When Use Global.conString In Web Form Code Behind It Comes Up As Null

Jan 26, 2011

I have a Global.cs within my App_Code.

Here is the variable I have set:

static string _conString;
//Connection String
public static string conString
get { return _conString; }
set { _conString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["BreakersConnectionString"].ToString(); }

When I use Global.conString in my web form code behind it comes up as null.

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Similar Messages:

Why HttpContext.Current.Session Is Null In Global.asax

Nov 15, 2010

I'm using VS2010 and created a simple asp. web forms application, using Development Server to test it. I try to store user data - queried from sql server - in the session, since I don't want to access database in every request. I'm using the 'Application_AuthenticateRequest' and the 'Session_Start' methods.

First round:

AuthenticateRequest called. The following code ran:


The _current variable is a private static field published through a static property. In the first round the Session is null, and I think it's ok because the Session_Start not called yet. The Session_Start looks like this:

protected void Session_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["EMPLOYEE_DATA"] = EmployeeFactory.Current;

In the next round the Session_Start is not called of course but in the AuthenticateRequest I can't access to the session. The HttpContext.Current.Session is null and the this.Session reference throw a HttpException says the "Session state is not available in this context".

However I can access the Session from any of the page_load events but it's a bad practice I think that I put authentication every page_load.

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Web Forms :: How To Check Any Form Element Value In Global.asax

Oct 5, 2010

I am redirecting user from http to https if page is not secure from global.asax file in application_Begin event

But there are some pages in which i don't want to redirect to https page. I want to detect any form element which will tell me weather page should be secured or not. but when i check Requet.Form[_Viewstate] it gives me null value. Right now i check like Request.PhysicalPath.ToLower().IndexOf("test.aspx") ==-1 && !page.IsSecureConnection-> redirect to secure page but in future there will be more page which should be on http.

Is there any general way to redirect to https if page i added any hidden field on page "hfIsHttps=1" and detect that element if 1 then go other wise don't go Following is my code global.asax in application_Begin event


I want, instead of hard core check for perticular page there should be general way, like each page itself should tell weather it should be for http or https

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Architecture :: Redundant SQL Code To "set Up" My Code Behind. Can I Put It In The Global.asax?

Oct 14, 2010

I've moved away from using sqldatasources, and now I exeucte all my sql in my code behind. However, I'm looking to make my codebehind a little more cleaner/neater. For example, on one page, there are three stored procedures that must execute, and All three have these same 8 lines of code for each of my three stored procedures. How can I condense my code behind to not always have to add this...

SqlConnection conn = default(SqlConnection);
SqlCommand comm = default(SqlCommand);
SqlDataReader reader = default(SqlDataReader);
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["xyz"].ConnectionString;
conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
comm = new SqlCommand();
comm.Connection = conn;
comm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

View 10 Replies

C# - Code Works On Local Machine Only Not On Global?

Jan 16, 2011

I am having some trouble with an ASP.NET website I've set up and it's very difficult to debug.Background Information:There is a page on my website that allows the user to upload one or many Microsoft Word documents. The user can then press a button, and the code is supposed to open the document(s), count the words, and then return the number of words in a table.This works perfectly fine when I am in Visual Studio running the debugger, however when I try to do it over the web from another computer, I get an error.

String file = this.lstFileBox.Items[i].Text;
// MicrosoftWordOperations is a custom class
MicrosoftWordOperations wordOps = new MicrosoftWordOperations(file);
String contents = wordOps.GetContents();
int numWords = wordOps.CountWords(contents);

View 3 Replies

MVC :: Pattern URL Routing In Global.asax Code

Jul 15, 2010

Currently using asp.mvc in application. there is problem related to my URL. I have changed Routing respectively as per the mvc pattern URL. In Global.asax Code :

// Route name
// URL with parameters
new { controller =
"Home", action = "LogOn", ID =
UrlParameter.Optional, PRODUCT =
UrlParameter.Optional, CATEGORY =
// Parameter defaults );

In Grid, While click row of ProductDetails link URL will be : [url] When click on same thik i click on product Page link i am calling method "ProductDetails". Expected URL would be [url]

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Web Forms :: Global Asax.cs Code Is Not Executing?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a Global.Asax and Global.Asax.cs file that is specific to my particular Asp.net project. For some unknown reason the code in my Global.asax.cs file is not being executed. I thought that the breakpoints were being ignored, however that is not the case. Because if I try to deliberately force an error to occur, the code is never executed. Below is an example of what I am talking about. The real code in my Application_Start method is not shown below. ANd other methods are not shown as well.

I have tried renaming the Global.asax file and then re-creating it, and that did not work either. Strange because when I try and create a new Global.asax file, the option to create a code behind file is greyed out.

Why isn't my Global.Asax.cs code being executed?

private void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
int x = 1;
int y = 1;
int z=1/(x-y)

View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: Serializing An Array From Code Behind Of One Web Form To JavaScript Of Another Web Form

Feb 16, 2011

I have a web form where I create an array of type structure.

In this form I have:


but this is not OK.

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What Code Would Be Placed In The Application_start And The Session_start Events In Global.asax

Oct 31, 2010

what might be best suited to place in the Application_Start and Session_Start subroutines? I know when each subroutine is called. Application_Start when the first user first accesses the web application. Session_Start when a user opens a session with the application. But what code belongs in each of these subroutines. What should the code in each subroutine do?

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Web Forms :: Calling Global .asax Page Events From Code Behind (C#)

Apr 1, 2010

i wrote some code in application start event in global.asax page...

how to call that event in my every .cs page of my project.

View 5 Replies

How To Assign A Control Property Value From A Global Variable In Page Code

Aug 31, 2010

I have a control and list of variables and I want in the control property to be assigned to the variable value directly in the page not from the back code, something like this

My global variables

public string Banana = "banana_pie";
public string Apple = "apple_pie";

in my custom control instead of:

<uc:LoadPie id="pieBanana" type="banana_pie" />

To this

<uc:LoadPie id="pieBanana" type="<%=Banana %>" />

so is there a way or just assign the property in page back code.

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Visual Studio :: Global Name Change Of The Stored Procedures In The Code Behind?

Jan 28, 2010

i have a project that makes calls to SQL db stored procs. I wanted to do a global name change of the stored procedures in the code behind. now I am getting errors that controls on the pages are not defined in the code behind. I did not save the changes that were made.

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Web Forms :: Form Value Is NULL?

May 26, 2010

I am sending the resluts of my form via a function that calls a HTML template that inserts the values. I would like to include a if statement that checks to see if a form field is NULL and then inserts a "n/a" to place in the HTML template.

Here is the function that sends the form:


So in the above code the value of fname=john and the value of lname is blank, I want to anything that is blank with "n/a"

View 4 Replies

Visual Studio :: Debugging Global.asax Code In Integrated Mode?

Feb 21, 2011

migrating my ASP.NET project from IIS 6 to IIS 7.5 I came across an issue with the Managed Pipeline Mode set to 'Integrated'.I have a Global.asax file in my web root to initialize some objects, gather data etc., however I am not able to hit breakpoints in the associated code-behind file (VS 2008). The code is executing very well (as I can tell from Eventlog), but I want to step into all that initializing there and need to have the debugger attached properly.Everything is working as expected in Classic pipeline mode. Since I'd like to benefit from Integrated Mode features in the future I wonder if I have to give up the ability to debug my Application start and error events...

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C# - Form Control ID Is Null On Enumeration?

Apr 2, 2011

I have a simple ASP.Net page, and I am enumerating through the controls doing things to the controls via reflection (localising the page - but that is whole other can of managerial dictat type worms). So...I have a test page thus:

<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Master Pages/Root.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="refelectiontest.aspx.cs" Inherits="refelectiontest" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />


Now, if I just run this, it barfs with an object null exception. And if I step through the code, putting a breakpoint on the control.ID line, then indeed the ID is null. However, if I then expand the control object, the ID fills itself out and all is well.

It looks like the ID is only getting completed at the last moment - how can I ensure that I can get the ID without getting null? The same thing happens if I don't use the master page.

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Web Forms :: Call A Code Behind Function Form Html Source Code?

Mar 3, 2010

I want to call a function present in code behind from front page (html : source code)

i want to use like this:

Source code

<a href='<%# linkAlpha("B").ToString()) %>' title="B" id="B_List" runat = "server">B</a>

Code Behind

protected string linkAlpha(string value)
// /market-research/<%#Eval("customname")%>/
string str = "";
if (Request.Url.DnsSafeHost == "localhost")
{ // /market-reports/<%# Eval("customname")%>/
str = "Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
// Response.Redirect("Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim());
// str = "/market-reports/" + value.ToString().Trim() + "/";
str = "/Alpha_Category.aspx?q=" + value.ToString().Trim();
return str;

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State Management :: Make A Global Variable Counter That Adjust In Code In The Webforms?

Jun 23, 2010

Not sure if this was the forum to post under but here goes. I want to make a global variable counter that I can adjust in my code in the webforms. For example, I want to use the counter like so...


If anyone knows how to create this dynamic global variable or if anyone can tell me if its not possible,If it is not possible,

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Adds Null Form Key

Mar 1, 2010

I have a master page that loops through form keys looking for a specific key:


Problem, if I use an UpdatePanel on a page when this code is hit the last form key is null. If I don't use an update panel, all is good. Why does the UpdatePanel send a null form key in the list?

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C# - HttpWebRequest POST Adds A NULL Value To Form Variables

Jan 10, 2011

I am attempting to call a RESTful service using an HttpWebRequest object via POST. I am attempting to pass 1 variable with the Request body which contains a url encoded string. I see the request when it hits the server; however, it shows 2 form variables. The first is Form[null] and the second is my variable.I am attempting to locate the source of this NULL key; however, I cannot. Any ideas on how I may be able to remedy this since it's throwing issues when I attempt to use it with the Nancy web framework for .Net.


var request = WebRequest.Create("http://localhost:8888/RouteName") as HttpWebRequest;
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";[code]...

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Web Forms :: How To Web Form Is Adding /null/ To Query String

Jul 21, 2010

I am using IIS 7 and have URL rewrite turned on for a friendly URL.

The problem is that in side that pages repeater (right under the captcha) when I click on the images in there the page redirects to /null/ which then throws a 404 error. I have turned off url rewrite and removed all rules and that didnt solve the problem so I dont think its related to that.

I have also noticed that in my master page if I use <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

then the client side ajax fails to load, sys becomes undefined and that may be the problem here

I'm at a loss, this is the first time I have seen these problems occur.

View 7 Replies

Vb.net - How To Insert NULL Into Database If Form Field Is Empty

Jan 18, 2011

I have a form and stored procedure that inserts the data from the form. It works fine except that if a field isn't filled in it doesn't insert a NULL into sql it inserts "".

I've tried a few different ways but none seem to insert NULL, the one below still inserts "", can anyone point me in the right direction.

Here is the required part of the code, if you require more just let me know.


So if I enter nothing into address1 field it should write NULL to screen but it always writes NOT NULL.

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C# - DropDownList Items Null When Posting To Edit Form

Mar 5, 2011

So I have a page to edit employees.

Here is my view model:


I'm not sure why this is happening. The dropdown is loaded correctly when I navigate to the page, but not when the view is redisplayed.

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C# - Dictionary Lookup Efficiency & Request Scoped Global Variable Accessible By Global.asax And Pages/etc?

Feb 8, 2011

I know there is a couple answered questions on here regarding "request scoped" globals, but I want to nit-pick on something specifically and maybe squeeze some extra enlightenment out of one or two of you.I have an ASP.NET C# Website and a static Dictionary of objects (loaded from DB once on Application start). Each page request will need to do a lookup in the Dictionary (based on a key derived from the request url/etc) and get the appropriate object.The issue is I'm trying to maximize efficiency by reducing the lookups to the Dictionary per Request. Doing just a single lookup within a Page itself is easy enough and I can pass the object to sub controls, etc too.. but global.asax is separate from the Page and it also needs to use the object (in Application_BeginRequest and Session_Start).

So is doing a Dictionary lookup once in Application_BeginRequest, once (when necessary) in Session_Start and once in the Page negligible speed wise, even if there are many requests coming in every second?I would like it if I could just have a Request scoped global variable that I can easily call upon.. the only one I see available though is HttpContext.Current.Items and that is a Dictionary itself.Am I beingridiculously nit-picky with my concern over efficiency? or will these milliseconds (nanoseconds?) get me in the long run when more and more requests are being made?

PS. I currently only have around 100 objects in the Dictionary although this may increase in the future.

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Arams Page.Request.Form Is Null - Have Literal Control In My Masterpage

Jun 29, 2010

i have an odd thing with the Request.Params / Request.Form.i have a literal control in my masterpage.

So far pretty basic i thought. But to my suprise the geLocation turns out to be null. The control wasn't found...
when i then use a link from the dashboard page to another page which has the same masterpage, everything on that page seems to work fine.

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C# - Document.form[0] Is Null Or Not An Object Error When Hiding A Text Field

Apr 15, 2010

I am hiding a TextBoxin my aspx page like this: myField.visible=false; Now I have a DropDown as well which tries to access the TextBox on IndexChange. The problem is, it cant access the hiffen TextBox and I am getting document.form[0] is Null or Not an Object. How can I solve that? Is the some check for that in JavaScript?

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