I was wondering specifically about whether ItemCreated or ItemBound happens first but I can't seem to find any information on the order that ListView events fire. Can anyone point me to a resource for this information?
I'm trying to better understand the life cycle of an object in the .Net framework. My companies Intranet has some custom classes that were written by a vendor that I'm trying to make some modifications to. Specifically I want to set some variables & hashtables to null when use of the object is done. For now I have this in the dispose event.
Is there any info you can point to that would be good reading on the life cycle of an object in the .Net framework? I.e. what order do the events fire in? OnInit, Initialize, finalize Dispose, etc. I have the ASP.net page lifecycle but I'm not looking for that.
I have a usercontrol with listview control nested inside an UpdatePanel and Panel. Below is the layout:UserControl :: Panel1 -> UpdatePanel -> Panel2 -> ListViewUpdateMode is set to conditional. Panel2's visibility is initially set to false.In the containing page, I load the usercontrol and bind the ListView, turn on the panel2 and call the update method of the updatepanel (since action is initiated by an external button and not a child of updatepanel) which displays the rows successfully. However, none of the edit, select or delete actions execute the intended way. When I click any of those buttons, I can see the UpdateProgress fine but the events seem to be not firing at all. Execution hits the PageLoad but not into any of those event handlers likeItemEditing, SelectedIndexChanging etc.
In C# I need to connect to a database. How do I find out the username and password to use for that database? I know that sometimes the "sa" username can be used. I don't know how to find the password though. I am working on a contract and no DBA, and the developer left for a different job.
I've got a listview and I've put a button control in one of the columns, I'm trying to figure out how I have listen to the button click within a certain row, but can't see the button in the dropdown for the IDs I can generate events for.I'd like to get the primary key of the row that's been clicked on and then run a sql statement against it.
1) I know there are lots of web sites that describe in what order events are called during the Asp.Net page life-cycle. But is there also a tool, perhaps Reflector, that would enable me to figure out by myself in what order are ALL the page's events and their event handlers called during the page's life cycle? 2) Would you say that trying to figure out exactly what is going on under the hood is a good idea or a waste of time? To clarify - I'd like to figure out exactly what is going on when a control tree is build - thus all the method calls, all the events called etc needed for control tree to be build ( I imagine there are hundreds or perhaps thousands lines of code written just for building a control tree).
I know to code to a specific event, you'll have to select the control and select the event in the event button with an image of a lightning bolt near the properties window, but I cant seem to find the event list for the web page..like the pre render, load..etc.
I have a nested listview (orders with products)I want to add functions to update products and option to add new products update func works fine. wheni try to insert new record, itemcommand and iteminserting events are not firing. Im registering dynamic script using the below code
imgPicker.Attributes.Add("onclick", "LoadLookupScreen(" + clientIDs + ")");without the above code, itemcommand event works fine. when i add this script register itemcommand event was not firing
I have a ListView control on a page that I need to support inline editing and inserting. Before I put it inside an update panel, everything was fine. As soon as I put it in an update panel, I seem to lose theOnItemUpdating, OnItemCanceling events. The OnItemEding event still fires, though.I am doing all updating, inserting manually.
When the user clicks the edit button I want to pass the unique identifier from the item in the list to the parameter string so I can retrieve it in the edit page. how to retrieve the ID from the selected item?
I have a Listview that houses a FileUpload control. However, after using findcontrol the next line of code tries to convert the filename into a string and produces the familar error object reference not found.
Note: I have used identical code in a formview and it works fine.
I am using a list view inside that in item template i am using a label and a checkbox.I want that whenever user clicks on the check box the value should be updated in a table.i am using a datakeys in listview.on the basis of datakey value should be updated in the table. Query is:string updateQuery = "UPDATE [TABLE] SET [COLUMN] = " + Convert.ToInt32(chk.Checked) + " WHERE PK_ID =" + dataKey + " ";` also i want some help in displaying the result as it is inside the table.means if the value for column in table for a particular pkid is 1 then the checkbox shoul be checked.Here is the code snippet:
I'm using a listview control to do a survey stuff. Everything is working perfect to present the data questions, to be answered text with the different type of controls radiobuttonlists, checkboxlists, dropdownlists, etc. The admin can modify, create, change questions, answers, etc. on the survey.When it's select, edit, or insert it's easy to find the control inside a listview.However, I'm wondering how to post user's answers back to DB. How to find controls inside the listview to grab the entered data/responses from there using let's say the submit button that is outside of the listview.I believe there should be a way to do it as otherwise why we put radiobuttonlist on a listview that somebody could click it and then we should be able to get that entries. Or I'm too optimistic on this control?
I have a page where I use the ListView and DataPager.My listview is populated as a table where each row has a bit data a dropdownlist with some values and a link button. Now I am trying to pick out the selected value from dropdown list when I kick on my linkbutton. As long as I'm on page one, everything is woriking fine. But if I go to page three then I can not pick out the value I selected in the dropdownlist. I have tried to add a textbox in the listview and then I am able to get the value out I typed into the textbox independent which side I'm on.
Why can I pick out the value from textbox but not the selected value in dropownlist?
I want to pass the checked checkboxes value of my listview control to a second page so I can display the listview in this second page with only those selected records
this is what I am have so far , but dont really know how to get it to work the desire way.. Code is working but I am afraid that chekcbox and listview values for my loop are not correct
Now, what i want is that , when a user select something from any dropdownlist , a fuction should be called in which I can get column and row of that dropdownlist.
I can get the dropdownlist's id in that function along with row and column of dropdownlist.
I have a dropdown list within a listview 'EditItemTemplate' and 'InsertItemTemplate" which I am trying to populate from the database with code behind with ItetmDataBound event. Problem is I am getting NullException when I use this code which works fine for ItemTemplate.
I have some controls that are inside a ListView The ListView is inside a View1 The View1 is inside a MultiView1 (You could make a song out of it) How do I find e.g. a Label control inside the ListView. This line of code worked fine until I threw the ListView inside the MultiView
i have a listview. The listview contains a usercontrol with ID="ucEquationBuilder1" which is added only! in the SelectedItemTemplate.I've came along some post which stated you can't find the control in the SelectedItemTemplate unless it is also in the the ItemTemplate.
To me this sounded ridiculous. Untill i ran some tests, and indeed i was able to find all other controls (TextBox's Labels) which where both inside the itemtemplate and the selecteditem template.
To me this is quite frustrating. Is there a way to retrieve the control which is only inside the SelectedItemTemplate without adding it to the itemtemplate?