Web Forms :: Track Information Of The Clients Machine?
Apr 22, 2010
I have a website that I want to distinguish the traffic generate by myself and by others.
I use wireless router to go on internet, so I have a static internal IP and a dynamic external IP.
Is there any way I could track the information of my own machine when I access any of the page of my website? Track the machine name? Track the internal IP?
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Dec 28, 2010
The Register action gets called in the Account controller, showing the RegisterViewModel in the Register.aspx view. The form in Register.aspx is submitted/posted with answers to all of the form questions, except for the security question answers. If the user is created successfully, then I'd like to go to the GoToSecurityQuestions view using the code - return RedirectToAction("GoToSecurityQuestions", "Account"); I need to be able to keep track of the user name or ID of the newly created user so that I can persist the security questions to the database records related to the user. What's the best way to keep track of the user info between the [HttpPost] Register( ) and the [HttpGet] GoToSecurityQuestions( ) ?
public ViewResult Register()
{ return View(new RegisterViewModel()); }
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Dec 9, 2010
Imagine a website where individual clients can see each-other's presence - like a social network or a chatroom.
For example:
Client1 connects to my website.The back-end C# code updates a static field to indicate Client1's presence.
Client2 connects to my website.Will the back-end C# code for the second request see the information stored in the static field from the first request? Is there anything I need to do to guarantee that these seperate instances of my ASP application are sharing static data?
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Mar 24, 2010
1. ASP.Net WEB server.
2. I have PC, on which file to copy to device is located, with Active Sync installed and IE running which has a page in that IE has rendered by server #1.
3. I have a DEVICE connected to desktop #2 via AS.
I would like to copy file from a local machine to the device which is connected to this machine. My application is located in a webserver.
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Apr 13, 2010
I have been banging my head against this problem for a bit and I think I am stuck. I would like to pull data from a Database to populate a list of possible "clients" to select from on one side. Then using what has been clicked load the client specific data into a tab container on the opposite side. I plan on doing lazy tab loading so I am not sure if that matters. I am really stuck and any help or guidance anyone could give would be greatly appreciated! I understand the basics of data loading and of tab containers, but i am unsure of what to do. I am coding this in C#. Example Mock Interface This is where the data list would be and I want to be able to select something here And update the Tab Panel control here based on the selection from the left side via querying the database.
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Sep 21, 2010
How can i send email to multiple clients located in different domains such hotmail,yahoo,and gmail
is it required to provide Smpt server name, if we have multipe domain id, what should we do?
I am using fowling code but getting exception failed.
MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage();
mailMsg .From = "from@fromServer.com";
mailMsg .To = "to@toServer.com";
mailMsg .Cc = "cc@ccServer.com"";
mailMsg .Bcc = "bcc@bccServer.com";
mailMsg .Subject = "SubjectOfTheMailString";
mailMsg .Body = "BodyOfTheMailString";
SmtpMail.Send(mailMsg );
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Apr 27, 2016
I'm trying to develop a new application for multiple users. the main idea is that one user talks and the entire users (who logged in ) could hear him (1 way).
How this can be made? how can i transfer voice from one client to multiple clients in live?
Note that my clients are mobile users (Android, IOS and Windows phone) and the server is .NET.
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Mar 17, 2010
I basically want to transfer a file from the client to the file storage server without actual login to the server so that the client cannot access the storage location on the server directly. I can do this only if i manually login to the storage server through windows login. I dont want to do that. This is a Web-Based Application.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
filePath = FileUpload1.FileName;
WebClient client = new WebClient();
NetworkCredential nc = new NetworkCredential(uName, password);
Uri addy = new Uri("\\\upload\");
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Feb 17, 2010
If I have a checkboxlist where I insert a clients clientid and a number of interests they check off. How do I then update that later when they check off additional interests. The insert tries to insert the original ones as well as the new ones. This is a violation of the Primary key and the statement is terminated.
Is there a way to skip some or do I need to run a delete first and remove the existing interests for that client and then do a new insert? When the page opens the checkboxlist is populated with the previous interests that were inserted for the client. The user can then check additional interests for the client and then click a button to do the insert.
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Dec 3, 2010
I'm trying to write an application that allows a visitor to use our service for 7 days. After 7 days, they will no longer be able to use it unless they sign up. What's the best way and the most accurate way to track it without collecting their credit card information? I'm trying to use the following code to track visiotr's ip. But I'm not sure if people are able to change their ip address or using a proxy server that will go through.
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Jul 13, 2010
I am redirecting from A.aspx to C.aspx and B.aspx to C.aspx.In C.aspx i have a button "Back Page". I am implementing as below.If there is a better way pls let me know.
In A.aspx and B.aspx before redirecting to C.aspx,saving the LastPageURL in session
Dim lastPage as string = Request.UrlReferrer.AbsolutePath
Dim sArray() as string = lastPage.split("/")
lastPage = sArray(Array.Length-1)
Session("LastURL") = lastpage
On click of Button "Back Page" in C.aspx
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Feb 23, 2010
I am recording time taken by a page to be displayed to user, for which I am recording execution end time in page_PreRender. But if the page contains huge amount of data, then it is taking few more seconds after PreRender event. I also tried with Page_Unload, still the same.
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Jun 4, 2010
I'm curious, anyone know the mechanism a checkbox control uses to remember that its checked or not checked after a postback?If I add them manually to a page via html as in <input type="checkbox"/> I have to use javascript and hiddenfields to keep things checked after a postback and I would have to have an onclick="dosomething()" inside the tags.Viewing the html source code for a page with a .NET checkbox control, there is nothing like that there.
I was writing a custom control and rendered my own checkboxes when I came across this problem. After the postback, the control would reload the checkboxes from viewstate and forget the user had clicked anything. As I couldn't use hiddenfields to track the changes (they got reset from viewstate too), I ended up using .NET checkboxes as childcontrols instead but this experience got me thinking.
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Mar 10, 2011
I have a HTML webpage and I want to display the I.P address of last 5 visitors who visited the webpage.
I want to display these five I.P address on the webpage itself.
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Sep 7, 2010
What I want is I that I want to keep track of number of visits per page and average time spent on each page and the site. I don't want to use any third (3rd) party tool. How to achieve this with minimum code.
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Feb 14, 2011
i want to know that from which pages my current page has been called in ASP.net
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Dec 31, 2010
We have a asp.net web form with fairly a large number of form controls (textboxes, dropdown, checkboxlist, gridview,etc..)
There's a profile list (dropdown list) - when a profile is selected from this list, the attributes of that profile should be filled in to the other form controls. then if the user changes at least one of these form values, then the profile list value should be reset to a value 'Common'. this is an item in the profile list.
Basically that means, if a user selects 'profileA' and then changes the attributes of profileA, then the profile list should not display 'profileA', instead it should show 'Common'.
what is the best way to handle this. I know there's a jquery function for 'dirty forms', but I'm not sure how to use this, and where and when to call this function.
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May 7, 2010
I work on a HR application for Internal people.One of my staff member is caliming that he applied for a job, but we do not have any entry in the database for applicants and no error in Log4net.
The staff member calims that he clicked on the Apply Button. And when we checked the IIS log we found one entry by that user in the IIS event viewer. Now how to determine if the person actaully clicked the apply now button or not.This is a serous issue for us as he is very upset as the Advertising for that position is taken off and he cannot apply now.
How to investigate? Also does IIS logs all POSTS and GET Requests?ur system Admin passed me an error log from the event viewer.Which is something like this:
2010-05-05 00:28:57 POST /HROnline/Recruitment/Apply.aspx rk=579&pid=0 8600 INTERNALMIISNY Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+7.0;+Windows+NT+5.1;+Trident/4.0;+.NET+CLR+2.0.50727;+.NET+CLR+3.0.4506.2152;+.NET+CLR+3.5.30729
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May 13, 2010
I need to Keep track of folder names as linksactually this is not site navigation.we r displaying the folders/subdirectory names as links on the webpage.the task is -(a) on pageload I need to display the main folder - this is fixed(b) the subfolders and files r displayed in a grid.if I click on a folder link the breadcrumb need to be updated.(c) if I click on a link in the breadcrumb the grid should be updated as well as the breadcrumb has to be updated.need breadcrumb examples suitable to my above requirement.
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Jul 17, 2015
I have a scenerio like i have a website where by visitors comes in like you have aspforum.net. I want following:
1. when user visit on my site a cookie or script generate on the user machine
2. then if user is searching for shoes, books, or any thing that data should come on my server database so i can trace what is user behavior and likes and dislike.
How can i achieve it...
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