Web Forms :: Retain Fileupload Control Value From Session?
Oct 22, 2010
i have a fileupload control.I want to stroe its value to any page level object
& then retain the value back to fileupload control after post back.
how can i do this..
it gives error that filename is read only type.
for e.g.
Session["image"] = imageuploader.FileName.ToString();
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<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload4" runat="server" Width="100px"
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FileUpload fl=new FileUpload;
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1.File should be "*.doc"
2.File should be more than 0 KB.
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For example, if it were textbox controls I would just use TextBox1.text = TextBox2.text.
How do I do this for FileUpload controls? I tried a few different properties, such as FileUpload1.FileName = FileUpload2.FileName but I get an error saying that they are Read Only.
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Sep 28, 2010
I have a site that uploads multiple PDF files from a CD from one specific computer and that computer is the server that will store the PDF files. I want to do this without having doezens of fileupload controls as the number of PDF files vary from CD to CD.
My problem is that I want the whole process automated. The site will read the names of the PDF files on the CD to the SQL server, which will match, parse, and delete unneeded information with the actual names in a comma delimited textfile. I have that all completed, but i'm only getting the filenames of the PDF and no the contents of the PDF's themselves (They all show 0KB). I am certain that the problem is that i'm pulling from Directory.GetFiles and it's only saving the filenames instead of the files themselves. Is there any way to set the upload path for the filecontrol?
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Feb 22, 2010
i need when i select a image in fileupload control then path should store in a textbox. actually in gridview i have a image control ,one fileupload control and a textbox control. so when user trying to edit one image and click Edit button from gridview and chose a image from fileupload control then path should be store in relative textbox control.below is my design.
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