Web Forms :: Menu Renders Vertically Briefly Then Horizontally

Jul 20, 2010

The menu control when used on the newly released VS2010 with ASP.Net version 4.0 renders vertically briefly, then renders horizontally. This causes a 1/2 second annoying flash of the menu in vertical form before it disappears and renders horizontally as intended. If you choose to render the menu as a table this problem doesn't happen, but if you choose to render the menu as a list (using <ul><li>) then if happens every time, but is hidden on development systems where response is quick enough such that the rendering vertically is not visible to the naked eye. How can I cause the rendering to be horizontal (without the brief vertical rendering)?

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Jun 15, 2010

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<asp:Menu id="Menu3" runat="server" datasourceid="SiteMapDataSource1"

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Mobile        Speaker     Watch       Clothes

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<div id="logo1">
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border:1px solid green;


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