Web Forms :: Select Or Include A Masterpage?

Aug 30, 2010

can we select or include a masterpage into a webform which was created even before the masterpage?

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HTML - Why Page Is Blank When Include Mootools In MVC 2 Masterpage

Mar 23, 2011

I included mootools le this

<script language="javascript" src='<%# ResolveClientUrl("~/Scripts/mootools-core-1.3.1-full-compat.js")%>' type="text/javascript"/>

It compiles but when running it's blank page. If I remove page shows up again.

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DataSource Controls :: Include An Alias In Select Query?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an application that I am developing using ASP.Net with visual basic code. I have a table called "Customers" that contains 3 fields. The name of each field is "Name", "LocationA", and "LocationB". I want to code a select query that list two columns. The first column should contain the field "Name". I want the second column to contain the value in the field "LocationB" if "LocationB" is not null, else I want the second column to contain the value in the field "LocationA".

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SQL Server :: Select - Multiple Dropdown Lists To Only Include Table1 Entries

Aug 1, 2010

I am trying to get the drop down list to only include table1 entries where table3.int1 is the current selection in another drop down list (table2.id). Example:

Table1: id, string1, int
Table2: id, string1, string2, dec
Table3: id, int1 (ref table2.id), int2 (ref table1.id)

Both drop down lists are inside of a FormView object for a asp.net page. My current select command(s) are having the DropDownList for Table1 display all Table3 entries, instead of just the ones Tied to Table2 id from the other DropDownList.

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Select Distinct And Include Non-distinct Columns?

Apr 20, 2010

I would like to select a distinct query based on three fields and display the rest of the fields. For example,

I have firstname, lastname, address, city, state and zip, but I only want to use the distinct on these fields first and last name. However when i use the distinct function I get a distinct on all the selected rows. I just want to distinct firstname and lastname and display the other fields. for example,

Mary Smith New York
Mary Smithy New York
Mary Smith Maine

I would like the result to be:

Mary Smith New York
Mary Smithy New York

I don't care about Mary Smith Maine, because i am only using the distinct for "Mary Smith" firstname and last name and showing the city.

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Web Forms :: Accessing Control In Nested MasterPage From Parent MasterPage?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a MasterPage (MasterPage.master) with 2 child MasterPages (specialMaster.master and standardMaster.master). From the MasterPage.master I need to get at some of the controls in one of the children, specialMaster.master, say for example to hide certain
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May 3, 2010

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Visual Studio :: Cannot See "select Masterpage" Options

Jan 13, 2010

I start a new blank project on VS2008.

I right click the blank solution on solution explorer and click the add new project command

I choose a web project template.

Firs I add a new item as a masterpage.

Later, I want to add a new file to the web project which is use a masterpage

but I can not see to select "select master page" options on "add new item" display screen

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Include Files Within Include File

May 20, 2013

I have just started with ASP.NET.

I like the idea of using Include files so that I can create various versions of individual parts of a site and decide in code which to display. I used:


to include a content.aspx file within my default.aspx page.

I would like to include a Left.aspx, Main.aspx and Right.aspx file inside the content.aspx file. I tried using the reponse.writefile function but noticed when I debug the website that the text "reponse.writefile..." displays instead of the code contained within the referenced file(s).

Can this not be done?

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Mar 2, 2011

Can any one let me know about the below issue. I have a page which has three labels, say startdate,enddate and username. My issue is if the user doesnot select any of the above three then a message gets displayed as "Please select one search criteria" or if the user doesnot enter the date in correct format then i dispaly "Please enter date in mm/dd/yy" format. But what is happening is first time if the user doesnot select any then "Please select one search criteria" is getting displayed and after this message gets displayed if the user enters wrong format of date then both the messages are displayed.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select A Row In Gridview Without Select Command

Jan 25, 2011

I have gridview. some columns are data, and some are link buttons. now, I need move these link buttons to a hovermenu. this is done. but I got a javascript exception, and it is because if there is no row was selected in gridview, it will pop this.

so, the question is: how can I select a row in gridview without select command? simply by code?

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Forms Data Controls :: Calendar Control - Distinguish Between Types Of Click Day/Week Select/Month Select?

Jul 23, 2010

Is there any way to do this? I can't find anything to latch on to.

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Web Forms :: Include File In Cs?

Mar 15, 2010

my aspx file is include in master page.

now i can't call js function which i already include in the file when page is loaded.

page_load (cs file)

Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this.GetType(), "1", "test.js");
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "2", "<script type="text/javascript">testing();</script>");
function testing(){

but an error msg occurs: object expect?

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Include MVC 3 Views In Web Forms Application

Dec 15, 2010

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Web Forms :: Include A File In Webpage?

Oct 27, 2010

I want to include a file into a webpage like this

<!--#include file="1.html"-->

1 is taken from the querystring in the page

so i tried this

<!--#include file="<% Request.QueryString("page_name")&nbsp;%>.html"--> #

and it dont work wht shall i do?

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Jun 14, 2010

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2. How can I use/extend the membership provider to save the uploaded CVs into the backend db?

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Jul 18, 2010

Depending on a parameter, I want to include html from different files in an aspx page (this is a section of the page). Here is how I am trying to do it:

in aspx file:


in C#


The problem is, whenever I edit the "include" files in VS, VS saves them as UTF-8. Then when I open the web page, there are three extra characters where the included html starts. If I go into a different editor, I can change the format to ANSI and then it displays okay in the web page.

I have two questions: 1. Is there a way I can save the file in VS as ANSI so I don't get the three garbage characters? (I tried saving as file types .htm, .txt, and .inc but none work.) 2. Is there a better way to do this so it does not matter if the file is UTF-8 or ANSI?

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Jun 25, 2010

using google earth API in a web page. My basic need is, the system will take 2 inputs(1. Origin 2. Destinations) for example Orign=Bangalore and destination=Chennai,Delhi,London Now i need to draw a line between Bangalore to chennai, bangalore to delhi etc.. Meanwhile i need to place some images.

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How in Webform2.aspx to included Webform.aspx?

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Jul 13, 2010

I have a listview that I am trying to initiate the connection string in codebehind. When I do it, I get the following error:The ConnectionString property has not been intialized.I know that I am successfully creating the connection string in codebehind because all other controls populate correctly from the dsame database.I do not get an error if I initiate the connection string in the html code.

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