Web Forms :: Maintain Page State Using NumericPagerField?

Jul 26, 2010

i have one listview with pager control as follows,

<asp:ListView ID="rgtListView" runat="server" DataSourceID="odjobs">

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State Management :: Maintain Master Page Control State On Load Of Content Page?

Dec 30, 2010

I have created a matser page with a two radio buttons, text box and a button. Whenever user sets some values to these control and clicks the button, i will navigating him from one content page to another based on the data he has entered. The problem is after the content page load, the values selected/given in the controls(radio button, text box) are getting cleared.

Is there some way to maintain the values ?

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State Management :: Maintain Page View State In Roundtrip Between Webpages?

Jun 15, 2010

I am having a ASP.net application it having three pages ,page 1,page 2,page 3,when the user navigating between this pages I want to maintain the view state in page level after postbacks(i.e.) .If a user visits page 3, passing some query loads some data .then he moves to page 1 doing some entries .after that he once again moves to page 3 now I want to display the data previously available at the time he moves to page 1, same
way I want to do to my three pages up to the user logging out.

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Page State On Postback From Other Webpages?

May 3, 2010

I have a abc.aspx page having some control like (drop downs, text boxes), i am filling a grid based on selected items in the drop downs and date selected from the ajax calender extender control attached to the from data and to date text boxes.

Inside grid there is a link which redirects to bcd.aspx, this page (bcd.aspx) is having a back button to redirect abc.aspx.

Now what i want is, abc.aspx should main its state like grid, drop downs and text boxes should be shown as it was earlier, i.e. all should have same values as it was at the time of redirecting to bcd.aspx.

Yes, there is a way to maintain the state by passing all values from query string and than get all values back and rebind all controls. But i don't want to go this way because i will have pass so many values in query string.

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AJAX :: Maintain State Of Accordion Pane From One Page To Another?

Sep 18, 2010

I am using accordion control in one of my project. I want to maintain the state of the accordion pane when the user navigates from one page to another. Below given is the code of my accordion control

I do not want to use query string because i am using url rewriting.


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C# - Maintain The Checkbox State In The Header Rows Across The Page?

Nov 12, 2010

I know how to keep track of the checkbox in a datarow, but I got no idea on keep tracking the checkbox state in the header rows.

For example, assume my gridview have 3 pages, after I check the checkbox in the header rows in 1st page, I click on 2nd or 3rd pages, and click back to my 1st page, my checkbox status in 1st page still remains checked.

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State Management :: Serializing To File System To Maintain State?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a system that has several large objects that need to be built and populated each and every time, and these objects may be accessed quite often as well. As a strategy, caching would not be that good for me because there are potentially thousands of these objects which are fairly large. So I propose to serialize the objects to the file system and then deserialize it when I need those objects again. I have several classes that need this serialization functionality.

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My question is what is the best way to do this, since I have several classes ..

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State Management :: How To Maintain State In Menu Control

Oct 12, 2010

I am working on vs. 2010. I have menu control in master page.

my menu having two pages default1.aspx, default2.aspx .

when user enter some values in default1.aspx page after click default2.aspx and enter some values

now if I click default1.apx page doesn't having values. but i want to maintain those values in my all pages .

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State Management :: Maintain State Of Treeview Across Application?

Mar 4, 2011

I am using a treeview in my master page and every node having link to its container page.That means click on any child node of treeview its redirect to another page by taking some value.

Now every time I click on nodes of treeview, its get collaps when child page loaded...

Now regaring maintain state of treeview across my web application...

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State Management :: How To Maintain State In Html

Sep 24, 2010

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State Management :: How To Maintain User Log State

Mar 10, 2011

I have one web application. In that, I have two pages. One is view/edit page and another one is login page. The view/edit page contains one edit button and one login button.

First I execute view/edit page, at that time I dont want to show edit button. When user clicks login button, the page will be redirected to login page, where the user has to enter username and password. If user enters both correct, again the page will be redirected back to view/edit page. This time, the edit button has to be shown to make some modifications, since the user is authenticated.

I tried this thing by using session with cookieless. It works perfectly but some times it shows web page not available. I made session timeout 120 minutes and cookieless is true. In URL session ID also available.

So, whats the alternate way to maintain user log state or whats wrong in web.config file.

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Web Forms :: Maintain State Of Control Both Pages?

Jul 19, 2010

we developed two forms.asp x with Dynamic Controls,First form has one Dynamic button_Open ,this button has Click event ,through button_Open_Click event we need to open second form with dynamic controls through (window.open()),window opening but forms.asp x not displaying controls and Second form overwriting on first form ,we added code for Dynamic Controls in both pages Page_PreInit event.do the better way to maintain state of control both pages?

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Web Forms :: To Maintain The State Of The Treeview Without Storing It In Session

Feb 10, 2010

I am using master page.

(1) to maintain the state of the treeview without storing it in session or view state or

(2) I am binding the treeview control dynamically from a xml. Even if I use session state is ther any option to use it without using SelectedNodeChanged event because when u click the treeview node , first master page will postback for this event and then the child page and then again the master page will post pack (as the child page has inherited the master page). So here in this case we are posting the master page twice and it is reducing the performance.

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Web Forms :: Maintain A State Value After User Signoff From The Application?

Oct 7, 2010

The above u mention with out session how to maintain the user value in that invitation page?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Maintain Checkbox State In Paging

Sep 17, 2010

I am using dot net 3.5.

I have a grid in which there are text box and check box as template column.

But when I move from one page to another the value of checked check box is lost.

How to maintain the value through all the pages in grid.

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Web Forms :: TreeView - Maintain Expanded Or Selected State Of Nodes?

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to maintain the state of a TreeView on postback. I have a simple method to save the state of the tree on postback but it does not seem to capture the Expanded and the Selected state. Also, i have another method to restore the tree state after a postback. When a user selects an item in the TreeView i would like to have this item highlighted/selected. Along those lines i would also like to have all expanded or collapsed mainated after a postback.


store the state of a TreeView on postback?

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain The State Of Options Checked In Detailsview?

Apr 16, 2010

in that i am displaying the questions using details view.I am taking 4 options as radiobuttons(Template field).my problem is i will check one option and move to next page in detailsview & so on.if i go to page 1 option i checked is reset,so how to maintain the state of options checked in detailsview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Add Dynamic Rows And Maintain Their State?

Jan 14, 2010

I need the following functionality in gridview1). Dynamic add rows2). facility to delete any row (mainly when add new row a link button shd appear with remove text)3). when we add or delete a row the state of other rows should be maintainedeg:- we have a gridivew with 3 textboxwhen we click add button a new row with three textboxes are generated along with remove link buttonnow after creating 3 4 rows i add text in all textboxes , then again i add or remove the row the textboxes must not get cleared

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Checkbox State On Multiple GridViews With DropDownList?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a multiView control within which I have 3 views as part of building a customer order.

Step 1: Customer is selected from gridView and Customer Name is saved in MultiView Session.

Step 2: Products are chosen from gridView. The grid is re-bound depending on which product category is selected in a dropDownList. The product details are also stored.

Step 3: All of the details required to build the INSERT query are passed to labels on a form to be reviewed before committing to db. The next stage, now that I have managed to select multiple rows, will be to display this data in another gridView.

Everything works fine, except for the paging and dropDownList which is causing the checkbox state to be lost after postBack.

I've read a few articles on this, but I think I have made the task more complicated due to the dropDownList in addition to paging. Essentially the customer will be able to select various product lines, across various bindings of the gridView so I need to persist the checkbox state and retain the data for the INSERT query.

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C# - How To Maintain State Between Pages

Apr 7, 2010

I am working on an existing project, setup by another coder. I'm having some trouble understanding how state is being maintained between pages. There is a Class library which has some helper objects. Mostly these objects are just used for there static methods and rarely instantiated or inherited.

This is an example class I'm testing with.

public sealed class Application
public static string Test;

Now when i run something like the following in the base class of my page, I would expect the result to be "1: 2:Test" all the time (note that "1" is empty), but strangly its only this way the first time it is run. Then every time afterwards its "1:Test 2:Test". Somehow its maintaining the state of the static variable between pages and being refreshed??

Response.Write("1:" + SharedLibrary.Application.Test);
SharedLibrary.Application.Test = "Test";
Response.Write(" 2:" + SharedLibrary.Application.Test);

I need to create more classes like this, but want to understand why this is occurring in the first place.

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How To Use Persistence To Maintain State / Relationship

Nov 29, 2010

I have to create a very simple database driven website ( for a project ) with basic features like a login system, etc. I have completed most of the basic tasks required, but there is one section that is asking me to 'Use persistence to maintain state/relationship'.

I have read a few articles and videos about persistence but I don't understand its benefits and why and how it should be used. Can anyone point me towards a site that explains how to implement state persistence in a simple way. I don't need anything advanced just a very simple way of integrating this into a very simple site to say its been done.

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How To Maintain The State Of The Object In Web Service

Mar 27, 2011

Is it possible to send the object to the web service and the web service returns the object?is it possible to maintain the state of the object while sending it to the user through web service?

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Iis - Maintain A Session State Per Browser Tab

May 15, 2010

I'd like to maintain a session state per browser tab.

Is this easy (or even possible) to do in ASP.NET?

Example: A user hits Ctrl-T in firefox 5 times and visits the site in each tab. I'd like each tab to have its own session state on the server

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How To Maintain Selected Checkbox State While Paging

Mar 21, 2010

I have a gridview with paging option. I want to maintain the state of the checkbox column in gridview for each page.

I used vb.net coding.

I used the following link for this purpose,


It worked properly.

But when i check all the checkbox of page1 in gridview and click the next page, it shows that all checkbox of page2 is checked.

I know the reason for it. Because the index of the gridview row for each page will start from zero only. This causes the problem.

My requirement: I will check 2 checkbox in page1 of gridview and 1 check box in page2. I want to maintain their individual page state checkbox.

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How To Maintain State In Custom Server Control

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to make a custom server control which inherits from DropDownList. I give the control an XML input containing some key/value pairs and my control shows them as a DropDownList.I make the list items in the override Render method like this:


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