The problem is that for any other TextBox on the page which is using this MasterPage, for example the login page, if you type your user name and password and hit Enter, The page is redirected to the SearchPage. If you click on login buttton everything works fine. How do I make sure hitting enter on the page in any other text box does not post back to SearchPage.aspx?
I am having an odd issue where when I hit the 'enter' key, a button on my page (not on the Popup) is being activated. Consequently, it is firing a command that I do not want fired.Put another way, I have a ModalPopup with a 'TextBox', 'Image', and three buttons. I can click inside of the TextBox, begin typing, then hit 'enter', and for some reason it acts as though I am clicking on a button that is on my page, not on the Popup.
I've got a form that when a button is clicked it sends the data to a database and returns a record number. how can i stop the user form using the back button and hitting enter again?
I have used a CalendarExtender in a page with textboxes. When I press the 'enter' key from another textbox, calendar popup is appearing.I have also tried putting defaultbutton as my button id in form tag , but this is also not woking.<form id="myform" defaultbutton="searchButton"/>
I have 2 textboxes and a submit button inside a .net composite server control. I tried to only postback when submit button is clicked. I set autopostback = false for both textboxes. But either one still trigger submit button's onclick event by hitting "Enter" inside textbox. How can I stop postback by enter key?
iam developing my application using 2.0 and c sharp. on my default page if i select any place on the page and press enter it postsback. is it normal and can i disable this?
I have a textbox added in an item template so I can enter data. But when I press enter in a textbox it caused the page to postback and I lose the data entered. I can tab through fine but why does Enter cause a postback? Can I disable this?
I'm building an ASP.NET MVC 2 site where I'm currently implementing an OpenID sign-up form. Unfortunately, I'm foreseeing a possible security bug/vulnerability inside my architecture.
Here's how I want OpenID login to work:
User requests /Account/Login, Controller sends back OpenIDLogin View. User enters their OpenID into the View, then OpenID authorization takes place, and finally the OpenID is returned to the Controller.The Controller checks whether the OpenID is currently in use by a user in the system or not. If it is, the user is logged in to that account. If not, the registration process begins.
And now, the OpenID registration process:
The OpenID identifier, as well as any other information provided by the OpenID provider (such as email address or name), is put into my custom ViewModel and sent to my OpenIDRegistrationForm View.The RegistrationForm View stores the OpenID in a hidden field to make sure that it gets sent back to the Controller.The user fills in the RegistrationForm View and sends it back to the Controller.The Controller creates the user account and puts the OpenID into the database.
The bug that I see within my architecture is that a user could modify the hidden value in the RegistrationForm View. Thus, they could spoof their OpenID! I will make sure to add another round of checking to the final Registration Controller Action to make sure that the OpenID that is provided doesn't exist yet, but there is still a possibility for spoofing. Can my architecture be improved somehow? I don't want this to end badly...
One solution I'm considering is encrypting the OpenID before I send it to the View and then decrypting it when it reaches the Controller. Should I try this?
I have a FileUpload control in the Source page. On the Upload button handler, I read the file into memory (after doing some validations) and since it's always going to be a TXT file, I create a string that I need to pass to the Destination page. I thought of using Cross Page postback and set the PostBackUrl property of the upload button. But it appears that the breakpoint in the Upload button handler is never hit. It directly goes to the Page_Load in the Destination page. If I can't use Cross Page postback and don't want to use Session or the database, how do I pass this string from Source page to the Destination page?
So i am hosting a project and am having troubles getting part of it to work. To give a brief explanation i have a page to add new items to a database, these items can be one of 3 times, pin, code , misc. I am having problems due to the fact that on a Multi add of items i cannot auto generate the key information field for a pin type item and it has to be manually inputted (barcode, misc both generate a random number and use that as its key info) so on the insertion of multiple pin items i prompt the user each time using a form i created from the following tutorial. [URL]
This process works fine when i am using the localhost and just testing my program from my own system. But when i host this off my server and go to it i get the following error when i hit submit and should queue up the loop of the form asking for pins. Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.
i have to genrate dynamic textbox, we have a textbox in which user enter any number, when user hit genrate button the number(which user insert) of text boxes will can i do it?
Being that I'm new to Web Development, I was wondering about something. If I hit the "Enter/Return" key....does that automatically cause a postback? If so, does that reinitialize the entire code-behind file?
I only ask because I declare and initialize a boolean variable, when I click a specific button, it sets the variable to "True" and then I enter data into a textbox control. After entering data, I hit the "Enter/Return" key and suddenly the variable isn't "True" anymore.
I've been trying to get into TDD but am hitting some stumbling blocks. I suppose a simplified example would be the best way to explain. My first assumption is that I start from the top. I want a web page that displays a list of categories say. So I write a test for a CategoryController whose Index action should return this list:-
Bingo our test will pass. Now my problem here is how does TDD drive us beyond this point? Our tests have passed and it fulfills out requirements but of course we know that a fully working app would need say an ICategoryService to be passed into the Controller and the controller would use this to retrieve the categories.
I have an ASP.Net Web User Control (.asmx). In its Code-Behind file I have a breakpoint set on an Event (RadioButton1_CheckChanged). However, when I run my app and click on 1 of 4 radiobuttons, the event doesn't fire. I have the "Debug="true" set in the User Control Markup as well as the page that it resides in.
Does anyone know how to check in ASP.NET (C#) if Facebook is scraping a page? I'd like to be able to check on the server side if the "browser" hitting the page is actually Facebook (e.g. when it grabs details when a user is attempting to share a link).
I have a gridview control on my page that has two textboxes in its itemtemplate. When I type into one of the textboxes and hit the <enter> key, the browser returns to the page I was on previously. I have the textboxes set to not cause a postback and there is no ontextchanged event routine. Why would this be happening. What I want to happen when the enter key is hit is NOTHING or perhaps to sequence to the next tab stop.
I put a break point inside MyWebMethod. When I invoke this call on the page, the break point never gets hit. It works fine when I remove all parameters from MyWebMethod's signature and pass in '{}' from JS as parameters. Once I try to pass in a string parameter, it stops working.