Web Forms :: Making Brithday Reminder?

May 12, 2010

i am making a brithday reminder for my project i need to know can i m gonna proceed for further funcationality as i have already have table frnds with their name,lastname and dateofbirthand how i gonna display on my home pagealso i m trying to make it in Asp.net C# but i don't think c# don't support Datediff :(

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May 30, 2012

I want to make a reminder or alert.It send email on which reminder date is fixed by user.

How can i do it in asp.net 4.0?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Birthday Reminder On The Homepage.aspx ?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a homepage.aspx i would like to display the upcoming birthday and the BIRTHDATE AND THE NAME OF THE PERSON should be displayed on the homepage before 1 week of the birthday untill the BIRTH DAY

This is the structure of the table i created:

Table name : Brithday

Column datatype


name varchar(Max)

birthday datetime

now please provide me code in order to get this peice on my homepage and for storing i want to have textboxes on home page saying "Enter your name" another textbox saying " enter your birthdate" and once anyone clicks on submit it should be saved in the birthday table in the database.

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Nov 10, 2010

to create automated sms reminder.

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Sending Automatic Email And Sms Reminder?

Feb 9, 2010

iam new to sending automatic email reminders can anyone tell me how to do that, and plus i have never used sms technology , but i want to implement this one in my current project can you give me any idea how to do this together, sending automatic email n sms by checking today's date , you kno the reminder part,

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Send Deadline Reminder Automatically?

Feb 16, 2011

I store 'projects' in a database table (sql 2008), and each one has a deadline (datetime field). The projects are accessed through a public website which runs on two load balanced servers, independent of the database server. Can anyone recommend some good ways to automatically e-mail reminders once a deadline date is approaching? I would like to find all projects that are due within, say, 5 days, grabs all the user's email addresses associated with each project id, and send them a reminder e-mail, so the solution would need to allow code to find the e-mail addresses and obviously send the e-mail.

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C# - Due Date Set Via EWS Is Wrong In Reminder Popup?

Apr 21, 2010

I'm having some trouble using EWS with tasks and reminders, specifically, the due date.

When I run my code, shown below, the task is added to my exchange account and I can see it fine in outlook. All the data in it looks fine too. However, if I specify to have a reminder for the task, the due date it shows is very wrong.

It's usually 17 hours in the future, but the screenshot I've provided shows it being 19 hours in the future. I'm finding it very strange that if I open the task, the due date looks fine, but the reminder is saying it is due well into the future.

Screenshot: http://s970.photobucket.com/albums/ae187/paulehn/?action=view¤t=ewstask.jpg

ExchangeVersion exchVersion = new ExchangeVersion();
exchVersion = ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1;
ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(exchVersion);
service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
service.Url = new Uri("https://mail.domain.com.au/ews/exchange.asmx");
Task task = new Task(service);
task.Subject = "Subject";
task.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, "Body");
task.StartDate = DateTime.Today;
task.DueDate = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2);
task.ReminderDueBy = DateTime.Now;
task.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 15;
task.IsReminderSet = true;

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Send Bulk Emails As Part Of Custom Reminder Service?

Mar 18, 2011

I d like to send bulk emails as part of custom reminder service for my website (500 emails approximately).Which is the better way to send all these emails without spamming? I was thinking of sending 15-20 emails per minute, to avoid overloading mail server. Is it better to use multiple TO recipients or use BCC?The reminder service will run on a background task.

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Mar 24, 2010

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For Example: User input 2:00pm Eastern Time on my server I have different time zone, how to calculate the time and send the email at users time-zone. Its a web application. What is the best way to accomplish it using asp.net c#? If somebody already done it in the past I will be glad to take a look at source code.

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Sep 4, 2010

I am a pretty experienced web developer but I am completely new and foreign to asp.net. Currently my code in the Site.master looks like this.


And my css file looks like this:


In the end I would it to act like the example on this webpage: http://javascript-array.com/scripts/multi_level_drop_down_menu/?st .

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Web Forms :: Getting Error On Making Reference

Feb 24, 2010

Suppose I have two webforms, the first is defined as:

Public partial class webform1 : System.Web.UI.Page
{ ... }
and the second as
public partial class
webform2: System.Web.UI.Page.

When I make a reference from webform2 to webform1, such as

If (PreviousPage is webform1) {
I get an error, it says that webform1 doesn't exist.

Aren't all public webforms really public? how do I do it?

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Mar 11, 2010

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i dont want to write text directly on image.

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Sep 20, 2010

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And i cant set there attributes becuase they are dynamicly created

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Web Forms :: Making Telephone Interaction With Application

Aug 4, 2010

I want to understand the interaction of telephone with webforms application.

In order to do that I want to create a small application which will be able to receive multiple calls at a time, place them in a queue and then forward calls one by one to a call answerer.

It should also be able to retrieve the Caller Id i.e number from which the call is being made.

How this may be achieved?

If there is any ready made solution available with source code pls provide links.

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Sep 20, 2010

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Web Forms :: Making Web Site Online And Offline

May 29, 2010

i want to display the message for my website if its under maintenance or temp. closed for any updates


how i can do that so that all user's can see that messages and all the link's should not work for that time interval

but the Maintenance staff and their id should be able to make changes and see

if anyone has any idea about this one please tell me how to do this in asp.net because this same thing can be done in any cms s/w

Language-ASP.NET C#

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Oct 4, 2010

I have an image control that points to a jpg and I want to place a LoginView over the top of it. How can I do that? In another words, I want the jpg to be in the background and LoginView to be on top.

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Web Forms :: Making Treeview Node Text Wrap

Jan 12, 2010

I have try the following method, but none of them can make the treeview to wrap the

node text. When the node text is exeeding a certain amnout of characters. It will just expand the


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Web Forms :: Making A Postbackurl Post To Another Page From Code?

Feb 18, 2010

I have 3 search pages which all implement IProductSearch. I have a results page that expects it's PreviousPage to be a cross page postback of type IProductSearch. The IProductSearch pages use the postbackurl property to post themselves to the results page. The results page then loads the search params from the IProductSearch page and loads the results. All in all its working well.

Now, I want to create a IProductSearch page that has no gui and takes all its values from the querystring. But as there is no button to press (therefore no postback url property) how do I get this gui-less IProductSearch page to cross-page post to the results page?

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Web Forms :: Making Drop Down List Item Non Selectable?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a drop down list with the fist item as the word "select". I want to have this in the list but make it so it cannot be selected.

I have tried changing enabled=false, but that just removes it completley from the list.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Text Appear After Search

Jun 2, 2010

I have a page where my user enters a search term and submits it against my database. What I want to happen is when the result(s) return, I want headings to pop up over my gridviews. For example, I want "Photographs" to appear over my gridview for photographs, "Documents" to appear of my gridview for documents, etc...

When I run my page, those headers are already there, even though I have not conducted a search yet and my gridviews have not populated. If I go into properties and select visible=false, they never show up, which is not exactly what I want either. I have read about literals, textboxes, panels, and have confused myself.

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Web Forms :: Code Caching When Making Change In Visual Studio

Oct 21, 2010

Within the Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) method, I have code that checks whether the site is running on localhost or the live site. The code appears to be caching, when I make a change in visual studio, and do a refresh in IE or Firefox, the same old code appears to be running and the result in the browser is not what is expected.

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Web Forms :: Making A ShowImage Page - Pulling The Image From A SQL Table

May 17, 2010

The Response.BinaryWrite( does not like what I am giving it.

I am making a ShowImage page pulling the image from a SQL table.

Here is where I am at the moment:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string myConnection = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection objConnection = new SqlConnection(myConnection);
SqlCommand objCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT TOP (1) NEWID() AS row,ImageID, ImageName, ImageType, ImageData FROM ImageTable Order by Row", objConnection);
objCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
SqlDataReader objReader = objCommand.ExecuteReader();
if (objReader.Read() == true)
Response.ContentType = objReader["ImageType"].ToString();
// RotateImage.ImageUrl = (string)objReader["url"];
// RotateImage.ImageUrl = (string)objReader["ImageData"];
// Response.ContentType = objReader["MIMEType"].ToString();
// Response.BinaryWrite(objReader["ImageData"]);

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