Web Forms :: Move The "label", Or "textbox", Or "button" On The Component ImageButton?

Jun 8, 2010

move the "label", or "textbox", or "button" on the component ImageButton.

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SQL Server :: Retrieve Data From Database Into Label / Move Next And Move Back?

Jan 28, 2011


i want to get data from database of field Name and Gender, and then display it in Label name and gender. when i click save it move to next record and display name and gender that next record.

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Web Forms :: Create List Of Dynamic Asp:Label - Asp:textbox And Asp:button When Asp:dropdown Selected Index Changed

Feb 21, 2011

create List of dynamic asp:Label, asp:textbox and asp:button when asp:dropdown selected index changed Dropdown List - ddlLang - English, Italian, French, German

If English is selected from ddlLang Create new asp:Label, asp:textbox and asp:button. If French is selected create another new asp:Label, asp:textbox and asp:button. In the same way so on.... and when button submit clicked get all dynamic text box values and label values to Save to DB.

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Automatically Add New Textbox And Label By Press Button

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Label Or Textbox Loses Value After Button Click

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When I click the button the values of my label and texbox become null. Here's my code not working loses values when button is click


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
string bid_id = Request.QueryString["bid_id"];
Label1.Visible = false;
if (!IsPostBack)

[Code] ....


protected void placeBid_texbox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["LocalSqlServer"].ConnectionString);

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: Bulleted Lists - Always Move Onto The Next Line After A Label?

Aug 10, 2010

For some reason when i add a bulleted list after a label it moves it onto the next line, is there anything I can do about this? Dropdown lists don't do the same thing - I want it to be;


Also I am using a bulleted list to show a particular field in a database where the line is selected in a previous dropdown - is this the best way of doing it?

Ie select New York in the drop down, the bulleted list then displays the address field from the same line in the DB

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C# - Duplicating Standard Tools Such As A Textbox And Label When A Button Is Pressed

Jan 20, 2011

is it possible to create a function which will duplicate textboxes and label when a button is pressed. For example: I have Name and address textboxes and labels


I now want a function that will replicate these controls on the same page when a button is pressed for example:

Labe3:Name 2
Labe4:Address 2

Is there anyway of doing this? Its hard to explain which is why google is not my friend on this topic. But this would be neat an example may be.

Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4

Button - Add Additional Players When the button is pressed an additional player is added. Am trying my best to explain it to you, but is it possible in C# and ASP.NET?

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Web Forms :: Can Move The Text Together With The Textbox

Jul 14, 2010

If I use a div and the text "Test Label" textbox and how to determine what textbox is spaced from the text "Test Label"?fecal: margin-left or margin-right.Somehow be able to use 2 div, one aimed at the text, the second textbox.But beware: the two must be joined to span so that when I move down the text or textbox, the textbox and the label "Test Label" to move together (simultaneously).

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Web Forms :: Press Enter Key To Move Cursor To Next TextBox

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Press enter key the cursor moved to next textbox in asp.net ...

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Web Forms :: Move A Button At Runtime?

Jun 6, 2010

how to move a button at runtime. I need to slide it to the left under certain conditions. I am using vb in code behind and really need to do it here.

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Web Forms :: Move Cursor From One To Another Textbox On Enter Keypress Using JavaScript

Jul 18, 2012

I want to move my cursor from one to another text box on keypress event how it can be solved.

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AJAX :: Move CURSOR Using From One Component To Another But When Cursor At Ajax Combox It Does Not Working For Combo?

Dec 16, 2010

public void ModifyEnter()
combo1.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "if(event.which || event.keyCode)" +


View 1 Replies

Web Forms :: Two Listboxs Data Move One To Another When Button Click?

Jan 13, 2010

I have two listboxs, one contains the author list and another contains the author for the selected book.And I have button two move author from first listbox to second listbox. All are working but the problem is:If the author is already exist in the second listbox, do not move from first listbox.So what kind of code can I write into move button so that it checks the selected value in the first listbox with the values in the second listbox, if exists; display the message "Already exists; try another one"

C# Code to move data:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Move Gridview Row Up / Down Using Button

May 18, 2010

is it possible to move(swap) selected gridview Row up/down using button externaly. i want to Swap selected gv Rows up/down using button control outside grid view. i think its possible if we have button also as column field.

View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: ImageButton: Preserve Rollover State When Button Clicked?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a very simple nav menu of 5 imagebuttons: home, bios, areas, resources, contact.As a user rolls OVER the imagebuttons, the imagebutton change to a black background. As a user rolls OFF the imagebutton, it reverts to the original image. If a user clicks on a imagebutton (ie contact), I programmatically set it to the rollover with black background. The goal is to: if a user clicks on an imagebutton, then continue to show that imagebutton in the rollover state so the user can tell what page they are on. I have all this working just fine.My problem is this: If the user then rolls OFF one of the selected imagebuttons for the page they are on, then the javascript overrides the code-behind and changes the image to the original image. The menu then no longer shows the page that the user is on.What do I need to do to keep the rollover state active if the button is clicked and then rolled over later? For example, a user clicks on Contact, then moves the mouse off of that button. I want the imagebutton for Contact to stay in the rollover state.aspx.cs:

if (!IsPostBack)
ImageButtonWelcome.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "this.src='images/rollover/images/welcome.jpg'");


View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Sum The Total Value Of Label And Textbox And Show In The Same Textbox?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a label , which has 1000 as default value .

And i have a textbox where user will input the value ...

I want to sum the total value of label and textbox and show in the same textbox .

Here am using one textbox ...

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Web Forms :: Imagebutton Control - Button Became Dark Blue And Others Remain No Changes When Click Any One

May 10, 2010

I want to put five buttons: introduction, product, history, feedback, contact. And when I click any one button, that button became dark blue, and others remain, no changes. So I write the following code:

Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION BLUE.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT.jpg"
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton2.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS BLUE.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT.jpg"
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton3.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY BLUE.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT.jpg"
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton4.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK BLUE.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT.jpg"
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton5_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton5.Click
ImageButton1.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE INTRODUCTION.jpg"
ImageButton2.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE PRODUCTS.jpg"
ImageButton3.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE HISTORY.jpg"
ImageButton4.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE FEEDBACK.jpg"
ImageButton5.ImageUrl = "~/image/CHOICE CONTACT BLUE.jpg"
End Sub

It is workable, however there is only one problem: when i debug it some times it is ok, but some few times the button suddenly became small.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Move Button Inside Another Column In GridView?

Sep 21, 2010

How can i move the RESET button inside sort order column , so that my code doesnot break?


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How The Component Calendar (even Button) Is Implemented

Jul 11, 2010

I was wondering if there's anybody that can give me an idea how the component Calendar (even button) is implemented. Do you know a place where I could see it?

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Possible To Move Textbox Value From One Page To Other

Nov 19, 2010

Is it possible to pass information filled in a textbox on an asp page to a textbox on an asp.net page?The text value in the box on the asp page must be transferred to a text box on an asp.net page when the person click on a hyperlink on the asp page.

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Imagebutton To Update Text In Textbox

Mar 28, 2010

i am trying to update the text of a textbox when a user clicks on some dynamically opulated image buttons in a datalist.Every thing of course are in an update panel.

code behind:


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C# - Add Textbox Via Dynamic Imagebutton In A Panel?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a problem I seem to stumble over all the time, I have a Drop Down box and you can select a number which creates x number of textboxes with images buttons its for a survey it the image buttons are used to create "Sub-Answers" so they can have answers to answers so my question is I need to when they hit the image button to create a textbox under the orginal textbox here is the code.


As you can see I just add controls to the panel, I need to know when that ImageBUtton is hit I can add a Textbox and in this case it could be more then just one textbox to it.

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Web Forms :: Master Page Function Listing Component In Child Page (asp:Localize Component)

May 18, 2010

I would like to know how can I list for every page (child page) selected the number and id of localize component in the current page. I need this to update resources files, a button will be on the master page and when they click on it, they will go to a page which show up every data in the resource file.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Fail Data Flow Component From Script Component

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying to stop the data flow when certain conditions happen in the script component. Like if a row in the data set has an invalid date, I dont want that dataset to be inserted in the tables or go through OLEDB Destination, rather I want the entire data flow for that dataset to stop and go back to the control flow page.

I have tried mulitple solutions but nothing worked. Conditional Split ends up inserting the correct rows, but I just dont want anyting to be inserted when one row is bad, where as I do want the entire dataset to be inserted if all rows are good.

How can I fail the component when certain conditions happen int eh script component.

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By Pressing Enter Key, Can Move To Next Textbox

Jan 5, 2011

I have two textboxes and one Button control.....In first TextBox when press enter key moves to next textbox(Barcode) and when i press enter in barcode textbox it fires the button click event......till that its ok....But what happening after fireing the Button click even on enter in Barcode Textbox its going back to focus on first textbox.........But i want this to stay in same Barcode TextBox to scan more barcodes.

(e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.charCode);
var key = e.which;
if (key == 13) {
var nxtIdx = $inp.index(this) + 1;
$(":input:text:eq(" + nxtIdx + ")").focus();

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