custom class uses 2 custom objects with yet another custom object a property of one of the 2. The details page outputs a fair amount of information, but allows the user to post a comment. When the user clicks the post button, the page gets posted to a Details action that looks something like this:
public ActionResult Details(VideoDetailModel vidAndComment) { ....}
The only fields on the form that is posted are CommentText and VideoId. Here is what the VideoDetailModel looks like.
public class VideoDetailModel
public VideoDetailModel()
I suppose if I added more form fields for the properties I need, they would get posted, but I only need 1 form entry field for the CommentText. If I could get the same Model objects value that were sent to the page to post with the page, it looks like the solution is rather simple. I think using the RenderPartial in the middle of a form is problematic somehow to how the form gets written in html. I can't really put my finger on why things went bonkers, but if I do my RenderPartials before my form and then begin my form with the text entry field and the hidden VideoId, the default ModelBinder works just fine. I was beginning the form, writing the hidden VideoId, rendering several partial views, create my CommentText field, and then closed the form out. The CommentText field would get bound just fine. The hidden VideoId would not. Maybe I missed a rule somewhere about using RenderPartial.
For completeness, the partial view I was rendering took a Comment object and just wrote out it's CommentText data. Several of these objects would exist for a single Video object. All of this data was in a custom type and passed into the View (the main view) as it's Model. This partial view did not have a form and did not have any data entry fields.
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Dec 26, 2010
I have built a custom control. when i add this custom control in my page twice or more then the it write only one time of its render contest data.
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Nov 30, 2010
wanted to bind all the files of a directory named "ABC" to a data grid and show them in a .aspx file as downloadable contents. When the user clicks a certain file link, here, the download starts immediately.
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Jan 8, 2010
i want to bind data to html page using datalist control ...
or is there another way to bind data to simple html control ....where i am feching data from sql server ...
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Jan 22, 2010
I am databinding a dropdown list in a wizard step (as long as not the first step). In the Page_Load event, I put the databinding in if (!IsPostBack) block - There is no binding happening, I guess because the system treat the next button click on the previous wizard step triggering a postback.
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Aug 5, 2010
Binding: the problem is my name expression is - au_fname+ au_lname-> differnt fields. I want to bind two fields to same control is that possible if not any another alternative.
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Nov 10, 2010
i have a detailsview control. in that i have 5 textboxes.
i dont have datasource contrl and any sqlqueries.
when ever i open the page detailsview control statitically should display some values in the textboxes.
then i will insert some values threw businesslogic.
when ever i open the page detailsview display some static values in textboxes.
View 1 Replies
Jan 21, 2010
I have three tables: Book, author and Book_Author. The third table make them one to many relation.One book may have more than one authors. Book table has Title column and Author table has AuthorName Column.
I have this query to display BookID, Title, AuthorName where name display in single query separating by comma.
What is the best way to create procedure or view so that I can call this query and display into repeater ??
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Jan 25, 2010
I need to bind some data to my ASP.Net 3.5 calendar control. The data will be appointments and the fields are appointment datetime and title. The title field should display in the proper day of the month. Also, when a user clicks on a date in the month calendar, they should be redirected to a form to add a new appointment.
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Feb 3, 2010
i have bounded gridview but i want to bind label control after checking some conditions in codebehing
<asp:GridView ID="gvs" AllowPaging="false" DataKeyNames="_Id" AllowSorting="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat="server">
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Mar 11, 2010
I would like to display contents of two (or more) tables inside a Repeater control grouped by some Category. I will be getting the data in sepatare DataReaders (not a single joined query). Is there a way to do this without resorting to building DataTables/DataSets ? I am aware of nested repeater techniques, just not sure how to relate the data with DataReaders.
View 6 Replies
Sep 8, 2010
I have a repeater I've databound with a generic arraylist from a LINQ query (.ToList() ) in the code behind.
I was using
<%# Bind("FirstName")%> but noticed
<%# Eval("FirstName")%> works just as well.
Is it better to use Eval or Bind? or does it depend on the situation?
View 3 Replies
Aug 16, 2010
Using Visual Web Developer Express 2010 with ASP.NET 4.0.
I have a FormView and I want to set a default value from the database. I can't get it to bind to the value in the database. My FormView looks like this:
The EditItemTemplate does not even load when I click the edit button on my FormView control, but I don't get an error message either.
View 1 Replies
Oct 20, 2010
I have a formview in which I have a dropdown list that displays a list of owners. In case the list does not have the correct owner for the user I have added functionality for them to add a new owner to the database table that populates the list. I did this by including a textbox and an Insert button in a panel. When the user clicks the new owner insert button I would like to re-databind the dropdown list so that they will see the owner they added and be able to select it.
When I add ddl_owners.databind to my button click code it gives me an error. "Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control."
I don't want to re-databind the entire formview because then it deletes all the information on the form that the user has already keyed in.
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Apr 7, 2010
How to bind a repeater with database table values as source. i have a transaction table with all user transactions. i want to show only the
last 5 transaction made by user. how to achive this. every user will have unique id. how bind the repeater table dynamicaly.
View 2 Replies
Feb 17, 2010
I am Developing a database web applicationI am Creating web controls on page at runtime i.e in Page_Init event. No textbox are placed on .aspx page at design timeI have a datatable filled with a single record.now i want to bind a textbox (created at runtime) with a column of datatable so that when a page is loaded value in datatable's column is displayed in textbox.Other Important thing i want is when i make any changes in Textbox, It should be reflected automatically in a column to which textbox is binded. So while saving records i can save it directly from datatable. I dont want to write following tedious code before savinge.g.
DataRow mDr = Datatable.NewRow();
mDr["EmpId"] = TxtEmp.Text
mDr["EmpName"] = TxtEmpName.Text
View 12 Replies
Nov 16, 2010
I have registered a custom MembershipProvider class in my Web.Config file. I'm using Inversion Of Control using Castle Windsor and I have registered my custom MembershipProvider class as transient (because it's using a service that's transient as well).
This means that I want the Membership provider instance recreated on every web request. Currently, it is created only once per application domain so when it tries to access the service it depends on, that service instance is reused while it is not supposed to.
Now I need to find a way of having Windsor control the lifetime of my custom MembershipProvider but I don't know how. I expected a factory sitting around somewhere in the .NET Framework, allowing me to override the instance creation and rerouting it to Windsor but I can't find anything alike.
By the way, I'm using .NET 4.0.
UPDATE: Here's some of my code so you can see what I'm doing exactly:
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