WebMatrix :: Razor 3, _PageStart Doesn't Display Layout?

Mar 4, 2011

I can not get the _PageStart.cshtml to work for my layout senario. I would prefer to use _PageStart to define a layout for all files in each folder. Each folder represents a different app feature that will contain different layouts.

Until I find a work about I had to copy and past the Layout ="~/folder/_PageStart.cshtml into each page of the folder to get the different layouts to work.

_PageStart isn't being recognized at all as the folders page start. Is there a web config setting missing? The docs aren't fully extensive yet for all Razor related info and I couldn't find anyone discussing this problem via search results.

In order to keep close to code once and separation I need to use the _PageStart.cshtml method rather than code a line in each page in the folder.

On win7 using both webmatrix and vs2010 web engines. Neither recognizes _PageStart.cshtml but hard coding into each file works.

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WebMatrix :: Razor Doesn't Get Checked Value

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I have a problem with razor in a checkbox. It does not get a checked value. Here is the code:


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WebMatrix :: Publishing A Webmatrix Razor Site?

Feb 10, 2011

My hosting company states they support .net and razor. However after uploading my website made with webmatrix and razor *.cshtml pages. When i visit my website all i get is 404.17 error messages. As an testcase i decided to add an standard .aspx page. Visiting that page gives the same 404.17 error message :-(

According to my webhoster my web.config is wrong. However that one is generated by webmatrix. Besides my *.cshtml *.aspx a lot of files and directories are added to the bin folder. What can i check and what should my hosting provider check. When using the check compatibility the asp.net version is shown as unknown? My hosting provider claims my site is running asp.net 4.0 in integrated mode and that should be enough.

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MVC :: Razor Master Layout Not Rendered?

Aug 13, 2010

Experimenting with MVC 3 Razor -

After attempted to add jquery script tag to _Layout.cshtml as below, the result is empty body tag rendered in content page. I tried this immediately after creating new project to insure I hadn't mucked anything up. This is run on local Win7 dev machine. Any explanation for this or is there a new way to specify script references in the "master" layout page(s)? Omitting @Url.Content had no effect.

<link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/Site.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.4.2.js")" type="text/javascript" />

According to IE8 Developer Tools :

- css file is loaded
- js file ref from master/ layout is loaded
- body tag is empty
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Razor Syntax / WebMatrix Not Working - C#

Mar 17, 2011

In Windows Forms I can create a class file called 'Authentication.cs' with the following code:

public class Authentication
public string Name;
internal bool Authenticate()
bool i = false;
if (Name == "Jason")
i = true;
return i;

In WebMatrix, I can insert a new Class file, called 'Authentication.cs', and insert the above code. And in my default.cshtml file, I do this:.........................

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C# - Saving DateTime With WebMatrix And Razor?

Feb 28, 2011

I am developing a project that has a DateTime field.

In it I'm using jQuery for the user to select the date format 'dd/MM/yyyy' taking into account that the date is not a required field.

How do you do to save DateTime fields not required in WebMatrix and Razor?

I was trying to do something like this:

I put only the code which I think is important to complete the code can be found here

//Get data
string TaskForecastCompletion= Request["txtForecastCompletion"];
string TaskCompletedIn= Request["txtCompletedIn"];
DateTime dtForecastCompletion = default(DateTime);


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C# - Add JS And CSS To Layout File In MVC 3 Razor Website From Partial Views

Mar 15, 2011

Im currently using a method that looks like the following code to add script and css files to the head of the Layout file.


My problem is that this is a static method meaning it persists the list of stylesheets and script files.

I need to do the same thing that this does but without keeping it persistant.

I need the lists to be remade on every request since they change from page to page what the look are on that specific page.

Is it possible to clear the lists on every request prior to adding the scripts that are needed or maybe after they have been rendered out?


The reason for not using a section, RenderPartial or RenderaActions is to prevent the same stylesheet or script file to be added more than once to the Layout file.

The site im building has a Layout_.cshtml with the basic layout. This in turn is used by a View that loops through a list of items and for each item a RenderAction is called that outputs the specific partial view for that item. These partial views sometimes need to add stylesheets and scripts.

As there can be needed to add many different scripts and stylesheets from different partial views a global list for styles and scripts were the only way i thought this could be done so there is a global place to check if a script is allready added to the collection or not and then render them all at once in the order they were added.

Update 2:

The real question is how to do the same kind of function (a global list) but without using a static Extension method.

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Jul 27, 2010

How can I acces the subdomain from the razor syntax.forum.mysite.com ==> forumwww.mysite.com ==> www

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Get The Current User ID From SQL Statement Using Razor In WebMatrix?

Feb 19, 2011

I'm learning razor syntax, using the startersite in WebMatrix and trying to display some data from a table. I want to select only the data from the logged in user, so in effect want to say

...WHERE UserId =@WebSecurity.CurrentUserId";but that doesn't work.

Using the @0 method doesn't work for me either - I get an 'A parameter is missing. [ Parameter ordinal = 1 ]' error.

Do I have to set a variable then use the @0 / @1 / @whichever way? If so - what's wrong with this code?

//Is the user logged in?
WebSecurity.RequireAuthenticatedUser(); [code]...

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WebMatrix :: Accessing Object In Razor Page?

Oct 14, 2010

now if i want to iterate through the object it doesnt seems to work :

var myobject = new{param1 = "value1" , param2 = "value2" }
foreach(var i in myobject){

doesnt work.

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WebMatrix :: Razor Syntax - Separate Code From Markup

Aug 28, 2010

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Jul 29, 2010

When you do introduce intellisense and colorization to the razor editor, what about allowing the developer to choose the schema that it verifies against? If it could by default use a flavour of HTML, but optionally allow the dev to reference an arbitary XSD file (as supportted by the XML text editor). It could result in a very flexible experience that supports using ASP.Net MVC as a web service returning XML.

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Following this tutorial: [URL]

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2: ProcessFile.cshtml is running fine. I am getting the email but no attachement.

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Question: How exactly this file attachment works using Email Helper in WebPages.

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Oct 27, 2010

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add a shorter syntax to Razor. Something like @=Model.Greeting or @@Model.Greeting, or something else.

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Feb 14, 2011

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Full Trust Doesn't Seem To Work With WebMatrix Web.config File?

Mar 30, 2011

I've been told by my host that I need to enable FullTrust in my webmatrix website because I keep getting an error. (BUT, I have used a different host, and everything on my site works perfectly with them without modification). Anyway, I used the code my host suppllies in their KB, but that just generates a different error. So I looked up full trust on google and used about 5 different code samples to enable full trust but they all generate errors! even the ones on MSDN. And googling "Full Trust WebMatrix" doesn't really bring anything helpful either.

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Mar 5, 2011

It's simple to create both user control from the two world : ASP.NET+Razor or MVC 3.0.But i do not known how to consume the user control FROM the razor"_layout.chtml" page.I want to put such thing within the layout page: <uc:MyTag Prop1="" Prop2="" />So i need to declare this directive at top of the layout file : <%@ Register TagPrefix="uc" TagName="MyTag" Src="Controls/Mytag.ascx" %>

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How To Display HTML Layout Without Tables

Jan 19, 2010

What is the easiest why to display two buttons, one underneath the other, without using a table?

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